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blaen99 02-27-2012 05:04 PM

Food stamps? Government subsidies?

I'd be surprised if at least one person didn't find something in it worth arguing over.

mgeoffriau 02-27-2012 05:30 PM

Meh. A long article explaining how real food is actually cheaper than fake food, and is available to the vast majority of Americans, ended with the conclusion that we need to make real food cheaper and more available. :facepalm:

Not so much controversial as poorly argued.

blaen99 02-27-2012 05:34 PM

Okay, fine then.


Try this on for size.

Scrappy Jack 02-28-2012 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 840633)
So, saying he'd throw up isn't close enough to sickened for your taste mang?

He said the idea that "only people of nonfaith" being allowed in "the public square" (whatever that means) made him want to throw up. His argument seems to be that politicians are supposed to be strictly secular or build some sort of firewall between their religion and their politics.

I am not sure where he got that from, exactly, but that - to me - is different from saying he was "sickened that Kennedy said he would not impose his Catholic faith on Baptists."

blaen99 02-28-2012 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 840904)
He said the idea that "only people of nonfaith" being allowed in "the public square" (whatever that means) made him want to throw up. His argument seems to be that politicians are supposed to be strictly secular or build some sort of firewall between their religion and their politics.

I am not sure where he got that from, exactly, but that - to me - is different from saying he was "sickened that Kennedy said he would not impose his Catholic faith on Baptists."

Read both articles, add context, win.

Frankly, I think the quote is accurate, although Santorum didn't exactly mean what he said.

I.e. Reporter: "What do you think about Kennedy's quote of..."
Santorum "The seperation of church and state makes me want to throw up!"

Get what I mean?

Braineack 02-28-2012 10:09 AM

Joe DiSano is a Democratic strategist from Michigan who is urging Democrats to vote for Rick Santorum. On Monday, he announced that he had a list of 12,000 names ready for robocalls and mass emails on Monday and Tuesday. The 30-second robocall is featured here.

“Democrats can help embarrass Mitt Romney and expose him as the weak front-runner that he is by supporting Rick Santorum on Tuesday,” DiSano said in the robo-call, revealing its intent. Fittingly, the robocall encouraged Michiganders not to waste their vote on Ron Paul, the candidate whose electability has rested on his appeal to Democrats and Independents.

DiSano’s hope is that Michigan, with its open primary, might see an uptick in the numbers of Democrats and Independent churning out. He counts between 8,000 to 9,000 Democrats ready to vote for Santorum in what is turning out to be a very close primary. He hopes his fellow Democrats in the Great Lakes State have a hankering for mischief and has considered voting Santorum to dim Romney’s election hopes in what some are calling “Operation Hilarity.”

There’s just one problem with this Operation Hilarity. The joke might be lost on those seeking their fun. After all, Santorum’s more than happy to have Democrats cross the party lines to cast a ballot for him as a recent robocall from the Santorum campaign makes clear.

blaen99 02-28-2012 10:10 AM

Wow, so Dems are finally doing what Republicans have been doing for years?

We're fucked this election, it's going to get nasty.

Scrappy Jack 02-28-2012 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 840909)
Read both articles, add context, win.

Frankly, I think the quote is accurate, although Santorum didn't exactly mean what he said.

I skimmed several articles and had a hard time finding a transcript rather than paraphrasing with a few quotes sprinkled in, most of which were editorial or commentary pieces.

I would argue that Santorum didn't exactly mean what you said and you (/the angry left / angry secularists / hyperventilating bloggers) are projecting excess malice where there is none.

Find me a transcript to speed-read and I may change my mind.

blaen99 02-28-2012 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 840927)
I skimmed several articles and had a hard time finding a transcript rather than paraphrasing with a few quotes sprinkled in, most of which were editorial or commentary pieces.

I would argue that Santorum didn't exactly mean what you said and you (/the angry left / angry secularists / hyperventilating bloggers) are projecting excess malice where there is none.

Find me a transcript to speed-read and I may change my mind.

Scrappy, are you trying to imply I'm an angry leftist? Or an angry secularist? Or a hyperventilating blogger? Hell, are you trying to accuse me of being leftist? Or are you merely trying to lump me in with that crowd?

:drama: This is going to be good.

You are attacking a quote I took verbatim from an article Gearhead linked and are apparently trying to say I created it wholesale out of cloth. I don't think you are quite up to your normal standards of argument here.

mgeoffriau 02-28-2012 11:20 AM

Why oh why do we all keep trying to put words into blaen's mouth?!?!

blaen99 02-28-2012 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 840927)
I would argue that Santorum didn't exactly mean what you said and you (/the angry left / angry secularists / hyperventilating bloggers) are projecting excess malice where there is none.

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 840939)
Why oh why do we all keep trying to put words into blaen's mouth?!?!

Yes, Mg, I'm sorry for having the reading and comprehension skills of a 2nd grader. Maybe that education level is too high for you?

samnavy 02-28-2012 11:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)

mgeoffriau 02-28-2012 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 840940)
Yes, Mg, I'm sorry for having the reading and comprehension skills of a 2nd grader. Maybe that education level is too high for you?

I'm on your side! I'm confounded why nobody seems to understand what you are saying. It's so utterly clear.

blaen99 02-28-2012 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 840944)
I'm on your side! I'm confounded why nobody seems to understand what you are saying. It's so utterly clear.

Yes, I mean, what's so unclear about quoting an article?!? It's like it's impossibly hard to understand, even when quotes are used! AH MAH GAWD, RIGHT?!?

In all seriousness, dude, you've put words in even Joe Perez's mouth. I don't think the problem is me if you can manage to do that to someone like Joe.

mgeoffriau 02-28-2012 11:45 AM

The problem is DEFINITELY not you.

blaen99 02-28-2012 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 840948)
The problem is DEFINITELY not you.

Again, Joe Perez. I may not be the best person at articulating my arguments, but Joe is thoroughly excellent at it.

mgeoffriau 02-28-2012 11:55 AM

I'm agreeing with you! My only purpose here is to push partisan GOP talking points and, as often as possible, misunderstand other participants and try to attribute straw-man arguments to them. Totally busted, thank you for the revelation.

blaen99 02-28-2012 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 840956)
I'm agreeing with you! My only purpose here is to push partisan GOP talking points and, as often as possible, misunderstand other participants and try to attribute straw-man arguments to them. Totally busted, thank you for the revelation.

Heh. Butthurt over that thread you started, eh Mg? I'd be much more prone to believing it is due to my articulation if you didn't pull that crap on Joe Perez, Mg. Joe Perez is, at least in my estimation, one of the best people at articulating his arguments on this forum. Granted, you are doing your standard crap since you are in an unfavorable place, but hey.

mgeoffriau 02-28-2012 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 840957)
since you are in an unfavorable place, but hey.

You mean like the back of a Volkswagen?

Crap, I messed up that joke.

mgeoffriau 02-28-2012 12:18 PM

Back on topic!

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