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gearhead_318 12-01-2011 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 801452)
I would say that would be something picked up from peers.

Agreed. Same reason why some guys like cars/football/guns and girls like unicorns and shit.

yes and we can also create atom bombs and kill off our entire species
you must draw the line somewhere as to what is and is not natural

so i take it that is a no on the lifelong gay lions who refuse to mate with females?
just admit it you have made an unfair comparison here
It is entirely within our nature to kill one another. The lions things was something that I didn't give much thought to and I will admit is not a very good example of my point, however it is not an unfair comparison.

i was being sarcastic when i said "no friggin way you gotta be kidding me"
you clearly missed my point
or at the least refuse to acknowledge it

are you saying that gays cant abuse their kids?
yes i know that you did not say that im just puttin words in your mouth now
im just saying you acknowledged that straights can be good and bad (as if i didnt already know that) but you haven't acknowledged that gays can be abusive as well
I guess I did miss your sarcasm, oh well. I am not saying that gays can not abuse there kids, I am saying they can abuse there kids, just like they might raise them to be exemplary members of society, just like straight people. It has nothing to do with sexuality, it has everything to do with the parents character.

i understand that
do you understand that what i am trying to say is that for a species to survive it must reproduce.
without outside influence such as a disease nature doesn't intentionally produce living organisms that are incapable or reproduction
Ok, do you oppose people getting artificial insemination so they can have kids when they can not get pregnant through traditional means?
If not, by what reason do you oppose homosexuals raising children? What evidence do you present?

FRT_Fun 12-01-2011 10:37 PM

For the record only the first quote up there is mine ^^

jared8783 12-01-2011 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801460)
I am not saying that gays can not abuse there kids, I am saying they can abuse there kids, just like they might raise them to be exemplary members of society, just like straight people. It has nothing to do with sexuality, it has everything to do with the parents character.


Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801460)
Ok, do you oppose people getting artificial insemination so they can have kids when they can not get pregnant through traditional means?
If not, by what reason do you oppose homosexuals raising children? What evidence do you present?

artificial insemination? i haven't put much thought to that therefore i have no stance

just to be clear as i have stated before i believe every parent has the right to raise their own flesh and blood as they please wethor i agree with them or not, with limitations of course, please dont quote what i said in a literal manor, if a parent wants to beat their kid senseless they should loose their kid

that being said i have no evidence to present here
as i said before i have formed an opinion based on what i believe about nature

i feel it would be immoral to place a child in a situation in which they would be taught that it is perfectly natural for someone to be born and not carry on the survival of our species
while everyone has the right to do so it is not natural

we have the right to kill ourselves by many countless slow means, some of those means may be difficult to avoid even
cigarettes for example
doesnt make it natural

it is particularly not natural for nature not to intend for you to carry on the survival of our species
my point just can't get any simpler than that

Braineack 12-02-2011 10:20 AM


gearhead_318 12-02-2011 02:08 PM

Part of issue 2 was making collective bargaining illegal. That would mean no unions whatsoever, no prospect for unions, and no way for workers to get together to protest any unfair or unsafe workplace practices. I can probably agree with you that some unionized employees are probably over payed, but that does not mean that everybody should suffer for it.

Braineack 12-02-2011 03:04 PM

so, everybody suffers because of unions. is that more fair?

This is what Unions did to OH:


wouldn't it be cool if School Districts spent 75-80% of their budgets on the students, not union labor? But you much prefer it when the parasites kill the host, and the mob bosses get to cozy up to their 6 figure penions.

Braineack 12-02-2011 03:16 PM

Oh how timely:


A recent audit and expanding investigation into Cleveland firefighters' timesheets and pay records suggest they need to be watched. The audit shows the fire department doesn't pay close attention to rules that allow firefighters to easily trade work shifts, take time off for funerals and call in sick. The result is a system that is being abused by at least a handful of firefighters.

Cleveland's firefighters are among the best and busiest, responsible for responding to emergencies from the top of Terminal Tower to the bottom of the Cuyahoga River, as they like to point out.

The public long has trusted them, but the audit has broken this bond and smeared the image of safety workers overall.

Cleveland's firefighters have only themselves to blame. The abuses should be insulting to the majority of the city's 800 firefighters and to voters.

One Cleveland firefighter, for instance, manipulated his schedule so he could commute from California. Another stacked his work schedule to allow him to vacation during the winter months. A couple of them got paid for more time than they worked.

I'm not ready to write this off simply as the consequence of sloppy paperwork or just a problem with a few firefighters. The larger culture and "past practices" deserves blame for enabling this.

The same tight fraternity of firefighters that is essential to fighting a blaze can't simultaneously be blind to its members' abuse of firehouse rules.

Without question, firefighters who work 24-hour shifts and then have 48 hours off need to be allowed to trade shifts to make family obligations such as kids' plays, graduations or weddings. It's easier for us 9-to-5 stiffs working in cubicles to make that happen. The trade rule, completely allowable under the contract, doesn't cost the city money.

But no one can argue that the rule was established to allow a firefighter such as Andrew Kovacic to do no work from Nov. 5, 2010 through March of this year. Nor was it designed to allow him to make up his time by working 24-hour shifts for 18 days during a three-week stretch in August. Firefighters who accept such a perverse use of the trade rule defeat their main argument that firefighters need rest between shifts for their own safety, the safety of their crew, and the safety of residents.

Work shifts shouldn't be manipulated at the expense of a crew's safety to accommodate firefighters' wishes to maintain out-of-state residences, aspirations to be snowbirds or plans to manage busy businesses on the side. Firefighters know that some of their colleagues have been doing exactly this for years.

While firefighters shoulder this mess, they are not entirely alone. The audit also points at the departments' five battalion chiefs, who monitor and sign off on timesheets. There's no way they could have been unaware of the unusual way some guys were trading shifts.

It's equally outrageous that Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson publicly holds Fire Chief Paul Stubbs – the eyes and ears over the department -- blameless. The guy came up through the ranks and knows the culture.

He should have known, for instance, that the department failed to accurately track sick time. It's a big deal because firefighters get paid at retirement for one-third of the unused time they accrued on the job. The audit said that "based on the result of testing," 30 percent of the sick time hours paid out at retirement were incorrect. Paperwork is so screwed up that investigators can't put a dollar amount on the overpayments.

Jackson says that rising department overtime costs led to the audit. Overtime and abuse of shift trades are not necessarily related. Previous audits of the department were targeting overtime costs but barely mentioned shift trades. Why didn't previous city audits of the fire department fail flag the lack of organized paperwork?

Regardless of what triggered the latest audit, I still can't get over how the administration – in office for nearly seven years -- is only now taking an in-depth look at an $87 million payroll and its paperwork.

Jackson is putting caps on the job trades, and the city finally appears ready to create an automated or centralized computer system to track shift changes, which number in the thousands and are amazingly done by hand, a point firefighters have complained about in the past.

Ultimately, changes must come from the firefighters themselves.

They have a lot more at stake than their reputations.

gearhead_318 12-02-2011 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801693)
so, everybody suffers because of unions. is that more fair?

This is what Unions did to OH:

wouldn't it be cool if School Districts spent 75-80% of their budgets on the students, not union labor? But you much prefer it when the parasites kill the host, and the mob bosses get to cozy up to their 6 figure penions.

I'm not saying that unions are all good, but I am not willing to take the power of collective barganing away from responsible workers. If somebody abuses the system, of course they should be punished. Many teachers aren't happy with there union right now, they do not allow for teacher to get promotions or raises based on job performance, but based on seniority, which of course is bullshit. So, what I am saying is that the workers should have the freedom to do away with a union they do not like and replace them with organizations that are better for the workers and the tax payers. Remember, if you want to attract good teachers, you've got to pay them well. Who the hell wants to get a masters degree, only to get a job that doesn't even pay $30K a year?

Braineack 12-02-2011 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801707)
I'm not saying that unions are all good, but I am not willing to take the power of collective barganing away from responsible workers.

Union bosses already have.

If somebody abuses the system, of course they should be punished.
Unions prevent this.

Many teachers aren't happy with there union right now, they do not allow for teacher to get promotions or raises based on job performance, but based on seniority, which of course is bullshit.
Unions are self serving, by self, I mean the bosses.

So, what I am saying is that the workers should have the freedom to do away with a union they do not like and replace them with organizations that are better for the workers and the tax payers.
Dude, workers dont even have the freedom to join the union or not, let alone if they wnat to pay union dues. Unions are big business; legalized gangster mobs.

Remember, if you want to attract good teachers, you've got to pay them well. Who the hell wants to get a masters degree, only to get a job that doesn't even pay $30K a year?
Whose problem is that?

They should have become Gym Teachers:

The City of Utica fire chief earns $73,440. Before leaving in March, the Utica police chief made $79,000. The Utica Community Schools has 36 gym teachers who earn more than the fire chief and 31 phys-ed teachers who earned more than the police chief.
...half of the district’s 52 gym teachers make more than $89,500 a year.
But nice Strawman play...I was waiting for it.

Unions prevent school districts to pay their employees based on merit, because there are no individuals in a union; you are shut out of the ability to negotiate your own compensation, benefits, etc. They violate your individual rights.

Collective bargaining has absolutely nothing to do with protecting the poor little teach who spent 6 years at school and established tons of debt on ly to get paid 20,000 a year. Like I said before, it serves one purpose and one purpose only...protecting the union.

JasonC SBB 12-02-2011 04:07 PM

Unions reduce competition. They prevent star employees from being compensated properly. They prevent qualified applicants from accepting a wage lower than unionized non-performers.

jared8783 12-02-2011 05:12 PM

now i know i have posted this before somewhere on this site but i just cant help my self

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801726)
They should have become Gym Teachers


Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801726)
Dude, workers dont even have the freedom to join the union or not, let alone if they wnat to pay union dues. Unions are big business; legalized gangster mobs.

What would you say to a worker at a non-union shop who felt he wasn't getting paid what he deserved? Would you say that he has the freedom to quit that job and go get a different job?
I know im puttin words in your mouth now but I really think you stance on this is important to this issue and I would appreciate your input.

Have you ever heard of an open shop union? It is a set up where there is a union and employees not only have the freedom to accept a union job (as everyone does) but they can also accept the job and NOT join the union. Perhaps that is a good idea.
Live Nude Girls Unite is a good doccumentary to watch on this topic, It is a documentary on I believe the first stripper union in the USA. While an open shop is not what they wanted it is what they got.

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 801732)
Unions reduce competition. They prevent star employees from being compensated properly. They prevent qualified applicants from accepting a wage lower than unionized non-performers.

being someone who has worked in more factories than i can remember
most of them dont give a crap about star employees in the production area
being a star employee myself, that is there are very few who have out performed me
i quit job after job after job for 4 yrs til i found one who will pay me based on my performance

In fact at my current job I am suffering for my great performance. First shift needed another person so my boss told me he choose me because i was the best. Not only am I on a shift i do not appreciate but i am on a different machine in which I am literally making $200+ a week less. That is after taxes. I was bringing home 700 a week and now it is 400-500. 500 if i am lucky. Ok so at best it is a 25% pay cut all because I did the best?

Unfortunately they have not approved vacation time for anyone below the supervisor level in over one year.
They have not given a cost of living raise in five years. (most people at my job get shit pay i am one of the six out of 75ish who makes a decent wage, the hardest working and most poorly treated department does NOT get decent pay)
On a position I used to work I was once lied to about my pay. When I politely told them that I felt I was cheated they pointed me towards the door.
They put us on seven hour days and took away our third break as a result. That is very logical and understandable and perfectly acceptable. But then they went up to a single employee and told him that on that day he would return to eight hour days but not getting his third break back. Not logical.

Employees (temps/temp to hire) are fired for poor performance. Why do so many of them perform so poor? Because they receive no training. There is no orientation at my job. It is a factory that only hires through staffing services and while they want us to know how to use the machine before we walk through the door we aren't telepathic and are unable to magically know their specs,tolerances, particular setups, ect. Once they decided to tighten up the tolerances on a particular part. They changed the tolerance to an unachievable point on the particular machines we were running them on. A temp was running them and asked me for advice, I looked at the parts and told him it couldn't be done. He then called the boss over to help him. The boss tired to figure it out then told him he didn't know what to do and then told him he better figure it out. They fired him the next day for it. Less then a week later they began running the parts on a machine which could achieve the tight tolerances.

I have been there now for two years and when I asked to use my vacation time for a half day off in December to make it easier to see my bro and sis whom i haven't seen in four years, he laughed at me. I told him there was nothing funny, I have NEVER asked for time off before.

My company is dirty. Do I say companies are evil and should not exist as a result? No.
Are unions corruptable? Yes, just as corporations are.

I think there a few things a union could help with at my job.
If you have any advice on how I can get me and my fellow workers more respect with out a union I am all ears. Im not sarcastic right not, I am truly sincere.
Whenever any of us approach the plant manager we are treated lower than dirt and he makes us feel bad for even coming up with an idea cuz we are just that stupid and he knows everything.

gearhead_318 12-02-2011 05:41 PM

The City of Utica fire chief earns $73,440. Before leaving in March, the Utica police chief made $79,000. The Utica Community Schools has 36 gym teachers who earn more than the fire chief and 31 phys-ed teachers who earned more than the police chief.
...half of the district’s 52 gym teachers make more than $89,500 a year.
This may be true, but it is not common. Most teachers where I went to HS didn't make that much coin, some hand summer jobs.
Second point, I'm not arguing that every union should keep it's current form, I am arguing that if a union is "broken" then it should be abandoner and a new one that functions properly should take its place. Making all unions illegal is not the answer.

blaen99 12-02-2011 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801444)
My point is that possibly homosexual behavior has been noted in the animal kingdom. You say that this is not evidential that humans in a homosexual relationship can or can not raise children. Ok, fair enough. However, As humans we can do many many things that animals can not do, this is obvious.

Just doing a driveby posting (I have to run for work), but I backread and this caught my eye.

Numerous animal species have the homosexual adults care for offspring of other members who either died or abandoned their children.

Homosexual animals serve a definite and needed purpose in numerous species' communities - specifically, foster/adoptive parents and population control. For the majority of primate species' that I have studied, 5%-10% of their population are homosexual. (Actually, off the top of my head, only one primate species does not evidence this behavior that I am aware of, and we're only discussing primates here - not other species that have similar behavior).

There is nothing "unnatural" or "unusual" about homosexuality in the wild. The homosexuals are the foster parents/adoptive parents of the offspring of other parents that died or abandoned their offspring. No big deal, it's been known for decades - for some species, upwards of a century. Homosexuality in animals serves a definite and needed purpose in animal communities acting as both a built-in genetic population control (As the animal community becomes more and more densely populated, homosexuality begins increasing drastically - as the population lowers, homosexuality lowers in turn. This has been extensively studied in rats and is fully reproduceable FYI. People here can probably draw the line between this and increasing numbers of homosexuality in certain densely populated areas, but no one wants to touch that study with a 10-foot pole because they'd become a pariah), and as a way to ensure offspring are taken care of. Christ, I could write a huge essay on this, I'll just stop here 'cause I've got to jet.

/But science has nothing to do with this argument, I know. It's about people's "feelings" and "religious teachings" that have been pounded into them for years.

Braineack 12-02-2011 06:16 PM

why did you chose factory work as your source of income?

gearhead_318 12-02-2011 06:21 PM

Damn, thats some cool stuff, and it all makes scene. jared8783, you still around?

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801786)
why did you chose factory work as your source of income?


fooger03 12-02-2011 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801766)
now i know i have posted this before somewhere on this site but i just cant help my self


What would you say to a worker at a non-union shop who felt he wasn't getting paid what he deserved? Would you say that he has the freedom to quit that job and go get a different job?
I know im puttin words in your mouth now but I really think you stance on this is important to this issue and I would appreciate your input.

If he *deserves* it, the school will give it to him. If there are 10 other qualified teachers that want the job he has, and are willing to accept *LESS* than he makes, then economically he only *DESERVES* a pay raise if he is a much better teacher than the rest. If the school won't give him a pay raise, then he can either go to another school district that wants his talent, or he can move on to a different career. I'm going to state this quite clearly: nobody DESERVES anything - the only way you get more is to EARN it.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801766)

Have you ever heard of an open shop union? It is a set up where there is a union and employees not only have the freedom to accept a union job (as everyone does) but they can also accept the job and NOT join the union. Perhaps that is a good idea.

Open Shop *teachers unions* have become outlawed in many states because the unions have made it so. The unions know that they would not survive in an open shop setup, where they have to compete with non-union workers who are WILLING to accept far less compensation for more work.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801766)
Live Nude Girls Unite is a good doccumentary to watch on this topic, It is a documentary on I believe the first stripper union in the USA. While an open shop is not what they wanted it is what they got.

being someone who has worked in more factories than i can remember
most of them dont give a crap about star employees in the production area
being a star employee myself, that is there are very few who have out performed me
i quit job after job after job for 4 yrs til i found one who will pay me based on my performance

You want paid based on performance? A union is not the answer - competition is. If a factory opened up across the street from the factory you worked at, they would be willing to pay a premium for a star worker. However, if your skills are non-transferrable to another business, then that company has a MONOPOLY on your skills. It is a fantastic business decision to have a monopoly on your employees skills, because you can get away with paying them less. You want paid more? Go get skills that are transferrable.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801766)

In fact at my current job I am suffering for my great performance. First shift needed another person so my boss told me he choose me because i was the best. Not only am I on a shift i do not appreciate but i am on a different machine in which I am literally making $200+ a week less. That is after taxes. I was bringing home 700 a week and now it is 400-500. 500 if i am lucky. Ok so at best it is a 25% pay cut all because I did the best?

Threaten to go next door if they don't give you a pay raise - and if you really are the best, you'll get a pay raise. If you're in a Union, you can forget the pay raise - just work and pay us your dues, bitch.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801766)

Unfortunately they have not approved vacation time for anyone below the supervisor level in over one year.
They have not given a cost of living raise in five years. (most people at my job get shit pay i am one of the six out of 75ish who makes a decent wage, the hardest working and most poorly treated department does NOT get decent pay)
On a position I used to work I was once lied to about my pay. When I politely told them that I felt I was cheated they pointed me towards the door.
They put us on seven hour days and took away our third break as a result. That is very logical and understandable and perfectly acceptable. But then they went up to a single employee and told him that on that day he would return to eight hour days but not getting his third break back. Not logical.

Employees (temps/temp to hire) are fired for poor performance. Why do so many of them perform so poor? Because they receive no training. There is no orientation at my job. It is a factory that only hires through staffing services and while they want us to know how to use the machine before we walk through the door we aren't telepathic and are unable to magically know their specs,tolerances, particular setups, ect. Once they decided to tighten up the tolerances on a particular part. They changed the tolerance to an unachievable point on the particular machines we were running them on. A temp was running them and asked me for advice, I looked at the parts and told him it couldn't be done. He then called the boss over to help him. The boss tired to figure it out then told him he didn't know what to do and then told him he better figure it out. They fired him the next day for it. Less then a week later they began running the parts on a machine which could achieve the tight tolerances.

I have been there now for two years and when I asked to use my vacation time for a half day off in December to make it easier to see my bro and sis whom i haven't seen in four years, he laughed at me. I told him there was nothing funny, I have NEVER asked for time off before.

Get another employment offer. It's that simple. Get an employment offer, and then tell your company that they had better beat the new offer, or else you're leaving that day. See if he laughs at you then.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801766)

My company is dirty. Do I say companies are evil and should not exist as a result? No.
Are unions corruptable? Yes, just as corporations are.

I think there a few things a union could help with at my job.
If you have any advice on how I can get me and my fellow workers more respect with out a union I am all ears. Im not sarcastic right not, I am truly sincere.
Whenever any of us approach the plant manager we are treated lower than dirt and he makes us feel bad for even coming up with an idea cuz we are just that stupid and he knows everything.

The only answer to your problem is to get another employment offer. If unemployment is high in your location, and you tell them to give you a pay raise, then he can simply fire you and hire someone else that same day. If you really are a fantastic employee, then bring your boss a new employment offer and tell him to beat it. If he can't beat it, then walk - you already have a new job. If he can beat it, then go to the new company the next day and tell them you're sorry, they will have to do better.

This is called competition.

As far as *public unions* are concerned - which are FAR DIFFERENT from unions at private companies - think about this: A public employee is quite literally a "public servant" - they exist soely to serve the good of the people. I am a "public servant", and as such, I exist for the same reason. When a public union "collectively bargains", they are requiring higher compensation from the people who pay them - this is the public. Therefore, A "public union" exists soely to extort money from the public which it's workers have sworn to serve. Tell me this isn't fair. In my job, there are over 60 APPLICANTS for every job position that comes open. Do you know what this tells me? The compensation for the job is FAR TOO HIGH. In an ideal world, if they had 60 applicants, they would significantly cut the compensation, then post the job offering again. If there are 60 qualified people that are submitting applications, then surely plenty of those would be willing to accept a lower compensation package to have a higher chance of winning the job.

Now let me make you shit your pants:

I make too much money.

I would be willing to earn about HALF of the compensation I currently make, and I would still come to work happy as fuck every day doing the same job. Do you know why my employer can't pay me HALF of what I earn? Public Unions.

The defense rests.

jared8783 12-02-2011 07:24 PM

open shops being outlawed i can surely NOT agree with
and while unions have less of a chance surviving with an open shop they can and do survive

well fooger03 for the most part i agree with you about my particular situation
except that they will give me a raise if i am truly the best
at most factories that just simply not the case
the attitude usually is 'take our pay or get out'
though i have worked at places who gave me a raise on my first or second day before
usually at most places i only recieve more praise for my extra work
it is uncommon to receive more pay for more performance in a factory

in a nutshell it sounds like you are telling me that i dont have to accept what i am getting now
i have the freedom to quit and go get a better job
is this what you are saying?
if so while it is much easier said than done i agree 100%

the most important thing i want from my work is a cost of living raise
i would have ten times more respect for my employer if they only gave me this
though it would be nice to have my old machine back and the ability to take my vacation
just those three things would convince me to stay where i am at for ten+ years
way things are i dont intend on being here for more than five max

as far as why i choose factory work
i really dont feel like getting into my personal life on this thread
that is unless you can show relevancy then i will be more than happy to share

will you answer my question to you in post #491?

and also with what you said about unions being legalized gangster mobs
that is because it is legal for them to be
just like corps
we got gangsters vs gangsters here
its kinda like red vs blue IMO

Enginerd 12-02-2011 09:00 PM

Oxymoron of the day:

Corporations are evil : I invest my 401k in corporations

How many people fit this description? I bet 99%.

jared8783 12-02-2011 10:09 PM


fooger03 12-03-2011 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801815)

well fooger03 for the most part i agree with you about my particular situation
except that they will give me a raise if i am truly the best

It is the goal of any business to maximize profits, therefore it is in their best interest to compensate you for the minimum amount which you are willing to accept - REGARDLESS of how amazing a worker you are. By continuing to work, you have accepted the compensation which they are giving you. The *only* way to convince them to give you more money is to ACT on your displeasure - you have to find out what the actual market value of your labor is, and to do that, you must begin looking elsewhere for offers of employment. As long as you are not looking for other employment opportunities, you are literally continuing to settle for exactly the situation you are in. Every man is responsible for his own actions...unless they lay you off, in which case I am responsible for your actions, because now I have to pay for your unemployment.

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801815)
at most factories that just simply not the case
the attitude usually is 'take our pay or get out'
though i have worked at places who gave me a raise on my first or second day before

This is because they have realized the value of your labor immediately. By giving you an immediate pay raise, they are saying "I understand your talent, and I understand that I will have to pay more money to compete with other companies for your labor"

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801815)
usually at most places i only recieve more praise for my extra work
it is uncommon to receive more pay for more performance in a factory

in a nutshell it sounds like you are telling me that i dont have to accept what i am getting now
i have the freedom to quit and go get a better job
is this what you are saying?
if so while it is much easier said than done i agree 100%

the most important thing i want from my work is a cost of living raise
i would have ten times more respect for my employer if they only gave me this
though it would be nice to have my old machine back and the ability to take my vacation
just those three things would convince me to stay where i am at for ten+ years
way things are i dont intend on being here for more than five max

Again note: you have told me that you are perfectly content to settle for the exact compensation that you are currently receiving for your work for at least 5 years. If you gave your current employer this information, they would make a note of it, and exactly 5 years from today, they would give you a "cost of living raise", and nothing more.

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