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jared8783 10-16-2011 12:02 PM

It has been edited for those who are unable to distinguish the difference between punctuation and politics. :giggle:

Though I don't doubt someone will still find errors.

And this forum doesn't even support proper punctuation or whatever seeing as how you can't hit tab to space out the first sentence of a paragraph from the left edge. So I spaced them out with the space bar and then when I posted it the forum took the spaces out.

That one was for you technical, proper guys.

jared8783 10-16-2011 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by cymx5 (Post 784279)
What I just read was a poorly edited and punctuated third party account of how someone wasted their time going to stand in a crowd of people trying to decide where to camp in a city.

yup, mackes me wont to joump on the bandwogen.

As stated in what I wrote I was mistakenly late for the first part of the day.

Was the paragraph where I talked about the second general assembly the only paragraph you read? I also talked about how the community that was driving by expressed their views, progressive stack, where they protested, and how they expressed their disapproval for Obama.

I am so sick of this immature bias that has played a role in getting us where we are today. Though I do appreciate your honesty.

FRT_Fun 10-16-2011 01:23 PM

The way I see it, this is the new *trendy* thing to do.

"Hey look at me I'm so cool protesting. You don't know anything, you just work for the man!"

When really they don't know anything. It's sad really. I don't agree with everything that is going on in today's world. But I think the that the reason things are how they are today is because of the PEOPLE and the GOVERNMENT. To blame just one is down right stupid.

Here is a picture.


jared8783 10-16-2011 01:39 PM

Yeah I will admit that there are SOME people out there protesting that hardly know what they are talking about. Though that is something you will find in anything that's political related.

Enginerd 10-16-2011 02:07 PM


Author's response: "I did look this up and it turns out to be wrong. Oh well."

FRT_Fun 10-16-2011 02:47 PM

That video shows why occupy wall street is dumb. Bunch of idiots.

jared8783 10-16-2011 08:23 PM

I love that sign about corporations and people. It is very clever and I have seen that phrase a few other places before.

For those of you who don't understand exactly what it is in reference too it is talking about how the supreme granted a corporation the same rights as a person. Which includes free speech. Why is this important to them? Because political campaigns are a form of speech and therefore they have the right to donate to a campaign or even produce an advertisement by themselves. Prior to granting this right when corporations were caught doing either of these they were penalized. The laws in place prior to the supreme granting the person status to a corporation were there to prevent corruption.

Are you seriously going to judge a movement based on a Jewish person who is calling another Jewish person a Jew? Come on give me a break. It is a big crowd of different people with opposing views. That is why you can't judge the movement on a youtube clip.

That being said it is obvious there is a lot of corporate corruption in the government. Its about time the American people got out there and minimally made an attempt to make a difference instead of just voting for the donkey or elephant that will both do some BS maybe in a slightly fashion.

I am very proud of these people for having the heart and courage to do what they are doing. I am very disappointed that there are uninformed people out there.

You can't judge this based on biased media. They will obviously focus on the wackos. It makes the most sense to them since it makes for the "best" news. If the news sources are trying to inform us about how bad of a movement this is then why did fox news have to implicitly lie about that demands list as it was a serious one?

mgeoffriau 10-16-2011 08:32 PM

Hey Jared:

Your posts would be a lot more interesting to the rest of us (or me, anyway) if it didn't seem like you're assuming we're a bunch of dummies.


jared8783 10-16-2011 08:53 PM

I apologize. I never had the intention of offending anyone. Of course that will undoubtedly happen in both directions.

Could you elaborate on what exactly it is that I am doing to imply I think people are dummies? Forgive me for being a dummy and not knowing specifically what you are talking about. If you are talking about how I repeatedly say you guys are biased and listening to your biased news, well I am saying it because it is true. You guys repeatedly post only what has been reported that fits your definition of a bunch of idiots. Heck when Jason posted that video with that occupy guy who clearly knew all of his facts about the Federal Reserve banking system none of you recognized that. There wasn't even a "I'll be damned so there is a single intelligent guy in the bunch". Unbiased sources need to be sought out.

If you are referring to how I explain some things I do so because things like the corporate legal person status most people I know have know clue what I am talking about. I just want everyone who reads this to understand what is being discussed.

Again I sincerely apologize if I have implied that I think you are dummies. I never intended on it and I am not clear on what exactly it is that I am doing. I must be a dummy myself.

mgeoffriau 10-16-2011 09:04 PM

You're on the right track. Assuming every else gets their worldview from MSNBC or FOX News, over-explaining well-known political events like the "corporations are persons" ruling, making generalizations based on what people don't respond to on an internet forum, taking off-hand comments as serious political commentary, etc.

Chill out, give people the benefit of the doubt.

jared8783 10-16-2011 09:07 PM

And here we have Al Sharpton encouraging people to protest. He says they are right about wealth distribution. I totally don't agree with that in any way, and many of the protesters don't either. It is upsetting I haven't heard them renouncing stuff like this. I really wish these people's heart's and courage were better applied with a core message of corruption with capitalism and not a hint of socialism. Instead of having so many opposing views.

I am not trying to defend the movement as a whole. Only the core message of ending the corrupt relationship between corporations and government. It is upsetting I haven't heard them renouncing

jared8783 10-16-2011 09:20 PM

yeah mgeoffriau you are right

i need to learn to make my point clearly once and then just let it go

and to not take all the posts so seriously

viperormiata 10-16-2011 09:56 PM

Some of these people are so gash darn hilarious to listen to.

FRT_Fun 10-16-2011 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 784399)
Are you seriously going to judge a movement based on a Jewish person who is calling another Jewish person a Jew? Come on give me a break. It is a big crowd of different people with opposing views. That is why you can't judge the movement on a youtube clip.

Yes I am. Even if 50% of the people there are informed, and have a good idea about what needs to be changed, the massive amount of idiots there makes it hard to take it seriously. You can't help but not take them seriously when every other person you talk to has no idea wtf is going on.

Even the ones that are uninformed can be beneficial, but they need to learn to keep their mouths shut. They can say "Yea I agree with that". But when they open their mouths and try and speak about the issues it's just sad. Let the people leading the movement talk/speak. The rest should just be there to support. They would probably get a lot more respect.

jared8783 10-16-2011 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 784451)
Yes I am. Even if 50% of the people there are informed, and have a good idea about what needs to be changed, the massive amount of idiots there makes it hard to take it seriously. You can't help but not take them seriously when every other person you talk to has no idea wtf is going on.

Even the ones that are uninformed can be beneficial, but they need to learn to keep their mouths shut. They can say "Yea I agree with that". But when they open their mouths and try and speak about the issues it's just sad. Let the people leading the movement talk/speak. The rest should just be there to support. They would probably get a lot more respect.

for the most part, you are right

Enginerd 10-16-2011 11:04 PM

Here's one of the intelligent ones:

Here's two examples of videos he watched before heading to the sidewalk to yell:

Enginerd 10-17-2011 09:52 AM

One thing the protesters want is to increase taxes on long term capital gains. Another thing most working class citizens do is contribute to a 401k that is immediate tax DEFERRAL and is taxed as ordinary income at time of withdrawal. Why not stop bitching about the system being "unfair?" They have recognized the "problem" but wont change themselves to meet the solution.

What do I mean? Open an account, for free, at a broker. Stop contributing to your 401k. Buy up some long term investments and tax exempt reits. Walla! Sit on it until you retire. You just mastered the system and "cheated the poor."

Braineack 10-17-2011 10:22 AM

No, the problem is Walmart -- End Walmart.

2,100,00 employees will be better off when they lose their job and put and end to evil corporations.

The millions of people that shop at their 3,500+ stores across the world for super low prices and selection are better off paying more at a local mom and pop store.

Braineack 10-17-2011 01:38 PM


JasonC SBB 10-17-2011 02:14 PM

Ron Paul on OWS:


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