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jared8783 12-01-2011 06:27 PM

yeah i think gays should be able to marry and do whatever they want with THEIR own kids (that guy in the vid was the biological son of one of the woman)

however i don't think they should be able to adopt
i feel they have the right to do whatever they want with their own kids

jared8783 12-01-2011 06:28 PM


Braineack 12-01-2011 06:32 PM

(Sent from phone via capitalism)

II don\'t see any reason they cannt adopt - who are you to decide?

jared8783 12-01-2011 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801361)
(Sent from phone via capitalism)

II don\'t see any reason they cannt adopt

lol i love that (sent from phone via capitalism) thing
is that an actual app or did you edit some text somewhere?

i strongly believe that homosexuality is unnatural
obviously we cant reproduce through homosexuality
while i feel it is a parents right to raise their child as they wish
i dont feel it is right to force a child into such a situation

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801361)
who are you to decide?

My name is Jared and I have decided to form an opinion.

jared8783 12-01-2011 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 800863)
I had a lot of hope for OWS, but alas, I am disappointment.

i didnt notice this before

trust me
i feel your pain

gearhead_318 12-01-2011 07:23 PM

^Male Lions in the wild have sex, it happens in nature, therefor it is natural. Would you prefer that children who have no parents be placed with foster parents, bouncing from home to home there entire childhood? There are plenty of straight parents the fuck up there kids, abuse them, mistreat them, and raise them to be shitty people who have kids who turn out to be shitty parents who have kids and so on and so fourth.

Are you by any chance getting your morals from a cretin, Judaic-Christian text?

Braineack 12-01-2011 07:46 PM

you dont want to hear my theory behind it :)

gearhead_318 12-01-2011 07:49 PM

I do.

Vashthestampede 12-01-2011 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 801366)
i strongly believe that homosexuality is unnatural
obviously we cant reproduce through homosexuality

So those born with down syndrome are "unnatural", seeing that society obviously couldn't function properly if everyone had down syndrome right?

Same goes with blind, deaf, etc etc. If its not correct, than it must be "unnatural". Hmmmm. Imagine a world full of blind people. Never would make it.

There's always exceptions to the norm. Those people shouldn't necessarily be labeled "unnatural", that's a little harsh.

I'm not really for or against gay anything, but I'd rather not have it flaunted about in my face if I could help it. That means in the news too. I'd rather see some REAL reporting going on, rather than what gay law was passed today in what state.

This is why I don't watch the news anymore. I feel much better about the day going on with my life, not listing to all these idiots with a camera on them. TV has become the way to brainwash the people. I mean just look for example, Obama was actually elected president.

jared8783 12-01-2011 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801376)
^Male Lions in the wild have sex, it happens in nature, therefor it is natural.

seriously dude?
you are coming at me with this animal kingdom stuff?
you are making it WAY too easy for me :giggle:
dude i have seen male dogs hump each other before
popular theory is that this is done to show dominance

can you link me to some credible evidence that shows male lions swearing off their reproductive abilities by not humpin female lions?
lifelong partner gay lions?
thats a good one :rofl:
tell me
where do you come up with this stuff
i sincerely can not stop laughing right now

and besides i am arguing with a stance on nature here and you are trying to take the same stance? ok then show me two male lions who mated (dont forget they are both males) and raised the cub
or better yet artificial insemenation
or perhaps a pair of gay lions who refuse to hump females that adopted

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801376)
Would you prefer that children who have no parents be placed with foster parents, bouncing from home to home there entire childhood?

bouncing from home to home is not what i want
though i dont want to see kids go from one unpleasant situation to another
again this is only my opinion
i wasnt really tryin to debate it now that i think of idk why i even posted my opinion but now that i have i will defend it

i will forever refuse to choose between something i think is bad over something else i think is bad because one is less bad

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801376)
There are plenty of straight parents the fuck up there kids, abuse them, mistreat them, and raise them to be shitty people who have kids who turn out to be shitty parents who have kids and so on and so fourth.

no friggin way you gotta be kidding me

again dude
well i guess socialism is better that communism so we should all be socialists right?

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801376)
Are you by any chance getting your morals from a cretin, Judaic-Christian text?

first of all
im arguing based on nature here not religion
ok so stop trying to make me look bad now based on things i did not say


Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801393)
you dont want to hear my theory behind it :)

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801396)
I do.

do tell
it will probably come out sooner or later

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 801400)
So those born with down syndrome are "unnatural", seeing that society obviously couldn't function properly if everyone had down syndrome right?

Same goes with blind, deaf, etc etc. If its not correct, than it must be "unnatural". Hmmmm. Imagine a world full of blind people. Never would make it.

There's always exceptions to the norm. Those people shouldn't necessarily be labeled "unnatural", that's a little harsh.

what you say seems to really make alot of sense here
except to my knowledge i am not aware of any species who can survive without the ability to reproduce

and before anyone says "they are born gay"
then tell me
how is it that many of them can switch teams so often
im not talking about the ones "born bisexual" here
im talking about the ones who go from strictly straight to strictly gay back and forth

i don't change my mind about wethor i like breathing O2 or CO2 here
and yes the difference in nature is the same
the ability to survive as a species

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 801400)
I'm not really for or against gay anything, but I'd rather not have it flaunted about in my face if I could help it. That means in the news too. I'd rather see some REAL reporting going on, rather than what gay law was passed today in what state.

i really wasnt trying to debate this topic
just state my opinion
i dont know what the hell i was thinking by posting it here in the first place
now that my opinion has been attacked i will defend it

i might have forgot to capitalize a few sentences here
and maybe a punctuation mark or two
i dont care
not tryin to impress anyone here with my mad grammer skills lol

Braineack 12-01-2011 08:27 PM


jared8783 12-01-2011 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801414)


and also to elaborate from my point of view in response to what Vashthestampede said about people born with diseases

first of all
i dont know what they feel like
and i wish soooo bad they weren't in the situation they were in

second of all they were born diseased caused by something that is...natural
birth defects
those all happen naturally
that is now how they were supposed to be
but natural they are

fooger03 12-01-2011 09:13 PM

As a society, we place far too much value on human life.

Fucking liberals.

gearhead_318 12-01-2011 09:54 PM

gay lion sex :rofl:
My point is that possibly homosexual behavior has been noted in the animal kingdom. You say that this is not evidential that humans in a homosexual relationship can or can not raise children. Ok, fair enough. However, As humans we can do many many things that animals can not do, this is obvious.

bouncing from home to home is not what i want
though i dont want to see kids go from one unpleasant situation to another
again this is only my opinion
i wasnt really tryin to debate it now that i think of idk why i even posted my opinion but now that i have i will defend it

i will forever refuse to choose between something i think is bad over something else i think is bad because one is less bad
If you post something in this thread, be prepared to defend your stance with reason, and/or factual evidence. My point in my "foster home" argument is that gay parents are capable of raising children, and this would mean less kids in foster homes.

no friggin way you gotta be kidding me

again dude
well i guess socialism is better that communism so we should all be socialists right?
No, I am not kidding you. My point in saying "There are plenty of straight parents the fuck up there kids, abuse them, mistreat them, and raise them to be shitty people who have kids who turn out to be shitty parents who have kids and so on and so fourth." is that there is evidence that straight parents can be bad parents, but you don't seem to have any opposition to a straight parents. Also, just like straight parents are obviously capable of being good parents, so are gays. Sexuality has nothing to do with it.

first of all
im arguing based on nature here not religion
ok so stop trying to make me look bad now based on things i did not say

No, not in the least bit irrelevant. How am I trying to make you look bad based on things you did not say? Your kinda doing that on your own.

what you say seems to really make alot of sense here
except to my knowledge i am not aware of any species who can survive without the ability to reproduce
There are plenty of straight people to reproduce, nobody is arguing that everybody should be homosexual.

i don't change my mind about wethor i like breathing O2 or CO2 here
and yes the difference in nature is the same
the ability to survive as a species
Just like you can not change your mind about sexuality. Some people are born homosexual, despite what you may believe.

Braineack 12-01-2011 10:04 PM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 801433)
As a society, we place far too much value on human life.

I'd hope so. It's when we don't value life...

Braineack 12-01-2011 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801444)
Some people are born homosexual, despite what you may believe.

Serious question, are they all born with lisps and good fashion sense too?

FRT_Fun 12-01-2011 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 801450)
Serious question, are they all born with lisps and good fashion sense too?

I would say that would be something picked up from peers.

jared8783 12-01-2011 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801444)
My point is that possibly homosexual behavior has been noted in the animal kingdom. You say that this is not evidential that humans in a homosexual relationship can or can not raise children. Ok, fair enough. However, As humans we can do many many things that animals can not do, this is obvious.

yes and we can also create atom bombs and kill off our entire species
you must draw the line somewhere as to what is and is not natural

so i take it that is a no on the lifelong gay lions who refuse to mate with females?
just admit it you have made an unfair comparison here

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801444)
No, I am not kidding you. My point in saying "There are plenty of straight parents the fuck up there kids, abuse them, mistreat them, and raise them to be shitty people who have kids who turn out to be shitty parents who have kids and so on and so fourth." is that there is evidence that straight parents can be bad parents, but you don't seem to have any opposition to a straight parents. Also, just like straight parents are obviously capable of being good parents, so are gays. Sexuality has nothing to do with it.

i was being sarcastic when i said "no friggin way you gotta be kidding me"
you clearly missed my point
or at the least refuse to acknowledge it

are you saying that gays cant abuse their kids?
yes i know that you did not say that im just puttin words in your mouth now
im just saying you acknowledged that straights can be good and bad (as if i didnt already know that) but you haven't acknowledged that gays can be abusive as well

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 801444)
There are plenty of straight people to reproduce, nobody is arguing that everybody should be homosexual.

Just like you can not change your mind about sexuality. Some people are born homosexual, despite what you may believe.

i understand that
do you understand that what i am trying to say is that for a species to survive it must reproduce.
without outside influence such as a disease nature doesn't intentionally produce living organisms that are incapable or reproduction

jared8783 12-01-2011 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 801433)
As a society, we place far too much value on human life.

Fucking liberals.

are you sure about that?
as far as i am concerned we do not place enough value on human life

skip to the 1:52 mark to learn how charities were fined for providing medicine to iraqi's while clinton was in office

jared8783 12-01-2011 10:28 PM

i haven't explicitly stated this yet and i feel the need to
everyone has the right to be gay
i believe they should have the right to marriage
i believe they should have the right to do as they please with their own children as in flesh and blood

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