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blaen99 04-12-2012 02:13 PM

Holy ------- ----, I've lost more faith in people as a whole.

Apparently, a surprisingly large number of people think that not only was Climategate a real scandal, but everything that agencies such as Fox News claimed about it originally were true.


(Edit) Best part: The best debunking of the supposed Climategate scandal came from a Koch-brothers funded study. I mean, come on.

Braineack 04-12-2012 02:16 PM

there are also people that believe in manbearpig.

Vashthestampede 04-12-2012 02:23 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Shearhead_3:16 (Post 863332)
Don't get pissy, you know what I meant.

No, you don't understand. I've literally seen people I know sit around and opt out of working for a living, yet they know how to work to keep themselves getting that check.

One of my best friends growing up went down this path right in front of my eyes. Its one of the reasons I'm so against the ----. I don't read a quarter of what you guys do online, nor watch the news that much. I see it going on with my own eyes.





blaen99 04-12-2012 02:24 PM

We've covered U6 a few pages ago in this very thread, Vashington.

Obama's U6 is better than when he came into office already.

Braineack 04-12-2012 03:19 PM


blaen99 04-12-2012 03:21 PM

:bowrofl: Brainy, you are my hero for today for posting that rant.

I laughed my ass off. What the hell is that guy smoking?

Vashthestampede 04-12-2012 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 863349)
We've covered U6 a few pages ago in this very thread, Vashington.

Obama's U6 is better than when he came into office already.

Yeah, I'm sure 90% of what could be said from either side has already been said. I cant keep up with this thread.

All I know is if you make it harder for businesses to keep the doors open, there will be less work. Less work means more unemployed, government dependants. Well hey, at least you know you'll have their votes if anything else.

blaen99 04-12-2012 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 863398)
Yeah, I'm sure 90% of what could be said from either side has already been said. I cant keep up with this thread.

All I know is if you make it harder for businesses to keep the doors open, there will be less work. Less work means more unemployed, government dependants. Well hey, at least you know you'll have their votes if anything else.

Amusingly, you paraphrased my statements about the recession in the U6 discussion.

Roughly, "The best thing the gov't can do to fix a recession is get out of the way."

gearhead_318 04-12-2012 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 863343)
there are also people that believe in manbearpig.

or god

I don't mean to say that people don't abuse the system. I know they do and I'm extremely against it. I believe people on welfare should have to show that they are in some way contributing to society, preferably in a way that makes a job sound better then a monthly check. The question is how do you help those who really do need it, and tell everyone else to ---- off?

On a related note, when my dad was a copper he quickly noticed that in the poorer neighborhoods crime would go up at the beginning or end of the month, whenever people got their welfare check. They went and bought booze.
When I worked at a pizza place there where more orders in the poorer neighborhoods around the same time. These people do not tip, regardless of race.

jared8783 04-12-2012 04:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Scrappy Jack 04-12-2012 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 863430)
IMG]https://www.miataturbo.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40117&dateline=1334263 382[/IMG]

I won't lie: that was pretty funny.

blaen99 04-12-2012 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 863493)
I won't lie: that was pretty funny.

I agree. It baffles me why the ---- a particular person negged him though - so I gave Jared the first props I've given him on the politics forum!

Grats Jared!

jared8783 04-12-2012 08:18 PM

Why thank you good sirs

Braineack 04-13-2012 10:26 AM



L.A. council moves ahead on ban of paper and plastic bags
The L.A. City Council will consider a committee's recommendation that paper and plastic bags be banned in phases from supermarket checkout lines.


Influenced by out-of-touch environmentalists, the Los Angeles City Council committee moved forward last week with plans to phase out and ultimately ban paper and plastic bags in Los Angeles.

Environmentalists would like similar legislation to pass across the nation, completely oblivious to the fact that such legislation would not only inconvenience many consumers and shoppers but kill jobs. In Los Angeles alone, 2,000 people are employed by companies that make bags, and if bags are banned, these workers would be out of jobs and the health insurance benefits that accompany them.

This week, those in the bag manufacturing industry took to the airwaves to highlight the detrimental effect such legislation would have not only on the economy but the very environment the radical environmentalists purportedly want to preserve.

Stan Bikulege, CEO of bag producer Hilex, appeared this week on Hannity to offer an update on the pending LA ban and similar bans that are being proposed throughout the country:

BIKULEGE: We have 1250 jobs here in the United States-10 plants. And we spend all of our time focused on working against the government who is trying to ban us out of existence.

HANNITY: So you have to spend all this money to protect those jobs that you have, just to stay in business?

BIKULEGE: Oh, absolutely. We've spent so much money. We could have built more recycling plants, which we actually take garbage, turn it back into plastics and put it back into products. We could be rebuilding those and creating jobs. Instead, we're spending our time fighting against legislation that's going to take American jobs out of this country."

Environmentalists believe that legislation that bans paper and plastic bags will force people to use reusable bags; however, as The Washington Post discovered after the nation’s capital instituted a fee for paper and plastic bags, reusable bags are often breeding grounds for bacteria that can be harmful to people’s health.

So while environmentalists think they are doing everyone a favor by banning bags, they are essentially unleashing a host of unintended consequences not limited to more unemployment, less recycling facilities, and potential contamination of the food put in bacteria-laden reusable grocery bags.

Vashthestampede 04-13-2012 10:55 AM


Yeah, lets just ban bags, rather than figure out a economical solution to reuse them. We could actually be creating jobs AND helping keep the waste down, but they'd rather just ban them.

These morons need someone to hold their head back and mouth open so I can dip my sack all over their face for being so stupid.

Joe Perez 04-13-2012 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 863810)
Yeah, lets just ban bags, rather than figure out a economical solution to reuse them.

Seems like a reasonable solution to me.

Seriously- the first time I went through the checkout line at a German supermarket it was kind of a surprise, but they simply don't have the concept of providing disposable bags to the customers there. You're expected to bring your own.

The system seems to work pretty well for them.

fooger03 04-13-2012 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 864065)
Seems like a reasonable solution to me.

Seriously- the first time I went through the checkout line at a German supermarket it was kind of a surprise, but they simply don't have the concept of providing disposable bags to the customers there. You're expected to bring your own.

The system seems to work pretty well for them.

I wonder what would happen if you put a grocery which provides disposable bags next to a grocery which does not...

blaen99 04-13-2012 09:41 PM

Banning plastic bags...eh, iffy, but well enough.

Banning paper....Y U GO FULL RETARD L.A.?!?

blaen99 04-14-2012 12:58 AM


This is dedicated to you, Brainy.

Much <3 bro.

viperormiata 04-14-2012 01:32 AM

? Brain is an atheist. In fact, I'm sure the majority of MT are agnostic/atheist.

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