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Braineack 10-13-2011 10:28 AM

combo breaker:

JasonC SBB 10-13-2011 11:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 186789

jared8783 10-13-2011 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 783124)
So, the unemployment rate is just a product of companies not hiring because Wall Street is "hoarding" the wealth? It has nothing to do with, say, the extension and re-extension of unemployment benefits? Or the increased costs of employer-provided healthcare? Or the repeated rewarding of risky behavior (see: TARP) rather than prosecuting those who have engaged in fraudulent behavior, both in the private and public sectors? Or just generally creating such deep-seated policy uncertainty that businesses are discouraged from expansion or investment?

first of all i never said anything about hoarding wealth
i do not feel that way what so ever
i am just not cool with government in bed with corporation

occuy doesnt hate rich people
they hate corporatism

the rest of that quote
i agree with you completely and would like to add that the rate of people that are unemployed is higher than the unemployment rate because the unemployment rate only includes those receiving benefits

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 783124)
The fact that (apparently) hundreds showed up at each location on McDonald's Hiring Day is revealing. Why weren't they at McDonald's a week prior, or a month prior, or 6 months prior, applying for jobs? McDonald's apparently intended to hire 50,000 workers in April -- which is roughly the same amount of workers they hired last April for the summer. The only difference is that this year they picked a specific date and stuck a PR-friendly name on it.

what do you mean apparently?
do a google search something like mcdonalds hiring day turnout you will see

as far as showing up on the day advertised instead of a week earlier
are you serious?
ok lets say you are head of HR at a company
you advertise a job fair for the company
and several people show up a week or a few days early for a job
idk about you but me personally, i wouldnt hire someone who couldnt follow simple instruction

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 783124)
Job security is not a right.

i agree 100%
never said it was

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 783124)
Stop encouraging dumbass policies like raising the minimum wage that actually hurt employment. Stop the financial looting made possible by government regulation and easy credit creation. Stop monetizing the debt and inflating our currency.

nobody encouraged the raising of min. wage in this thread
and if you had read my posts and clicked my links you would know i already debunked that "list of demands" fox news is running with that has the $20 min wage demand

dude you gotta do your research and be skeptical of EVERYTHING especally mainstream meda
occupy is NOT who the media makes them out to be

im not in full support of occupy
brain said it well
is is a cluster fuck of different groups
though i think they can all agree that they want to end corporate corruption in the government

jared8783 10-13-2011 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 783122)
great video.

agreed but would want to add that the leaders power resides in the people
if no one fights for them then they have no power
free will has no respect for law

sixshooter 10-13-2011 07:02 PM

You are right. I made a sweeping generalization that anyone who would spend days and days on end hanging around in public places without doing anything must be unemployed. They certainly must have money coming from somewhere.

jared8783 10-13-2011 07:10 PM

^me detects some sarcasm?
not everybody and probably not most are occupyng 24/7

jared8783 10-13-2011 07:32 PM

i started a thread in the fort wayne occupy forum dscouraging the progressive stack

i will let you guys know sunday how that goes

Braineack 10-14-2011 09:57 AM

Braineack 10-14-2011 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 783367)
i started a thread in the fort wayne occupy forum dscouraging the progressive stack

i will let you guys know sunday how that goes

well if you're white, theyll probably put that suggestion on the bottom of the list :)

Braineack 10-14-2011 10:00 AM


Braineack 10-14-2011 10:03 AM

gearhead_318 10-14-2011 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 783568)
:facepalm: video

God forbid he tries to get something done quickly. Damned if he does, damned if he don't.

FRT_Fun 10-14-2011 01:15 PM

How is gas in 2009 1.82?

JasonC SBB 10-14-2011 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 783357)
agreed but would want to add that the leaders power resides in the people

Two mistaken implicit assumptions

1) For most of society's problems, society can and will find a solution; gov't is the wrong institution to solve most problems and makes things worse. Statists confuse society and government, and the roles of each.

2a) That the "people" via "voting", get to choose wise, selfless, morally upright individuals to lead them. The reality is the opposite. The most ruthless, deceitful, amoral individuals have the skills to project a desirable persona and rise to power. Psychopaths. This is especially true, the more centralized the power. It is much easier for psychopaths to be outed in say, county politics than national politics.

2b) That if "people" get to vote on issues, they will vote "correctly". The reality is that people are easily manipulated by the media and the people in power, through brainwashing and the use of emotion. Just look at the appalling economic ignorance of the Occupiers.

JasonC SBB 10-14-2011 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 783350)
i am just not cool with government in bed with corporation

Agreed 100%.

occuy doesnt hate rich people
they hate corporatism
The problem is they don't understand the difference between Free Market Capitalism and Corporatism. They think it is one and the same. They don't understand the root of the problem is allowing gov't the power to write economic interventionist laws. They think "more regulation" reduces Corporatism. This belief plays right into the hands of the Corporatists.

They fail to understand "more regulation" gives more power to the fox guarding the henhouse, and leads to even *more* Corporatism. They do not understand how the free market works and how there is such a thing as market regulation, which is much more equitable than gov't "regulation". The latter always *reduces* free market competition, and is favorable to the big boys.

viperormiata 10-14-2011 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 783665)
God forbid he tries to get something done quickly. Damned if he does, damned if he don't.

He hasn't done a fucking thing. He probably won't either.

Braineack 10-14-2011 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 783665)
God forbid he tries to get something done quickly. Damned if he does, damned if he don't.

see first quote; he promised 3 years :)

rleete 10-14-2011 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by viperormiata (Post 783674)
He hasn't done a fucking thing. He probably won't either.

Sure he has. He's made just about everything worse.

Braineack 10-14-2011 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 783668)
Just look at the appalling economic ignorance of the Occupiers.

No Bosses - No Unemployment!

Scrappy Jack 10-14-2011 02:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 783666)
How is gas in 2009 1.82?

See attached chart of OIL (ignore nominal pricing relative to WTI or Brent).

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