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Braineack 01-09-2012 03:35 PM

I mean, this shows you exactly how a progressive tax system works. rich states fund poor states with a few exceptions. you're the one that supports it silly.

blaen99 01-09-2012 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 817369)
I mean, this shows you exactly how a progressive tax system works. rich states fund poor states with a few exceptions.

Okay, so what are we arguing about? I was posting in response to Vash's sentiments.

you're the one that supports it silly.
I do? Where? Aww, Brainy, did you just put words in my mouth? That's sooo cuuuuuuuuuute~!

Seriously, I'm not in support of our current tax system. My proposed tax system makes everyone's brains melt that I talk to about it, but you know what? Here's the tax system I support.

A flat income (Not sales, income) tax that is Capital Gains. Any income you get is taxed based on cap gains. That's it. Everyone pays the same. There's a bit more, but suggesting I support our current tax system is insanity.

Braineack 01-09-2012 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 817371)
I do? Where? Aww, Brainy, did you just put words in my mouth? That's sooo cuuuuuuuuuute~!

you did the same to me, I'll do the same to you. You posted an obvious left/right thing, not rich vs poor thing.

A flat income (Not sales, income) tax that is Capital Gains. Any income you get is taxed based on cap gains. That's it. Everyone pays the same. There's a bit more, but suggesting I support our current tax system is insanity.
I'm more found of a national sales tax only, with no chance of an income tax, but why would that make my brain melt. that's 100% fair.

it eliminates preferences. (credits, loopholes, etc)

no double taxation. (death, captial gains, savings, dividines)

it treats everyone fairly. real fair, not beaucratic fair. and it minimizies penalties on productive behavior. equal justice under law.

blaen99 01-09-2012 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 817375)
you did the same to me, I'll do the same to you. You posted an obvious left/right thing, not rich vs poor thing.

:vash: Braaainnnnyyy, you and your ninja edits! :rofl:

But in this case, the obvious left/right thing was synonymous with rich vs. poor. That's part of what makes it such an Epic Chart, and it's not even based on trickery or lies - the facts came from a conservative think tank!

I'm more found of a national sales tax only, with no chance of an income tax, but why would that make my brain melt. that's 100% fair.

it eliminates preferences. (credits, loopholes, etc)

no double taxation. (death, captial gains, savings, dividines)

it treats everyone fairly. real fair, not beaucratic fair. and it minimizies penalties on productive behavior. equal justice under law.
Ehh, the problem comes in the second half.

Eliminate all welfare. Eliminate all subsidy programs everywhere (IDGAF if it's gasoline, crops, or your ----------ing EBT). US Citizens who file a tax return receive a rebate back equal to one half to three quarters (If married) of the poverty line - even if they paid less in taxes. US Gov't provides a basic level of universal health care to everyone, similar to Medicaid now (If you want better health care though, you have to get private insurance.). US Gov't establishes a program that the states administrate allowing those who can prove medical need (Blind, paralyzed, etc.) to receive medically-relevant aid.

It manages to offend everyone.

Scrappy Jack 01-09-2012 04:20 PM

  • That graph is exactly similar to what is happening with Europe except that they lack the fiscal union, central treasury and automatic transfer mechanisms. I've made reference to it before. :)
  • Some of the states listed as "blue" are really better defined as "purple" or swing states.
  • Some states have swapped locations based on the current recession.
  • It occurs to me that the graph may not be as useful without also including things like interstate trade deficits.
  • To Brainy's point, although it is not a 100% correlation

jared8783 01-09-2012 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817069)
I understand and respect your opinions, please understand and respect the opinions of the non-sarcastically hypothetical "woman that you knocked up".

if she wants to run away from the kid and be a piece of sh!t i can respect that

but i cant respect an opinion that serves to destroy something of mine,against my will, particularly an unborn child

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817069)
You should understand that the consequences of failed contraception is that she has full authority over her own body.

yes her body you are right about that. though the unborn child inside of her is just as much me as it is her

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817069)
(as well as the burden of physiological change which comes with having born a child)

ok then there mr. "for accounting purposes" then according to how it is you justifiy things then i will sue her for emotional grief that i suffered due to the abortion of my unborn child

if this sounds ridiculous to you then u should hear yourself talk

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817069)
My understandably objectionable opinions allow each parent to exercise control over only their *own* lives.

no it gives the woman full control over the unborn child and the father no option

i dont expect u to understand
after all you think it is ok to literally kill babies

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817069)
The current status quo (laws) allow the woman to exercise control over the man's life, by bearing a child that he would otherwise not consent to having,

the man did consent to the posibility of having a child by sticking his penis inside of her
i said it before and will say it again
there are consequence to lifes actions

only a big wimp runs away from his kid and leaves him high and dry like that.

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817069)
Nearly every person understands that "conception" is one of the risks of *protected and unprotected* sex. Not every person is of the opinion that a "child" is one of the risks of conception.

did you seriously just ask that?
under current law you have no say so if she has an abortion
therefore it is a fact that a child is a risk of conception for you

just because one wishes to lead a lifestyle where they can run away from the consequences of their actions doesn't make it ok

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817069)
Murder? I argue opinion. Define "murder".

you know exactly what i meant
killing someone who did nothing to deserve it
dont come at me with your "a blowjob isn't sexual" arguement
thats just ridiculous

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817069)
What is wrong with euthanasia?

brain said it very well when he asked you how you would feel about being euthanized

and thinking about that alone should help someone understand why our founding fathers were in pursuit of liberty and not "the greater good"

blaen99 01-09-2012 05:47 PM

You know, I've recently had a discussion on the topic of illegal immigration, and a massive---------lightbulb went off in my head.

Why are we so focused on illegal aliens in the first place? Trying to deport them and do all this is like playing whack a mole. We should be addressing the issue that makes them come over here.

And the gov't has tools to do that. But they would have to actively prosecute businesses that employ illegal aliens. This prosecution is incredibly rare. Prosecute a business that employs hundreds of illegal aliens, or try to hunt down and catch hundreds of illegal aliens? It seems pretty ------- obvious what the choice should be.

Sadly, the cynical side of me wants to admit the gov't does it intentionally, to justify more and more invasion into people's personal lives, and to make it a big voting issue to get more votes.

Braineack 01-09-2012 06:24 PM

its not even a big deal they come over, just they do it illegally...

blaen99 01-09-2012 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 817476)
its not even a big deal they come over, just they do it illegally...

And? They come over for the almighty dollar, Brain.

Why bother trying to fight symptoms? Go to the cause. Save money, get effective results.

olderguy 01-09-2012 06:32 PM

The government is already doing something. It is devaluing the dollar and turning us into a third world country. The rate of exchange has changed drastically with many countries and many no longer look to the dollar as being more stable. Their citizens used to look at the US as the best place on earth to be. Now they stay home and start their own businesses in thriving economies.

fooger03 01-09-2012 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817446)
ok then there mr. "for accounting purposes" then according to how it is you justifiy things then i will sue her for emotional grief that i suffered due to the abortion of my unborn child

if this sounds ridiculous to you then u should hear yourself talk

I told you to have an open mind, didn't I?

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817446)

no it gives the woman full control over the unborn child and the father no option

You are correct - Like I said, if you have an issue with this, then you need to have a heart-to-heart with any woman who may potentially be a mother to your child. If she consents to abortion, then you shouldn't consent to sex.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817446)

i dont expect u to understand
after all you think it is ok to literally kill babies

the man did consent to the posibility of having a child by sticking his penis inside of her
i said it before and will say it again
there are consequence to lifes actions

only a big wimp runs away from his kid and leaves him high and dry like that.

If I ever get a woman pregnant and then consent to abortion, then you may call me a "big wimp" as well - I will continue to allow you to have your opinion over this

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817446)

did you seriously just ask that?
under current law you have no say so if she has an abortion
therefore it is a fact that a child is a risk of conception for you

Absolutely correct!! Under current law, a child is *most definitely* a risk of conception to me - however, the woman I bang has the choice in this matter to believe that a "child" might not be a risk of conception - and guess what - I have a "choice" on whether or not to tickle the insides of a woman after I have talked with her about her opinions on abortion

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817446)

just because one wishes to lead a lifestyle where they can run away from the consequences of their actions doesn't make it ok

"doesn't make it ok in Jared's eyes." FTFY.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817446)

you know exactly what i meant
killing someone who did nothing to deserve it
dont come at me with your "a blowjob isn't sexual" arguement
thats just ridiculous

who's rear end did you pull this quote out of? I'm just curious. I think you're casting me under the shadow of assumption here.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817446)

brain said it very well when he asked you how you would feel about being euthanized

If I ever come down with a serious illness or injury, I expect my life to be ended LONG BEFORE the cost of keeping me alive outweighs my economic benefit - those who have been entrusted with my durable power of attorney have been made aware of this. I was going to leave brain's question as rhetorical, but since you seemed so adamant to have it answered, I thought I'd humor you.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817446)

and thinking about that alone should help someone understand why our founding fathers were in pursuit of liberty and not "the greater good"

You know, we're starting to say a lot of the same things here - the difference between you and I is our definition of "personal opinion". I acknowledge that everything I have said relating to abortion is of my personal opinion. Have I yet suggested that since your opinion is different than mine that you are wrong? (I would admit that I probably have, but I have attempted to avoid it). I feel like much of your argument is based on how "wrong" my opinions are, while I feel like much of my argument is based on how "closed minded" you are to other people opinions. You might see my arguments in a completely different light, as I'm sure I'm biased towards one perception, while you are likely biased to percieve our conversation differently.

jared8783 01-09-2012 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817512)
I feel like much of your argument is based on how "wrong" my opinions are, while I feel like much of my argument is based on how "closed minded" you are to other people opinions.

i sincerely apologize for making it look like that by expressing my opinions
yes we are entitled to our opinions

the main thing i am trying to show you is how you are wrong in saying that

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 817512)
My understandably objectionable opinions allow each parent to exercise control over only their *own* lives.

you are clearly giving the woman 100% control over something that is just as much me as it is her

and btw obviously more people that just me carry the opinion that someone is a POS if they run away from the consequences of their actions
ie: unexpected child

and the reason why i have been ignoring your "talk about abortion before your one night stand" issue is this
yes of course i dont intend on having sex with women who believe in abortions, but there is nothing to stop her from changing her opinion before the actual abortion occurs

and no i do not intend on signing a legally binding contract before intercourse

is that what you do?
not a pre-nup but a pre-fuk lol

jared8783 01-09-2012 09:14 PM

simply put i just plain fail to understand how it is in your mind that you justify giving her full control over what is half me. im sure u and i will never see eye to eye.

the question is
how do others feel about the discussion we have had?

jared8783 01-09-2012 10:39 PM


blaen99 01-09-2012 10:40 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817571)
simply put i just plain fail to understand how it is in your mind that you justify giving her full control over what is half me. im sure u and i will never see eye to eye.

the question is
how do others feel about the discussion we have had?

Pro-choice bro.

If you want use of her uterus, compensate her for it. You are complaining about "her having no right to do something that is half yours", and yet you are ignoring that it's her body and her uterus.

jared8783 01-09-2012 10:42 PM

oh my gosh
i totally understand that her uterus is hers
but an unborn child in it is half mine

perhaps i should charge her for my sperm?
ya know if i accidently knock her up and i want an abortion and she doesn't
lmao you guys crack me up

edit: i have already made my point now i am just going overboard. unless specifically asked a question i will shut up on this topic

blaen99 01-09-2012 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 817669)
oh my gosh
i totally understand that her uterus is hers
but an unborn child in it is half mine

perhaps i should charge her for my sperm?
ya know if i accidently knock her up and i want an abortion and she doesn't
lmao you guys crack me up

Sorry Jared, but of all people on the forum I'd expect you to be advocating very strongly for the right to have control over your own body.

fooger03 01-09-2012 10:47 PM

I do actually understand your discontent about a woman having the ability to take the life of your child

I have also known women that "changed their mind" on abortion, once the child was theirs - hormonal changes during pregnancy do funny things to a woman's mental state.

Lastly, I have two friends who have had abortions. One of them, while married to the father, claims it is the largest mistake she has ever made in her life, but she also says she is glad that she was allowed to make that mistake herself, because it gave her a new view on life. Her second pregnancy was to a run-away father, and I would gladly put my fist through the back of his face, given the chance, but she stayed with it, and now has a clingy "momma's boy". She wouldn't trade him for the world.

blaen99 01-10-2012 03:20 AM


Found this interesting.

P.S. ---- Romney


Scrappy Jack 01-10-2012 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 817485)
The government is already doing something. It is devaluing the dollar and turning us into a third world country. The rate of exchange has changed drastically with many countries and many no longer look to the dollar as being more stable. Their citizens used to look at the US as the best place on earth to be. Now they stay home and start their own businesses in thriving economies.

Really? Turning the USA in to a third world country? So, you wash your clothes in a river and butcher your own animals after having toiled all day in the fields? You time your electricty use with the continual blackouts? Collect rainwater and live in a one-room hut with dirt floors?

The average Chinese or Indian citizen would see a huge increase in their standard of living by moving up to the average Mexican's standard of living, which is still well below the average American's.

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 817736)
Found this interesting.

Again, take all of those comparisons with a tablespoon full of salt. Health care reform is a particular topic of interest for me and I have several books on my shelf waiting to be read on the subject. We have already discussed the differences in definition/measurement of statistics like "life expectancy" between countries.

The average spending also has to take in to account the availability of certain health care. For example, some of the drugs and procedures available in the USA might be wildly expensive and not available in other countries (or not performed as successfuly). Thus, Person A with some life-threatening disease might spend a large sum of money in the USA and the Person B in other nations might either be denied access to those procedures or they might not be available.

That would translate to the USA having a higher average health care spending per person.

Likewise, that table includes all public and private health care spending - including hospitals and infrastructure. If you compare the Winnie Palmer facility to a brick hospital from the 1800s, that will also skew the results.

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