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mgeoffriau 01-27-2012 12:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)

blaen99 01-27-2012 02:21 PM


Either these researchers are participating in the most epic troll ever, or who knows?

Watching the warfare erupt over this study is entertaining. :rofl:

Scrappy Jack 01-27-2012 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 827185)
https://www.miataturbo.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=32672&dateline=1327685 075

That's funny and could have been there for decades. :D

Braineack 01-27-2012 04:33 PM

my brother posted that on my facebook this morning. i ignored it--and not because he's black.

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 12:31 AM

Some Youtube comment:
what's wrong Newt? the Earth looking a little old? maybe a little sick? maybe a little tired?

perhaps it's time you divorced Earth for a younger, healthier space object.
Do you want to be one of the 13,000?

Braineack 01-29-2012 09:28 AM

maybe he just wants to send #occupy somewhere useful?

Vashthestampede 01-29-2012 09:38 AM

Moon colony?

No thanks. I'm cool right here.

FRT_Fun 01-29-2012 09:51 AM

I hate the moon.

turotufas 01-29-2012 10:18 AM

We are never getting off this planet. Unless our debt/war/poverty is a cover for a secret something or whatever. The 99% are SOL either way.

olderguy 01-29-2012 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by turotufas (Post 827793)
We are never getting off this planet alive. SOL either way.


jared8783 01-30-2012 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 826591)
I want protection from paying child support. I don't want to suffer the consequences of sex. I demand equal rights.


Braineack 01-30-2012 03:47 PM

I'm glad I got a lol out of that. I was just thinking about that post last night and sad that no one laughed at my brilliance.

turotufas 01-31-2012 01:11 PM

04:30 LOL

FRT_Fun 01-31-2012 04:21 PM

It's funny how Ron Paul makes sense. And the rest of them sound like crooks who are only looking for power.

Enginerd 01-31-2012 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 827237)

Either these researchers are participating in the most epic troll ever, or who knows?

Watching the warfare erupt over this study is entertaining. :rofl:

I think this one takes the cake for most epic pedophile troll ever:
Study: Multitasking hinders youth social skills

The study only included girls who responded to a survey in Discovery Girls magazine, but results should apply to boys, too, Clifford Nass, a Stanford professor of communications who worked on the study, said in a phone interview. Boys' emotional development is more difficult to analyze because male social development varies widely and over a longer time period, he said.
Yup, adolescent girls come quick and easy...not so much for the boys...perv

gearhead_318 02-01-2012 02:22 AM

Skip to 3:10

Braineack 02-01-2012 09:44 AM

Wrote Issa to Holder:
[Your] actions lead us to conclude that the department is actively engaged in a cover-up. If the department continues to obstruct the congressional inquiry by not providing documents and information, this committee will have no alternative but to move forward with proceedings to hold you in contempt of Congress.

Braineack 02-02-2012 12:04 PM

Meet Big Brother's bigger Father and and his even bigger Mother:

In July 2011, I had a post on Big Government which looked at the Nevada DMV’s refusal to okay a personal license plate request worded “GOPALIN.” The gentleman who had requested the plate, Nevada resident James Linlor, had also requested “PALIN,” “PALIN12,” or “PALIN16,” and been denied on all those as well. As a result, on July 15, 2011, he filed suit in U.S. District Court alleging his rights had been violated.

At the outset it’s important to note that while the Nevada DMV tried to justify their rejection of a “GOPALIN” plate on the grounds that it was supposedly “vulgar or obscene or expressing superiority of political affiliation,” they had no problem okaying the following plates: ““GOGREEN,” “DMOCRAT,” “AL GORE,” “KERRY,” “EDWARDS,” “DEAN,” “HILLARY” and “RONPAUL”. (Moreover, Linlor claims that when he applied for a “GOOBAMA” plate, the DMV approved it.)

The head and ultimate decision maker for the Nevada DMV is Bruce Breslow, a Democrat who holds his job at the appointment of Nevada’s Republican Governor, Brian Sandoval. And for reasons unknown (and inexplicable), Gov. Sandoval is apparently siding with Breslow on this issue, if only by the simple act of keeping Breslow as DMV Director when such duplicitous, politically-motivated approvals and denials of personalized plate requests are taking place.

Again, just think about it: “GOPALIN” could not be approved because it was too “political” but “DMOCRAT,” HILLARY,” and “GOOBAMA” were all acceptable.

While some are asking whether Gov. Sandoval is standing by Breslow as a way to “curry favor with the unions representing the DMV and State employees,” the bottom line is that he’s making the wrong stand regardless of his reasons for doing so. And when questioned on the matter, the only answer the governor’s spokesman will give is “no comment.”

Sadly, this case has now moved up to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Which means Gov. Sandoval is determined to continue spending Nevada tax-payer dollars for attorney’s fees and other costs tied to defending the Nevada DMV’s decision. It just seems a bit ridiculous when you think about the fact that this is all the result of trying to prevent a Nevada citizen from putting a “GOPALIN” license plate on his vehicle.

jared8783 02-03-2012 07:05 AM

"There is absolutely never a reason to give up one ounce of freedom for the sake of security. It won't work!" -Ron Paul

UrbanFuturistic 02-03-2012 09:42 AM

this is rich, almost as rich as the first comment.

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