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Scrappy Jack 01-04-2012 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 814953)
And now, back to "Blaen's incredible retardation because he's apparently trying to argue financial stuff with Scrappy".

Scrappy: Let's say I create a tax "loophole" that is, theoretically, open to anyone. However, in practice, only a handful of a certain demographic are able to utilize it.

Do you feel this is a justified and "fair" loophole for the populace as a whole?

I would need an example to work with to better discuss. I am not very familiar with the corporate tax code, where I think most of what I might be inclined to describe as "actual loopholes" exist. I am somewhat familiar with the individual tax code (but not a tax preparation professional).

I cannot think of a single example of a deduction or credit that I would describe as a loophole off the top of my head, especially not one that is open primarily to high income earners. Most deductions and tax incentives, besides sales tax deductions and mortgage interest deductions, are biased toward lower income earners.

For example, those in the 15% or lower marginal brackets pay no taxes on long-term capital gains or qualified dividends. So, a 70-year old grandmother who lives on $40k of Social Security, her dead husband's surviving spouse pension and dividends from McDonald's, Microsoft and GE stock gets to take advantage of a "loophole" that the guy making $200k in a sales position cannot.

You also have phase-outs for quite a few credits and deductions. In other words, if you make more than $X taxable income or AGI, you cannot qualify for the deduction or credit. That negatively affects higher income earners while positively affecting lower income earners (and/or encourages people to shuffle or hide income).

I can think of several of those but not one that says "you must make at least $X to qualify."

Originally Posted by blaen99
Remember, earlier I advocated removing most loopholes and giving everyone a tax break instead.

My view on "the right amount" of taxation is currently in flux based on my evolving understanding of what taxes ultimately do in the current US monetary system - but I have at least two other threads I have killed off with my discussions on that topic that we can revisit. :2cents:

blaen99 01-04-2012 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 814974)
My view on "the right amount" of taxation is currently in flux based on my evolving understanding of what taxes ultimately do in the current US monetary system - but I have at least two other threads I have killed off with my discussions on that topic that we can revisit. :2cents:

Rather than cluttering up this thread, I agree with your proposal. Point me to the threads, let's go!

fooger03 01-04-2012 05:31 PM

I've apparently missed the last 24 hour of this thread -

I would like to point out/identify one fact that has been overlooked previously.

There is no such thing as "private" health insurance in the US in the true form of the word.

"private" suggests that the insurance corporation is free to act on their own will. No health insurance company has been free to act on their own will in a very long time.

Health insurance was "governmentized" when it became illegal for the insurance companies to drop policies on people based on health.

Health insurance was further "governmentized" when it became illegal for the insurance companies to drasticallly increase premiums on people based on health.

Once that happened, health insurance companies had to increase premiums on EVERYBODY in order to stay in business.

When smart / healthy people realize this, they stop buying health insurance and start paying for their own health care costs at a dramatic savings.

When healthy people stop buying expensive insurance, the cost of insurance dramatically increases AGAIN.

Think about what would happen to your car insurance rates if the government stepped in the same way:

Everyone will be required to have comprehensive/collision/liability at 100/300

Your insurance rates can increase no more than 10% over average regardless of accident history.

It doesn't matter if you choose to drive a Miata or a Maseratti, your insurance rate stays the same.

Here's the final kicker - You are not required to buy auto insurance, but if you get into an accident and you can't afford to pay for it, the government will determine how much you can *afford* to pay and then will pay for the remaining costs of ALL PARTIES INVOLVED - including yourself

But you can't call it government insurance, because it's still going to be the job of "private" companies to insure drivers.

jared8783 01-04-2012 08:42 PM

sry im not on topic with everyone else by postin this
i just noticed how much RP has improved

olderguy 01-04-2012 08:52 PM

Romney needs to find those six people that lost faith in him and beg forgiveness:jerkit:

jared8783 01-04-2012 09:01 PM

:bowrofl: ^^^ :bowrofl:

blaen99 01-04-2012 10:30 PM


This is an interesting read. A very interesting read. :popcorn:

gearhead_318 01-04-2012 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 815138)

This is an interesting read. A very interesting read. :popcorn:

Yet is still isn't federally legal. WTF gives?

blaen99 01-05-2012 02:13 AM


So, in Illinois you are now required to show ID to buy drain cleaner because it contains acid and acid was used to attack someone a few months ago.

:giggle: Those silly politicians.

Slightly distorted but....wtflolol?

gearhead_318 01-05-2012 02:32 AM

'Rick Santorum's Iowa Performance Helps His 'Google Problem'
Rick Santorum is the GOP presidential candidate known for his “Google problem.” A Google search of his name returns scatological results thanks to a 2003 Google bombing by gay sex columnist Dan Savage. But the “frothy mix” associated with Santorum got pushed down in Google search results overnight thanks to his virtual tie with Mitt Romney in the Iowa caucus. “Rick Santorum” is currently the second most popular Google search term (after “Iowa caucus results”), and the number one hit for Rick Santorum’s name is, for the first time in a long time, not sex-related.

blaen99 01-05-2012 02:36 AM

Santorum's really just this race's Huckabee though Gearhead.

Once the primaries get to coastal states, he's SOL. We both know all the candidates are going to tear him a new one blasting constant ads with nothing but what Santorum has said in the past.

(Ninjar edit) And besides, if Santorum goes up against Obama, there's no way Obama would lose. I don't think the Republicans are stupid enough to go for that.

gearhead_318 01-05-2012 02:46 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 815184)
(Ninjar edit) And besides, if Santorum goes up against Obama, there's no way Obama would lose. I don't think the Republicans are stupid enough to go for that.

But you would, wouldn't you?

Yeah, Santorum isn't a serious candidate, he's kida just waisting money.

blaen99 01-05-2012 02:48 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 815185)
But you would, wouldn't you?

Yeah, Santorum isn't a serious candidate, he's kida just waisting money.

Goddamnit, playing Palin isn't fair Gearhead :(

But point taken. Seriously, I'll bet anyone here $10, with Brainy or another third party holding the money that if Santorum wins the nom, Obama wins the election.

gearhead_318 01-05-2012 02:57 AM

I'll bet $10 Obama wins the 2012 election, although I don't see another "Palin" style VP. That was a horrible move by McCain, showing he could not be Pres. IMO.

blaen99 01-05-2012 02:59 AM

The only candidate I think can beat Obama is Ron Paul, so....

That's one bet I'd have to decline ;). But completely agreed with McCain. That was insanity to choose Palin as VP.

(Ninjar edit) Hell, the only candidate I'd want to beat Obama is RP. The rest are substantially worse than Obama IMO.

(Not-so-ninjar Edit so I don't post back to back)

If you can ignore the ads, Penn has a few interesting points in this video.

(Not so ninjar Edit 3)

What the Brainy?

blaen99 01-05-2012 06:30 AM

Well, time for me to head out, but I wanted to post an article with a bit of analysis. This is what I debate with a lot of the time with you guys in here in politics about.


The judge rules "You guys aren't at a university function and are exercising your constitutional rights. Stop suing the university for the assault, sue the person who assaulted you for the assault."

The media proceeds to do....this to that part of the story.

No, seriously. That part of the story is the biggest non-story ever, and it's starting to get blown up into something...utterly ridiculous. There's more, but instead of actually focusing on what could be fruitful and thought-provoking, and focusing on what the goddamn problem is, I am seeing a lot of outlets just focus on this...drivel about the story for easy reads and views. It's crap.

There are serious concerns to me in the full story. There's some seriously bad Brainy that went down that is being described by students. But the Brainying media jumps on....this....

Braineack 01-05-2012 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 815140)
Yet is still isn't federally legal. WTF gives?

How else is the Cartel going to stay in business? they are too big too fail.

Vashthestampede 01-05-2012 09:04 AM

FFS!! You guys are even posting in this bitch throughout the night!!! I cant keep current!! :vash:

olderguy 01-05-2012 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 815180)

So, in Illinois you are now required to show ID to buy drain cleaner because it contains acid and acid was used to attack someone a few months ago.

:giggle: Those silly politicians.

Slightly distorted but....wtflolol?

But you can't require identification to vote:jerkit:

Braineack 01-05-2012 10:38 AM



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