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FRT_Fun 10-14-2011 02:57 PM

Well fuck me I guess so. Go figure I was deployed to Afghanistan that year, no wonder I don't remember it.

turotufas 10-14-2011 03:08 PM



jared8783 10-14-2011 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 783569)
well if you're white, theyll probably put that suggestion on the bottom of the list :)


it is in a forum for the occupy fort wayne
if anyone is interested in seeing it it is occupyfortwayne.org
there have been comments but no admin or organizer comments
and yes i do understand some are practicing this
as to how many are i do not know

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 783668)
Two mistaken implicit assumptions

1) For most of society's problems, society can and will find a solution; gov't is the wrong institution to solve most problems and makes things worse. Statists confuse society and government, and the roles of each.

2a) That the "people" via "voting", get to choose wise, selfless, morally upright individuals to lead them. The reality is the opposite. The most ruthless, deceitful, amoral individuals have the skills to project a desirable persona and rise to power. Psychopaths. This is especially true, the more centralized the power. It is much easier for psychopaths to be outed in say, county politics than national politics.

2b) That if "people" get to vote on issues, they will vote "correctly". The reality is that people are easily manipulated by the media and the people in power, through brainwashing and the use of emotion. Just look at the appalling economic ignorance of the Occupiers.

and as far as the appalling econimic ignorance of the occupiers
while i still havent even started to research that specifically
(im a dumbass for not)
it was you who posted that video of that one talking about the federal reserve and that guy had his facts straight no doubt

what i meant was a bit more vague than that
i meant if the police and military didnt fight for them then they have no power
and yes most people are easily influenceable and poorly educated when it comes to politics

on a side note you can see here a Computer Programmer testify that Tom Feeney (Speaker of the Houe of Florida at the time, currently US Representative ) tried to pay him to rig election vote counts

and he actually did some pretty impressive work on the program
and it does work as intended

jared8783 10-14-2011 03:36 PM

i must say while at the moment it does not appear that i will be explicitly supporting the movement as a whole
they do have their hearts in the right place and are showing alot of courage
it is sad that so many people just cant see that

instead they regurgitate what they hear from the bias news source of their choice as if it is truth without verifying if it is true or not

i will learn much more about the movement (at least the one nearest me) tomorrow and i will let you guys know whats up

JasonC SBB 10-14-2011 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 783733)
i must say while at the moment it does not appear that i will be explicitly supporting the movement as a whole.
they do have their hearts in the right place and are showing alot of courage
it is sad that so many people just cant see that

I see it and I agree with your first statement.

JasonC SBB 10-14-2011 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by viperormiata (Post 783674)
He hasn't done a fucking thing. He probably won't either.

This is a myth.

He's done lots, just like his predecessor.

The problem is that whenever gov't "does" something, it's always to benefit of a small group or to some politically connected corporations, to the detriment of the majority. We'd be far better off if gov't indeed "did" nothing.

jared8783 10-14-2011 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 783741)
The problem is that whenever gov't "does" something, it's always to benefit of a small group or to some politically connected corporations, to the detriment of the majority. We'd be far better off if gov't indeed "did" nothing.


gearhead_318 10-14-2011 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 783741)
This is a myth.

He's done lots, just like his predecessor.

The problem is that whenever gov't "does" something, it's always to benefit of a small group or to some politically connected corporations, to the detriment of the majority. We'd be far better off if gov't indeed "did" nothing.

Do you believe that taxes for the very rich should be raised?




Braineack 10-14-2011 04:40 PM


1. they pay enough (fair share)
2. there's no justification -- the don't benefit from the redistribution.
3. we don't have a revenue problem.
4. it's an attack on a minority group.

jared8783 10-15-2011 01:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 783762)
3. we don't have a revenue problem.

it is a spending problem.
that and the fact that we pay interest on loans to a private bank who is authorized by congress to pull money from thin air
how on earth is such a practice sustainable?

and here is a more updated photo from post number six

Attachment 186757

JasonC SBB 10-15-2011 01:59 AM

Run the numbers. Even if you taxed the top 1% at 100%, it wouldn't make a dent in the deficit.

JasonC SBB 10-15-2011 02:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 186756

jared8783 10-15-2011 07:51 AM

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -Thomas Jefferson

while i DON'T support the conspiracy theories in this cartoon this is the most entertaining cartoon about the financial system

JasonC SBB 10-15-2011 11:38 AM

What is your definition of conspiracy?

One dictionary definition is "2 or more persons planning or carrying out an immoral or illegal act".

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was written in secret in 1910 on a posh resort in Georgia called Jekyll Island, by 7 guys from the biggest Wall St. banks, to find a way to get gov't to create a central bank (gov't-created cartel), in order to address their problem of their market share continually being eroded by thousands of little banks popping up all over the country. They bought the right senators and did the political maneuvering to get Woodrow Wilson's vote.

The structure of a central bank is a Fascist Cartel:

Hmm, 7 guys planning a clearly immoral act. Fits the description of "conspiracy" to me.

It's interesting how the media has tainted the word "conspiracy", associating it with "irrational paranoid nutball that finds unlikely gov't conspiracies everywhere".

Hmm, in the same way that "anarchy" has been equated with "chaos" and "idiotic black masked thugs that break shit", as opposed to a political theory of an orderly society without monopoly gov't.

jared8783 10-15-2011 12:02 PM

yeah jason ok i see what you are saying i agree with you

when i said i dont agree with the conspiracy part i was talking about the reference in the cartoon to the kennedy assasination
it is just a theory
cant be proved

so i should said that there are theories in this cartoon that can not be proved

JasonC SBB 10-15-2011 12:07 PM

If you are referring to Kennedy's silver certificates thing as a motive for his assassination, FWIW the author who has done the most research into the history of the making of the Federal Reserve, AG Griffin, believes it's a red herring. Griffin wrote this book:

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

jared8783 10-16-2011 11:15 AM

Well I went there yesterday. I was late for the first general assembly as I got lost. I accidently left my camcorder on for some time before I got there so the battery only lasted for five minutes. So i went to my dads for lunch and to charge the battery. Though I did catch him on film shouting through the bull horn "Mr. President You're Fired!!". So that rules out Obama support. While obama says he supports them that doesn't mean they support him. dont make me upload that clip lol

A few hundred showed up. While your punk rockers and hippies did show up it was mostly well dressed adults. Most of the attendees appearing to be over age 30 and very many of them appearing over 40. Although most of those well dressed adults didnt stick around for more than a few hours. It was mostly the younger crowd that all you naysayers say this movement is filled with that stuck around for the whole thing and were the most enthusiastic about it.

They protested at the courthouse just next to the Chase and Wells Fargo banks and they protested on the side of the street at the park they had the permit to camp in. A considerable amount people driving showed their support by honking and waving. My favorite one was when a guy stuck his head out the window of his car and shouted "Fuck the Fed". A few people driving showed how much they didn't like the protesters, for example with a thumbs down. Though much more showed their support than those who showed disapproval.

I caught their next general assembly on tape but not much worth posting. Though if anyone wants to see it just let me know and i will post it
at this assembly they only discussed their options and legalities of where to camp and when since the city only gave them a permit to camp for a single night.

Oh and the only park the city would permit would let them camp at was literally right next to a jail, seriously you didnt have to walk across the street to go to jail. I thought that was pretty funny. The city's reason for that was that is the only park they permit other campers to camp at and they didnt want to have to explain to the other campers why occupiers could camp elsewhere but they couldn't. Myself and many others found that to be reasonable and understandable. And others understandably weren't comfortable with it.

Since I didnt catch more than a few minutes on film of them discussing politics I wish I had brought a tent and camped out (it is an hour drive from my house) so i could have witnessed a political general assembly and learn if their beliefs were awful as the naysayers say.

I can say I did not witness the slightest hint of a progressive stack, it was never discussed. In fact most of the people who spoke were white males
thought I dont deny its practice in other cities. I find if to be an immoral practice.

Enginerd 10-16-2011 11:41 AM

What I just read was a poorly edited and punctuated third party account of how someone wasted their time going to stand in a crowd of people trying to decide where to camp in a city.

yup, mackes me wont to joump on the bandwogen.

jared8783 10-16-2011 11:46 AM

your criticism focused on punctuation and not even hinting the slightest bit at the facts is a clear sign of bias and immaturity

have you anything to say about the facts?

FRT_Fun 10-16-2011 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by cymx5 (Post 784279)
What I just read was a poorly edited and punctuated third party account of how someone wasted their time going to stand in a crowd of people trying to decide where to camp in a city.

yup, mackes me wont to joump on the bandwogen.


Yea seems productive.

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