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viperormiata 02-03-2012 10:49 AM

Well he has my vote!

icantthink4155 02-03-2012 12:22 PM

Maybe this is a stupid question.

Obama is the default democratic nominee unless someone runs against him right?

Why isnt anyone running?

Braineack 02-03-2012 12:24 PM

first off, you simple dont run against an incumbent.

second, you wont be on the ballot for your party.

third, you wont win.

Braineack 02-03-2012 03:03 PM

7 laws Congress is specifically exempt from:
  1. The Freedom of Information Act.
  2. Investigatory subpoenas to obtain information for safety and health probes.
  3. Protections against retaliation for whistleblowers.
  4. Having to post notices of worker rights in offices.
  5. Prosecution for retaliating against employees who report safety and health hazards.
  6. Having to train employees about workplace rights and legal remedies.
  7. Record-keeping requirements for workplace injuries and illnesses.

gearhead_318 02-03-2012 10:44 PM

So what do y'all think about the situation with Iran? Who thinks we're going to have military action?

blaen99 02-03-2012 10:49 PM

lol@Brainy's post. It both explains so much about Congress and yet in a single post elaborates what is so wrong with what Congress does.

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 830587)
So what do y'all think about the situation with Iran? Who thinks we're going to have military action?

Frankly, I think the only reason Iran is pursuing what it is is because we keep beating the war drums about it.

Or, in other words, we are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of which the only "Cure" is for us to invade.

gearhead_318 02-03-2012 10:56 PM

What do you think about Iran having nuclear weapons? Should we allow this to happen?

Should we support Israel if they choose to attack Iran?

I think the Pres is much less likely to a confect then the previous Pres, but that doesn't mean it is absolutely not going to happen.

blaen99 02-03-2012 11:16 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 830591)
What do you think about Iran having nuclear weapons? Should we allow this to happen?

Should we support Israel if they choose to attack Iran?

I think the Pres is much less likely to a confect then the previous Pres, but that doesn't mean it is absolutely not going to happen.

Wut@Last sentence.

As for the rest: Has Iran signed any treaties, made any laws, or otherwise made any agreements forbidding them nuclear weapons?

Because that's the reality. We're putting Iran in a situation where they have to have nuclear weapons. Iran has, and correct me if I'm wrong, has no legal obligations against them getting nuclear weapons.

Seriously, it's full of stupid. We put Iran in a situation where they have to get nuclear weapons, and yet at the same time we bitch about them getting nuclear weapons and want to use them as a pretext to declare war? Lolwut?

gearhead_318 02-03-2012 11:44 PM

Why does Iran need nuclear weapons.
I don't know of any law or agreement saying Iran can or can not have nukes.
I don't think anyone wants to use Iran's development of nuclear weapons as a pretext for war, but if they do make nukes I think that is a very good reason for us & (especially) Israel to put our collective boot up the grand Ayatollah's ass.

blaen99 02-04-2012 03:03 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 830601)
Why does Iran need nuclear weapons.
I don't know of any law or agreement saying Iran can or can not have nukes.
I don't think anyone wants to use Iran's development of nuclear weapons as a pretext for war, but if they do make nukes I think that is a very good reason for us & (especially) Israel to put our collective boot up the grand Ayatollah's ass.

Ron Paul actually explained the Iran situation wonderfully in a presidential debate and it comes down to the above that I've explained.

I'm not arguing that it is good or bad for them to get nuclear weapons, mind you. What we need to do is get out of the middle goddamned east and let them fight their own wars.

(Edit so not as to double post) http://www.infowars.com/tsa-trains-s...ot-terrorists/ - wtf? The TSA is at the super bowl now too??

xturner 02-04-2012 06:27 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 830641)
What we need to do is get out of the middle goddamned east and let them fight their own wars.

This. The milennia of tribal hatreds/rivalries over there would have been able to play out without our attention if not for the location of Israel. The whole Israeli/Palestinian thing has distracted them from the natural Sunni/Shiite/Alawite/Aryan/Wahabi ethnic cleanse that would naturally have occured 50 years ago. There probably wouldn't even be an Iran or Iraq now.

olderguy 02-04-2012 08:52 AM

Give Nevada to Israel and have them move here and develop it. Then let the middle east rot on its' own.

FRT_Fun 02-04-2012 11:27 AM

Iran is a very weird beast. It's an Islamic Republic, yet most of the young people, which are the majority in Iran, don't really follow most of the traditions in private. There is a HUGE underground, where they listen to Western music, watch Western movies, etc... But the people of Iran are extremely loyal to their COUNTRY and history (not necessarily their government). A war there would be a huge mistake, as the people would defend their land (which they have every right to do), and it would isolate them further. There are some good movies about Iran on Netflix for those that have it... No one Knows about the Persian Cats is a okay movie about the underground indie rock in Iran. It's not really a documentary or anything, but kind of parallels what really goes on. The director was the boyfriend of US Journalist (she was Iranian-American) who was arrested in Tehran and detained for 100 days in Evin Prison. There is SO much going on over there. If you want to get an idea about Iran, beyond what you read about their government, check out these books:

"American Wings, Iranian Roots" (An amazing Iranian wrestler that defects to America)
"Between Two Worlds" (book by the girl above who was detained for 100 days)

Both are really good books about personal experiences written in their own words.

fooger03 02-04-2012 09:12 PM

Are they underground because they are "proud of their country" or are they "afraid of their government"?

Israel expects a republican to be elected president for 2013, they are waiting for the outcome of the primary election to see if ron paul will win, or someone else. If ron paul wins, israel will attack iran now. If someone else wins, Israel will wait until the completion of the general election. If obama wins, they will attack israel then, if the non-paul republican wins, they will immediately begin cooperative strategic planning, and within 4-6 months of the new prez taking office, iran's government will be under full assault from western powers.

Iran is going to be under full-scale war in the next 18 months whether we like it or not, it just comes down to whether our assistance to israel is "reluctant" or "gracious".

gearhead_318 02-04-2012 09:16 PM

That makes sense.

blaen99 02-05-2012 02:35 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 830863)
That makes sense.

I agree with his analysis, and yet it puts us in a shitty situation.

If anyone other than Paul or Obama wins, the US gets put into yet another shitty war in the Middle East that we shouldn't even be in. And yet, even if they do win, we still may get dragged into a war.

jared8783 02-05-2012 10:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
gotta love photoshop

jared8783 02-05-2012 10:26 AM

this is rather interesting i must say

blaen99 02-05-2012 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 830964)
this is rather interesting i must say

More "rather extremely sad and depressing". I cannot believe that the birther herpa derp is even for a second being seriously considered by any court in the US.

FRT_Fun 02-05-2012 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 830860)
Are they underground because they are "proud of their country" or are they "afraid of their government"?

Israel expects a republican to be elected president for 2013, they are waiting for the outcome of the primary election to see if ron paul will win, or someone else. If ron paul wins, israel will attack iran now. If someone else wins, Israel will wait until the completion of the general election. If obama wins, they will attack israel then, if the non-paul republican wins, they will immediately begin cooperative strategic planning, and within 4-6 months of the new prez taking office, iran's government will be under full assault from western powers.

Iran is going to be under full-scale war in the next 18 months whether we like it or not, it just comes down to whether our assistance to israel is "reluctant" or "gracious".

Not sure what you mean with your first statement. They are underground because these things are forbidden in Iran. They are not afraid, or they wouldn't do it at all. Most if arrested hold to their truths and defy their interrogators. Few give in to the mental and physical torture they are subjected to in prisons like Evin. To say they are afraid is very untrue. To argue they are not proud to be Iranian would contradict history.

As for war. I don't think so. Not unless we are attacked first, which honestly may happen in the Persian Gulf. Proud or not we will roll them unless they get outside help.

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