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fooger03 03-08-2012 07:08 PM

You're a vag. You earn too much money - let me take some of that off your hands. I am the 100% that wants more.

Braineack 03-09-2012 09:43 AM

Braineack 03-09-2012 03:15 PM

blaen99 03-09-2012 11:53 PM

@Brainy: Ran into several more astroturfers being exposed today. Much of what they were spouting is what was in that Breitbart video. There's a certain point of...common courtesy? Basic ------- common sense? that is being crossed when people are being paid and making a professional career out of basically being trolls to advocate a particular political stance.

:facepalm: It's a mountain out of a molehill again, likely with no real new additions. I laughed my ass off pretty hard when the anchor called him out on completely distorting and/or lying outright about critical race theory.

P.S. Even for a second, anyone trying to claim critical race theory is just a white supremecy thing is an idiot or a liar.

gearhead_318 03-10-2012 12:11 AM


So a Professor of Obama had a possibly wacky theory at the towards the end of his life when he was no longer a Professor of Obama?

blaen99 03-10-2012 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 846117)

So a Professor of Obama had a possibly wacky theory at the towards the end of his life when he was no longer a Professor of Obama?

It's not even wacky or far out, Gearhead. It's common sense.


This is actually markedly better than Wikipedia in explaining what it is - Wikipedia's article is terrible on it.

P.P.S. Not really Brainy, I know you are smarter than that, but it's such a great opportunity to tease you.

blaen99 03-10-2012 11:45 AM


Uh oh.

Braineack 03-10-2012 11:58 AM

Well it's a good thing one of our Supreme Court Justices has done a lot of research on the topic, maybe this outline of critical race theory (CRT) will clear things up?

Still some things can be said to define and describe the movement as a whole. Most generally, what critical race theorists ask about is how legal doctrine -- legal doctrine of all sorts, ranging from constitutional law to labor law, from criminal procedure to civil procedure -- reflects and perpetuates racial subordination in America. What most critical race theorists believe is that law, in a variety of ways, works to maintain the subordination of members of minority groups. And what most critical race theorists believe is that the achievement of racial justice in this country, if possible at all, will require not merely the more even-handed application of current laws -- that will do less than nothing - but a root and branch transformation of the legal system.

Pervasiveness of racism: First, CRT takes as a given -- as its first premise -- that racism infects every aspect of American law and American life. That racism is deep and pervasive -- some would go so far as to say inevitable and permanent.

"Neutral" law as mechanism of racial subordination: Second, CRT attempts to show that the claims of the legal system to neutrality, to impartiality, and to objectivity are false claims. CRT attempts to show that the law -- even when it seems neutral and even-handed -- in fact works in the interest of dominant groups in American society and particularly in the interest of dominant racial groups. CRT attempts to show that the so-called "logic of the law," that so-called "neutral principles" are a sort of cover for a deeply ingrained system of racial domination.

Critical of civil rights strategies: Third, CRT generally is extremely critical of the activity -- the strategy and even the goals -- of the traditional civil rights movement. The thinking here is that the traditional civil rights movement believed that all that needed to be done was to make the laws neutral-- to end legal segregation in the schools, for example -- in order to achieve racial equality in America. But such reforms, critical race theorists say, were ineffectual, and necessarily so -- because they ignored the way even neutral laws could effect racial subordination. In addition, it might be said that critical race theorists see the civil rights movement as too "reformist," too "gradualist," not sufficiently committed to the broad-scale social transformations necessary to achieve racial equality.

Insistence on incorporation of minority perspectives and use of stories: Fourth, and relatedly, critical race theory insists that the law --legal doctrines of all sorts -- be reformulated, fundamentally altered, to reflect and incorporate the perspectives and experiences of so-called "outsider groups," who have known racism and racial subordination at first hand. Critical race theorists often write not in traditional, lawyerly terms, but with parables, and stories, and dialogues. The thinking is that these techniques can better demonstrate the actual experiences of members of minority group -- experiences which should be accepted by and incorporated in the law. In addition, the decision to spurn traditional techniques of legal argument reflects the belief that these apparently neutral techniques are not neutral at all -- that they have been the means of promoting not some objective system of truth and justice, but instead a system based on racial power.
and even uses Bell as an example:

Derrick Bell as examplar: Now Derrick Bell's writing illustrates each of these four aspects of critical race theory. He believes that racism is a pervasive-- and a permanent --aspect of American society. Read 1. He believes that the legal system is a means of promoting a system of racial subordination--even, or perhaps especially, when it makes claims to objectivity and neutrality. Read 2. He is deeply critical of the strategies and goals of the traditional civil rights movement--of which he used to be a part. And he insists that law must take into account the experiences of minorities, which he attempts to explicate through dialogues and stories.
sound like a race-obsessed and radical theory to me. When you read the two points of how she summarized Bell's own thoughts, it mirrors exactly Pollack said.

"holds civil rights laws are ineffective, that racial equality is impossible because the legal system in American is white supremacist."

considering white people were/are in power, using the term white-supremacy is completely valid.

Braineack 03-10-2012 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 846196)

good thing we are a republic.

blaen99 03-10-2012 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 846197)
Well it's a good thing one of our Supreme Court Justices has done a lot of research on the topic, maybe this outline of critical race theory (CRT) will clear things up?

and even uses Bell as an example:

sound like a race-obsessed and radical theory to me. When you read the two points of how she summarized Bell's own thoughts, it mirrors exactly Pollack said.

"holds civil rights laws are ineffective, that racial equality is impossible because the legal system in American is white supremacist."

considering white people were/are in power, using the term white-supremacy is completely valid.

You have the general idea of it correct, except for one notable exception there Brainy.

It's actually "dominant race in the system". So, while it's not untrue that it looks at white supremacy, it could also equally look at black supremacy, or yellow supremacy, or ----------ing plaid supremacy. It depends on the majority race.

It's pretty much common sense, I see little for it to be so "controversial". "OMG, RACE IS A FACTOR IN OUR LEGAL SYSTEM, IT'S A BLACK PLOT TO OVERTHROW ALL OF US!!!!!" isn't exactly a valid criticism of it.

I will grant you there is a lot of valid and good criticism on CRT (I personally think a lot of it is full of crap), but the guy from Breitbart was doing nothing but spreading FUD, and frankly I think he knew he was at least significantly distorting it based on his reaction.


olderguy 03-10-2012 01:12 PM

I used to use a CRT, now I've gone with a flatscreen:giggle:

jared8783 03-11-2012 10:41 AM

I use two crt's

and check this out
it is pretty funny

blaen99 03-11-2012 12:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Uh oh!

jared8783 03-11-2012 04:39 PM

while i dont like romney
i must say i agree with number seven

if someone provides a poor service we better be able to fire them

viperormiata 03-12-2012 02:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)

fooger03 03-12-2012 07:31 AM

that BOTR video makes me want to punch my computer in the sperm-cup because it starts automatically. Had it in another tab and my computer started randomly talking. Only other time I had a computer play random soundclips was because of a rootkit virus.

Scrappy Jack 03-12-2012 10:54 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 846857)
that BOTR video makes me want to punch my computer in the sperm-cup because it starts automatically.


Global Rebalancing, courtesy of Bridgewater:

Braineack 03-12-2012 02:15 PM

something else I agree with ocucpy on:


jared8783 03-12-2012 03:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)

blaen99 03-12-2012 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 847032)
something else I agree with ocucpy on:


:rofl: That's full of win, Brainy.

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