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Vashthestampede 02-20-2012 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 837201)
Can you say police state?

fbi seeking developers for app to monitor facebook and twitter


Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 837259)
and dont forget about this

This kind of technology doesn't really bother me in our overall, current situation, other than the tax dollars they'll be using to do all of it. Its ------- insane. This country just loves to spend money that it doesn't have. Its teaching the people a bad lesson is what its doing. Living beyond our means.

30k drones is ridiculous. Sure if they want to try something new and put one in each state or major city, go ahead. Fagbook monitoring apps? So what? I'm not one of those daily updated girls that say EVERYTHING they could possibly get out.

I have nothing to hide and I really don't think I'd give any reason to be watched, however, I feel this is not why this is all slowly happening. I feel its for a much more serious reason than "monitoring the bad guys".

But I wont get into that. This thread is already on massive overload.

blaen99 02-20-2012 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 837373)
The skit is fabricated and not original to A&C.

Here is some interesting reading: http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm

:dunno: The current metrics have been in use since at least Clinton based on that, and the origins of them come from at least Reagan.

Trying to ridicule Obama over metrics established in the Clinton and Bush administrations derived from metrics that have origins in Reagan or earlier seems a bit iffy to me.

JayL 02-20-2012 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 837201)

So funny...

jared8783 02-20-2012 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 837376)
Fagbook monitoring apps? So what? I'm not one of those daily updated girls that say EVERYTHING they could possibly get out.I have nothing to hide and I really don't think I'd give any reason to be watched...

i agree with the nothing to hide part
i just feel that the government has no place stickin their nose there
after that is the purpose of the fourth amendment
of course they wouldn't violate that if facebook decides to cooperate

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 837376)
...however, I feel this is not why this is all slowly happening. I feel its for a much more serious reason than "monitoring the bad guys".

But I wont get into that. This thread is already on massive overload.

thats why i posted this

i have heard several sources over the years talking about a police state comin to the US
i can actually see it now

jared8783 02-20-2012 03:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I saw this pic and could not stop laughing
if you are aware of how facebook's cookies work then you will understand why this pic makes so much sense


jared8783 02-20-2012 06:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)

blaen99 02-20-2012 06:09 PM

During the Garfield-Hancock campaign of 1880, he [Calvin Coolidge] asked his father for a penny to buy candy. John Coolidge refused, explaining that if the Democrats should be elected, hard times could be expected. After Garfield won, Calvin reminded his father that the Republicans had stayed in power. He got the penny.
Not much has changed for Republican rhetoric I see, Jared. :bowrofl:

jared8783 02-20-2012 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 837360)
This seriously is making me start to lose faith in the US political system.

just now starting too?
u got ALOT of catching up to do :giggle:

blaen99 02-21-2012 10:42 AM


You guys don't want a police state? Well, I hate to break it to you, but Santorum is leading the charge for a police state.

Santorum's full on scary. He's virtually quoting things from fascist propaganda verbatim now.

Braineack 02-21-2012 11:09 AM

common good = socialist.


his name fits the slang term.

blaen99 02-21-2012 11:22 AM

Ugh Brainy, this whole election blows.

Gingrich is giving almost as big of whoppers as Santorum, we've got an Obama clone in Romney, and Paul's the only good candidate D or R.

And yet, looking at election results, it's pretty clear that the Republican machine is full-on anti-Paul (See earlier discussions about Kochs, Republican high-ups, etc. being against him), which sucks for us.

Seriously, my jaw ------- dropped when I found out Paul had not been allocated a single delegate from Iowa. Not a single delegate.

Braineack 02-21-2012 11:48 AM

Of course republicans hate paul, he's a real conservative.

mgeoffriau 02-21-2012 12:22 PM


I sure hope there's a good explanation for this.


Scrappy Jack 02-21-2012 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 837372)
Too much to post to be frank, it's...bad

To the point of at least one poster admits they are employed by him and still proceeds with the derp.

I may try to find time to read the whole article, but if that's the worst example, I am unmoved. Frankly, if someone talked crap about the company or the CEO (or our executives in general), I would be the first to "stand up" for them.

I was expecting something more like a bunch of trolls from the WSJ/NYT comments sections being exposed as employees of various interest groups. I am making the distinction between voluntary disclosure of their company affiliation and pretending to just be another "Joe Shmoe" commenting on an article.

blaen99 02-21-2012 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 837923)
I may try to find time to read the whole article, but if that's the worst example, I am unmoved. Frankly, if someone talked crap about the company or the CEO (or our executives in general), I would be the first to "stand up" for them.

I was expecting something more like a bunch of trolls from the WSJ/NYT comments sections being exposed as employees of various interest groups. I am making the distinction between voluntary disclosure of their company affiliation and pretending to just be another "Joe Shmoe" commenting on an article.

In at least one case, the exposure was involuntary.

But yes, the WSJ/NYT/etc. articles are full of astroturfers too. It's ------- disgusting. Even Slashdot (SLASHDOT!) and Fark are known to have paid professional astroturfers, which is mindboggling.

Hell, an astroturfer was caught on Wikipedia abusing fracking webcomic edits recently. It's nuts.

Braineack 02-21-2012 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 837901)

I sure hope there's a good explanation for this.


why would his credit card statements show reibursments?

Braineack 02-21-2012 02:51 PM

Remember, MI schools are #1 in the U.S.

blaen99 02-21-2012 03:03 PM



Yeah, the "climate warming is a myth" morons need to take a long walk off of a short pier.


:drama: Yeah, this is getting entertaining.

jared8783 02-21-2012 04:42 PM

im no expert on "global warming" by any means
but to say "It is all our fault" is a bunch of BS in my eyes

after all we had once a big ice age
and a little ice age from 1500-1800

i mean c'mon
im not saying that we aren't contributing
like i said im no expert

but what i just said shows that earth warms up and cools down all by itself
seeing as how we have never really been able to study it before
and this is not a controlled experiment
and there are politics involved

i cant take this sort of thing seriously

especially since this can clearly be used as an excuse for a carbon tax
something which has been discussed world wide

fooger03 02-21-2012 05:19 PM

Bailout for greece!!

To the tune of something like $280 billion - by the EU and IMF.

Legal terms of the bailout: 1 out of 5 government employees must be fired. Federal minimum wage must be decreased by 20%.

Someone in either the EU or IMF is a ------- genious... Slash government employment AND minimum wage, why didn't WE think of that?

Oh, nevermind. We're too damn retarded to accept a lower wage represented by a lower number.

Holy ----, i've got it! - the quicker our money is inflated, the lower our real wages become. If only we could do it without increasing minimum wage!! Greenspan, start printin' them dollar bills!!

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