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Braineack 01-03-2012 04:46 PM

Most of everything I say is offensive and remember I love hyperboles; i also get worked up when I start clock watching.

there's a difference in the reporting, IIRC I've read somewhere that switzerland reports certain sized/weight infants as a miscarriage; something to that matter.

and the state, no, but the hospital should probably have that policy if they want to have customers.

i'd just love to see a modern day system without the gov't...we have a tons of examples of universal/single pay systems. Our constitution still prohibits our gov't from setting one one, so I'd like to see their hand completely out of the way...then we can make an informed choice or you can move to canada.

blaen99 01-03-2012 04:51 PM

I've got to run to a big meeting, so I'll just throw this up quick. I may make unintentionally inaccurate statements :(.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 814540)
Most of everything I say is offensive and remember I love hyperboles; i also get worked up when I start clock watching.

there's a difference in the reporting, IIRC I've read somewhere that switzerland reports certain sized/weight infants as a miscarriage; something to that matter.

Okay, now this would just be headache-worthy to try to debate "For fun". I'm not interested in original research that would be worthy of an academic graduate thesis.

and the state, no, but the hospital should probably have that policy if they want to have customers.
But that's the thing, Brainy. The parents have the option of getting private insurance that CAN do that. The option exists! People can make their own choice with their dollars if they want. Isn't that what some people are arguing for in this thread? (I apologize if I am misconstruing your statements. You haven't said it outright, but you seem to be strongly in favor of personal responsibility such as that.)

i'd just love to see a modern day system without the gov't...we have a tons of examples of universal/single pay systems. Our constitution still prohibits our gov't from setting one one, so I'd like to see their hand completely out of the way...then we can make an informed choice or you can move to canada.
Elaborate on bolded part please? I don't understand.

Braineack 01-03-2012 05:01 PM

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Scrappy Jack 01-03-2012 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack
Assume you have a baby that is born premature with multiple complications and a 3 pound birth weight. Is that child included in all country birth and life expectancy statistics the same way?

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 814514)
Dear lord, this would require so much research that it makes my brain hurt, Scrappy. Excellent question, but I have no way of answering it right now.

International Infant Mortality Rates: Bias from Reporting Differences (Howell, Blondel 1994)

Originally Posted by Congressional Budget Office
CBO.govIn the United States--as in other industrialized countries--the infant mortality rate has declined dramatically during this century. Yet, despite the high quality and wide availability of neonatal intensive care technology in this country, the infant mortality rate remains higher than that of many developed nations.

Problems of definition and measurement, however, hamper cross-national comparisons of health statistics. Alternative measures of infant mortality may provide better information but cannot completely compensate for differences among countries in the overall rates of reporting of adverse pregnancy outcomes. For example, very premature births are more likely to be included in birth and mortality statistics in the United States than in several other industrialized countries that have lower infant mortality rates.

In other words, that tiny premature baby may or may not make it in the United States, but either way - it's included in our infant mortality statistics. Not so with some of the nations that have "better" rankings in that category.

That is just one example of why this topic is so damn :crx: It's really difficult to get useful information, even if you go to direct source material.

As for your malpractice insurance points - I am skeptical without seeing something that gives more detail. Even if the deltas between states with and without malpractice award caps and other malpractice tort reform legislation were comparable, I'd like to see the other information. For example, if the malpractice insurance premiums were rising at comparable rates of change, but one was increasing from a base of $5k/year and the other one was increasing from a base of $20k/year, the absolute change is as important as the relative one.

jared8783 01-03-2012 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 814198)
My link explained in great detail about the "voluntary" myth of the tax code.

I've re-read 706 twice now, and in my response, I fail to see how anything was not covered

ok let me elaborate on my question as it appears you sincerely do not understand the question

i did not ask you to define "voluntary compliance" that has been done already
in fact i pointed out the how the irs defines voluntary compliance in post 706. And just above the video with the interview of the tax code author i pointed out at what point in the video that the author of the tax code defines voluntary compliance

the question is why does the author of the tax code (who is also the former commissioner) give a different definition of voluntary than irs.gov does?

and btw that link you provided gave a completely different and third definition for voluntary compliance

if this is so legitiment? then how can we have three DIFFERENT definitions?
i mean seriously now i might just fall for their word games, but the author/former commissioner cant even agree with irs.gov on the definition. and now you got this other site promoting the idea of a legal income tax that gives a third different definition?

im sorry but if three different respected entities are promoting the idea that voluntary truly means manditory, and they all define it in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT way (they aren't even close to a similar definition), i wont believe them. there is only one truth. not three lol
c'mon now

and besides how does forcing us to fill out a 1040 not violate our right not to incriminate ourselves. the former commissioner did say you can go to jail for what you put on it

EDIT: but what really amazes me is that the irs doesn't even have the same definition as the man who wrote it, the man whom they used to employ.

that is what convinces me is is horsecrap

viperormiata 01-03-2012 07:32 PM

Enginerd 01-03-2012 10:53 PM

If Rick Santorum truly becomes the Republican nominee, everyone may as well vote Obama for another 4 years.

That guy is inexperienced, ignorant and immature in his age and knowledge of history and government.

jared8783 01-03-2012 11:54 PM

^^^ imo a sellout politician is a sellout politician
i dont care who it is red or blue makes do difference especially when concerning the oval office

well @ 96% reporting paul is in third with 22%
santorum and romney are in first and second within less than a couple hundred votes of each other.

i dont think RP will win the nomination but this is showing that he truly is electable
each year more and more people hear of him and support him

his son will likely run next time around and chances will be even better then
his son was gonna run this year but Ron wanted one last shot

gearhead_318 01-04-2012 01:29 AM

Rand Paul is worse then his dad, he's not even a real Dr. The board that certifies Rand Paul as a Dr is lead i believe, by his dad, and isn't the same board that certifies others as doctors.
That would be like me making my own organization made up of family and friends to issue me a racing license, when everybody else gets their racing license from a legitimate organization with legitimate rules and requirements.

jared8783 01-04-2012 01:36 AM

i dont know anything bout the dr thing

but yeah you are right
we should just give up now

and vote for sellouts like obama and bush like everyone else

blaen99 01-04-2012 01:41 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 814706)
Rand Paul is worse then his dad, he's not even a real Dr. The board that certifies Rand Paul as a Dr is lead i believe, by his dad, and isn't the same board that certifies others as doctors.
That would be like me making my own organization made up of family and friends to issue me a racing license, when everybody else gets their racing license from a legitimate organization with legitimate rules and requirements.


Paul has held a state-issued medical license since moving to Bowling Green in 1993.[23] He received his first job from Dr. John Downing of Downing McPeak Vision Centers, which brought him to Bowling Green after completing his residency. Paul worked for Downing for about five years before parting ways. Afterwards, he went to work at the Gilbert Graves Clinic, a private medical group in Bowling Green, for 10 years before creating his own practice in a converted one-story house across the street from Downing's office.[24] After his election to the U.S. Senate, Paul merged his practice with Downing's medical practice.[25] Paul has had two malpractice lawsuits filed against him since 1993. Paul was cleared in one case and the other was settled for $50,000.[24] Regardless, his medical work has been praised by Downing and Paul has medical privileges at two Bowling Green hospitals.[23][24] Paul specializes in cataract and glaucoma surgeries, LASIK procedures, and corneal transplants.[12]

As a member of the Bowling Green Noon Lions Club, Paul founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic to help provide eye surgery and exams for those who cannot afford to pay.[26] He is a regular presenter at the annual Men's Health and Safety Day conference held by The Medical Center of Bowling Green since 1998.[27] In 1999 Paul founded the Non-profit organization National Board of Ophthalmology (NBO).[28]
Board certification

In 2010 the Louisville Courier-Journal reported that Paul, who described himself as a "board-certified" ophthalmologist, was not certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO).[23] In 1995, Paul passed the American Board of Ophthalmology boards earning his certification under the ABO for a term of one decade. In 1997, after a dispute with the American Board of Ophthalmology over recertification requirements,[29] Paul, along with 200 ophthalmologists formed the National Board of Ophthalmology (NBO).[30] A spokesperson for the American Board of Medical Specialties stated: "He [Paul] is not board-certified."[23]

Paul's ABO certification lapsed on December 31, 2005, and Paul has since been certified by the NBO.[23] ABO administrator Beth Ann Slembarski says that over 95 percent of the nation’s practicing ophthalmologists have American Board of Ophthalmology certification.[31] Regardless of his additional certifications, Paul has been licensed by the state to practice medicine in Kentucky since 1993, and his license is in good standing with no history of disciplinary action. The Courier-Journal reported: "There is no indication that Paul isn't qualified to practice ophthalmology."[23]
Wut? I mean, did you seriously make me defend Rand freakin' Paul? (Not a fan of Rand.)

gearhead_318 01-04-2012 01:48 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 814708)

Wut? I mean, did you seriously make me defend Rand freakin' Paul? (Not a fan of Rand.)

When I lived in KY and he was running for Senate there was a big deal made about his current medical license, also something about "Aqua Buddha".

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 814707)
i dont know anything bout the dr thing

but yeah you are right
we should just give up now

and vote for sellouts like obama and bush like everyone else

Super obviously not my point. Vote for whoever you like, but when the guy is misleading like that I can't stand the thought of him being a leader, then again all politicians are liars so whatever, let him be a space man doctor racecar driver secret agent.

Unrelated but very true:

blaen99 01-04-2012 01:59 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 814710)
When I lived in KY and he was running for Senate there was a big deal made about his current medical license, also something about "Aqua Buddha".

I saw that ninja-edit, Gearhead. I SAW IT! ;)

But Rand Paul's a legitimate doctor. Oh god, this sounds a lot like those Obama arguments about Obama being or not being (Insert thing here) based on speculation already.....

gearhead_318 01-04-2012 02:06 AM

Originally Posted by blaen99 (Post 814715)
I saw that ninja-edit, Gearhead. I SAW IT! ;)

But Rand Paul's a legitimate doctor. Oh god, this sounds a lot like those Obama arguments about Obama being or not being (Insert thing here) based on speculation already.....

Yes, I ninja edited a couple of things :fawk:

There is a difference however. For one, I can admit when I'm wrong, and it appears that i may just be. What happened to his license after 2005? For another, I'm not basing anything on speculation, I lived in Ky when he was trying to get elected to the Senate, and payed attention to the election.

But seriously, the video I posed is way more important then Rand Paul.

blaen99 01-04-2012 02:11 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 814716)
Yes, I ninja edited a couple of things :fawk:

There is a difference however. For one, I can admit when I'm wrong, and it appears that i may just be. What happened to his license after 2005? For another, I'm not basing anything on speculation, I lived in Ky when he was trying to get elected to the Senate, and payed attention to the election.

Regardless of his additional certifications, Paul has been licensed by the state to practice medicine in Kentucky since 1993, and his license is in good standing with no history of disciplinary action. The Courier-Journal reported: "There is no indication that Paul isn't qualified to practice ophthalmology."[23]
He's currently a fully licensed doctor and has additional certification from the NBO to practice ophthalmology.

But seriously, the video I posed is way more important then Rand Paul.
Eh, Thelonius Monk is great at getting views. Amazing at getting views. His videos sound great on the first watch. Then I think about them. And as I think about them more, I get to go >< and >< more and more about it. He's like Colbert or Stewart.

gearhead_318 01-04-2012 02:22 AM

I just like what he said in that video, we need to harden up as a nation, focus on things like responsibility for ones actions, honesty, and not being a p*ssy. Someday I'm going to write a book (they'll probably call it a manifesto) that sounds a lot like what FM said in that video.

blaen99 01-04-2012 02:25 AM

Nothing any politician can do can address what he said in that video, Gearhead, unless the government goes in and either forces parents to take children out and do things or something equally ridiculous.

It comes down to parents taking responsibility for their children. If I had kids, I wouldn't want the government involved in raising them at all TYVM. I don't know about you, but if have a baby, it's my decision to wipe everything down with purell or not. Not anyone else's.

gearhead_318 01-04-2012 02:34 AM

I don't mean to say it should the gov should be making people do anything like that (although I would like to see PE in schools every school day). I mean people should take it upon themselves to be more responsible ect.

BTW, when I was a kid my dad made me go outside, I didn't do anything with that time but he made me do it nevertheless.

blaen99 01-04-2012 02:39 AM

Originally Posted by cymx5 (Post 814665)
If Rick Santorum truly becomes the Republican nominee, everyone may as well vote Obama for another 4 years.

That guy is inexperienced, ignorant and immature in his age and knowledge of history and government.

Santorum and Romney are both Obama 2.0, and since Obama was Bush 2.0...well, more of the same. Paul got over 20% in Iowa, which is HUGE. I have high hopes for Paul's future campaign.

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 814725)
I don't mean to say it should the gov should be making people do anything like that (although I would like to see PE in schools every school day). I mean people should take it upon themselves to be more responsible ect.

Agreed on parenthesized bit. However, how do you propose to get people to take more responsibility? This is the problem I see with the "more responsibility" line. Government intervention to try to get people to take more responsibility sounds like a Brainying rant from Brainy.

BTW, when I was a kid my dad made me go outside, I didn't do anything with that time but he made me do it nevertheless.
More dads should do that now.

(Not-So-Ninja-Edit) http://gawker.com/5872685/genius-cop...wn-dash-camera - so, I figure this ought to spawn an interesting discussion.

blaen99 01-04-2012 04:05 AM

Paul won Iowa. Thread on this for more.

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