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-   -   The Current Events, News, and Politics Thread (https://www.miataturbo.net/current-events-news-politics-77/current-events-news-politics-thread-60908/)

jared8783 10-12-2011 03:44 PM

first of all this thread has gone from "in good humor" to bashing the protesters
this should be going on in a properly labeled thread
example: occupy wall street debate, that would be a nice title

that being said
in the new spirit of this thread
are you guys seriously believing this fox news demands list bs without seeing what the protesters have to say?
ok you saw the thing talking bad about it
if you want an un-biased view you need to look up some pro-occupy wall street stuff

lets first think to ourselves
the news agencies have a job to do
that is to get you to read/watch them and hopefully in turn purchase products from their sponsors

that posted list of demands makes for some great news as far as their interests goes (obviously). something like that will get passed around from person to person cuz they find it ridiculas and want to laugh with their friends about it

occupywallstreet.org has that list of demands on their site
it was posted by a SINGLE user
there is an admin note saying that this list wasnt even proposed at an assembly in NYC let alone voted on.
if you read on the comments there is alot of talk about energy (some want to kill oil, they better not fuck with my miata hobby, and we know they can obviously not succede in that)
but you can see in the posts that most people dont agree with that list of demands (the one that hasn't even been proposed at an assembly)

i am still trying to see if the protesters have published a list of demands
one thing for sure they dont protest people for being rich
they protest the system for benifiting them more than the middle class
lobbying is not cool

now dont go bashing me for supporting occupy
i have more research to do before making a stance
but one thing is for sure
when it comes to doing research


jared8783 10-12-2011 04:05 PM

if you go here you can see a list of SERIOUS proposed demands

there is no official list of demands at the moment

things in this country might be going a little better if the news was focused on spreading the truth instead of their financial interests

JasonC SBB 10-12-2011 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 782812)
things in this country might be going a little better if the news was focused on spreading the truth instead of their financial interests

It'll never happen with the mainstream media.

The mass media's owners are basically in the same good ole boys network as the financial and power elite. Their editors-in-chief will never "stray from the reservation".

The (relatively) centralized control over the dissemination of information (and especially opinion) is eroding due to the internet, as the cost of said dissemination drops due to technology. The old business models are dying. The New York Times has been a money loser for many years now. This is the end run around them.

sixshooter 10-12-2011 08:03 PM

Since General Electric owns the White House you won't see much changing in the near future.

BTW, it is amusing to me that the vast majority of the occupiers don't have jobs and are woefully undereducated. Since education is the last priority of the teachers' unions I'm not surprised.

Jared, your words would carry more weight without being misspelled. Firefox browser has a built in spellchecker but Firefox is owned by a corporation so you might not want to use it. Wait, ALL BROWSERS ARE OWNED BY CORPORATIONS! It's a conspiracy I tell you.

jared8783 10-12-2011 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 782902)
BTW, it is amusing to me that the vast majority of the occupiers don't have jobs and are woefully undereducated.

can you back up this claim with hard data or is it an assumption?
have you even looked to see what the protesters have to say on their site or have you just looked to see what media sources say about them? are you properly educated on the topic?
should i trust what public schools (funded by my government) when they talk to me about government? is this what we call a conflict of interest?

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 782902)
Jared, your words would carry more weight without being misspelled. Firefox browser has a built in spellchecker but Firefox is owned by a corporation so you might not want to use it. Wait, ALL BROWSERS ARE OWNED BY CORPORATIONS! It's a conspiracy I tell you.

too plus too equals four.
but wait i spell that wrong
it must mean that i am wrong :rofl:

but seriously what does MY spelling have to do with the FACTS of the situation?
btw i use google chrome WITH a spell checker thank you very much. and lmao it says i spelled google wrong. hahahahaha.

and yes until that picture with protesters using products got posted i was unaware as too how most of the items in my life are produced by corporations. (this should be obvious sarcasm)

i cant seem to find the spot in my post where i mentioned that all corporations are evil and participating in conspiracy

please dont make claims that cant be backed up
and dont bash me for things i didnt say
that my friend is how lies are spread
we need be skeptical of all news sources (be they mainstream or underground) to learn the truth

JasonC SBB 10-12-2011 08:41 PM

This "occupy" dude gets it right:

jared8783 10-12-2011 09:05 PM

^ while he obviously exaggerated on our exports (we do export non-violence related products) he truly has his facts straight and i can back up everything he said

but please keep in mind what six shooter ignored

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 782801)
now dont go bashing me for supporting occupy
i have more research to do before making a stance

i don't know enough about the protest as a whole to make a stance

well hey look at that
i got no red squiggly lines
everything is spelled right
can i be taken seriously now?

JasonC SBB 10-12-2011 09:21 PM

The occupy guys have their heart in the right place. However they are very misguided.

Corporatism = Big Biz and Gov't in bed together. Result: gov't passes laws that *reduce* free market competition and screw the rest of us.

mgeoffriau 10-12-2011 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 782907)
can you back up this claim with hard data or is it an assumption?

So....what? They're taking vacation days to show up for the protest? Come on. It's a bunch of kids who went and got expensive liberal arts degrees (like I did) but aren't willing to get over it and get an entry level job and work their way up (like I did).

Enginerd 10-12-2011 10:12 PM

Not a single event on the schedule starts before my lunch break....maybe their all independent contractors and consultants?

jared8783 10-12-2011 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 782933)
So....what? They're taking vacation days to show up for the protest? Come on. It's a bunch of kids who went and got expensive liberal arts degrees (like I did) but aren't willing to get over it and get an entry level job and work their way up (like I did).

yes of course because 100% or hell even the majority for that matter are spending 24/7 of their time there. not really

ever hear of a weekend warrior?
or perhaps a motivated individual is going there everyday after work?
i dont know
and thats the whole point
you dont know eithor

you guys have absolutely no reason (until proven other wise) that the majority of the protesters are unemployed

assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.
as of right now that's all that is

not saying you guys are wrong
i have a very open mind
i can be proven wrong
and when that happens
i will publicly announce that i was wrong
simple as that

just saying that ALOT of people are bashing these people hardcore for this
and its all based on assumptions
boy am i sure glad a court of law doesn't work like this

and if you guys are right
i only argue facts
what does the protesters employment status have to do with the facts?

common assumption does not equal common fact
do you really wanna base your political views (politics obviously being one of the biggest factors affecting our lives) on assumptions?

i intend on attending the first day of occupy fort wayne (a large city that i dont live too far from) this saturday with a VERY skeptical eye as i am not well educated right now as to what these protesters are all about

i will be video recording everything that i can
perhaps you guys can come up with some employment questions that i can ask as many people that i see
the videos will obviously be unedited

i know yes im not in NYC
and there will surely be margin of error
but its far better than an assumption

jared8783 10-12-2011 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by cymx5 (Post 782946)
Not a single event on the schedule starts before my lunch break....maybe their all independent contractors and consultants?

that i didnt know
are there scheduled events on the weekends?
are there protests in the evenings?
where are you from?

edit: i see you are in chicago
i am not too far from there

jared8783 10-12-2011 10:26 PM

i thought there was a big job crisis in america right now?

btw before i get bashed for this
i have a job
been there over two years now
i am in elkhart indiana
our city is the RV capital of the world
RV's are a very expensive luxury
so obviously we took a BIG hit when the recession was really tough
for a time we had the highest unemployment rate in the country
i forget what it was but is was considerably over 20%
obama made a speach in our city at the very high school i attended for that reason

i landed my current job in august 2009
unemployment in my city at the time was a whopping 19.8%
and this is the best paying job i have ever landed in my life
and pays more than most ever achieve in their lifetime in this city

as i said i am VERY open minded
and dont currently hold a stance on the proteste (non-biased)
i need more FACTS against the protests

jared8783 10-12-2011 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by cymx5 (Post 782946)
Not a single event on the schedule starts before my lunch break....maybe their all independent contractors and consultants?

on their main page as well as their education events page you can see many events starting after 12:00pm
and some even as late as 9:00pm

JasonC SBB 10-12-2011 10:50 PM

This guy explains why most of the Occupy peeps are misguided:

gearhead_318 10-12-2011 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 782933)
So....what? They're taking vacation days to show up for the protest? Come on. It's a bunch of kids who went and got expensive liberal arts degrees (like I did) but aren't willing to get over it and get an entry level job and work their way up (like I did).

Do you think the jobless rate is as high as it is because people don't feel like working? No, these people can not find jobs so they are instead protesting something they feel is unjust. I don't mean to say there are not people that choose not to work, there are, however the people who are protesting probably can't find jobs.
Also, as far as the hole thing about the protesters not liking corporations yet they use electronics made my corporations, I think it's blatantly obvious that they are not protesting most companies, but the ones who use there money to do things like donate huge amounts of cash to get there guy elected and/or there agenda pushed.

jared8783 10-12-2011 11:44 PM

i must say i truly dont see much if any good happening as a result of these protests

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 782993)
Do you think the jobless rate is as high as it is because people don't feel like working? No, these people can not find jobs so they are instead protesting something they feel is unjust. I don't mean to say there are not people that choose not to work, there are, however the people who are protesting probably can't find jobs

agreed 100%
yes many bums do exist
remember when mcdonalds had its nationwide job day?
do some research on that
many mcdonalds had hundreds show up at single locations

Braineack 10-13-2011 10:19 AM

Think about how many of them would work for less than minimum wage.


Braineack 10-13-2011 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 782965)
This guy explains why most of the Occupy peeps are misguided:

great video.

mgeoffriau 10-13-2011 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 782954)
i thought there was a big job crisis in america right now?

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 782993)
Do you think the jobless rate is as high as it is because people don't feel like working? No, these people can not find jobs so they are instead protesting something they feel is unjust. I don't mean to say there are not people that choose not to work, there are, however the people who are protesting probably can't find jobs.

So, the unemployment rate is just a product of companies not hiring because Wall Street is "hoarding" the wealth? It has nothing to do with, say, the extension and re-extension of unemployment benefits? Or the increased costs of employer-provided healthcare? Or the repeated rewarding of risky behavior (see: TARP) rather than prosecuting those who have engaged in fraudulent behavior, both in the private and public sectors? Or just generally creating such deep-seated policy uncertainty that businesses are discouraged from expansion or investment?

The fact that (apparently) hundreds showed up at each location on McDonald's Hiring Day is revealing. Why weren't they at McDonald's a week prior, or a month prior, or 6 months prior, applying for jobs? McDonald's apparently intended to hire 50,000 workers in April -- which is roughly the same amount of workers they hired last April for the summer. The only difference is that this year they picked a specific date and stuck a PR-friendly name on it.

I'm not saying being unemployed is easy. I'm very thankful I have a job that pays the bills, but I'm also very mindful that I work at an independent business that could easily go under if the market tanked further. Job security is not a right.

Stop encouraging dumbass policies like raising the minimum wage that actually hurt employment. Stop the financial looting made possible by government regulation and easy credit creation. Stop monetizing the debt and inflating our currency.

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