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JasonC SBB 10-27-2011 10:48 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 788497)
Since so many of those pipsqueak dictators don't like us in the first place,

Did you ever stop and think why so many people in other countries hate us?
Did you ever stop and think why say, Switzerland, whose citizens are as wealthy or wealthier, and as free or freer than we are, is not hated?

It's because of our foreign policy, projecting power, and sticking our nose in other people's business! A foreign policy that only benefits people in power, not you or me.

jared8783 10-27-2011 10:53 PM

^^What he said

yeah for real. that "they hate us for our freedom" is the one of the biggest bullshit lies i have ever heard. how many people have ever stopped to think just how much that actually doesn't make.
has anyone seen any video or documentation NOT from our corrupt government showing how they hate us for our freedoms?

gearhead_318 10-28-2011 12:22 AM

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 788959)
Did you ever stop and think why so many people in other countries hate us?

They hate the west as a whole. They hate us because we let our people have rights, women can drive, dress as they want and not be escorted by a male relative everywhere they go. They hate us because they are religious fanatics who's ultimate goal is to make the entire world an Islamic caliphate. They hate everyone.

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 788959)
Did you ever stop and think why say, Switzerland, whose citizens are as wealthy or wealthier, and as free or freer than we are, is not hated?

I think Islamic terror groups hate the Swiss too. However I get your point. However however, let me ask you this, did you ever see the movie Hotel Rwanda? It's pretty sad, it's about genocide and how this family had to try to survive. NATO troops where there, but didn't could not act b/c of orders from a commander who was probably worried of upsetting people. In situations like that we (the US) should do something about it, somebody has to. Just my opinion.

Originally Posted by JasonC SBB (Post 788959)
It's because of our foreign policy, projecting power, and sticking our nose in other people's business! A foreign policy that only benefits people in power, not you or me.

Our foreign policy aids victims of deserters both man made and natural. People tend to remember the bad stuff, and quickly forget about the good done.

jared8783 10-28-2011 02:06 AM

i tried telling everyone we shouldn't let women vote :rofl:

Braineack 10-28-2011 08:35 AM

Braineack 10-28-2011 11:55 AM

Vashthestampede 10-28-2011 07:10 PM

gearhead_318 10-29-2011 03:18 PM

the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

jared8783 10-29-2011 03:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 186670

texas is well known as being as one of the sfest states on account of the high legal carry rate

gearhead_318 10-29-2011 04:31 PM

Inmates restore classic cars, learn a trade and make back some $. Nevada made $130,000 last year from the program.


fooger03 10-30-2011 10:44 AM

The U.S. is currently the most imperialistic nation in the world. Iraq and Afghanistan are both Imperialistic initiatives. The Libyan war was of haughty interest. There shouldn't be ANY confusion as to why the rest of the world hates us. They hate us because we're tyrannical imperialists.

Do you know what the worst part about it all is?

We, as a nation, do not understand that we are taking imperialistic actions. We don't comprehend the fact that we are trying to rule the rest of the world. Sure: China is "getting aggressive" against it's neighbors, and "we should stop them". "China is an evil country with terrible intentions, and they can't harness their unquenchable imperialism."

But while we're pointing our fingers at China, who everyone knows is a bad, bad country. Nobody understand why the rest of the world is pointing their fingers at the U.S. Nobody understands that the U.S. is a bad, bad, badder country. We're hypocrites who preach sovereinty and acceptance, yet we unprovokedly occupy countries and tell them what government they will have.

Why the hell don't we understand why Pakistan is so fucking upset with us? Put yourself in their shoes. Here's an example:

Lets say Brazilistan was waging war in Mexicostan. They were trying to change the government of Mexicostan to a monarchy, and they were also trying to defeat a terrorist network who bombed one of their gold mines 10 years ago, killing thousands of their tribesmen. Eventually, after cleansing the south of Mexicostan, the Brazilistanis made their way to the north of Mexicostan and continued their war, but they ran into a problem. The unsecured border between Mexicostan and Unitedstates Arabia was allowing the Mexicanistanis safe haven in the UA to plan their attacks on the Brazilistanis.

So, to end the funny names, the US is claiming sovereignty over Texas, but Brazil is fighting the Mexican-Americans (U.S. Citizens with Mexican heritage) who are crossing the US/Mexico border to fight the oppressors in their homeland, then retreating to plan more attacks. Brazil wants us to kill their attackers, but we refuse because they're U.S. Citizens. It's not our problem that Mexicans are attacking Brazilians, and in times like these, we don't have extra money to spend on some sort of campaign to get them to stop.

What happens when Brazil finally get sick of their Soldiers dying, and starts bombing American-Mexicans in Texas? Do you think we'd be kind of upset about that? Do you think it would begin to strain our relationship with the Brazilians? Is there a difference between U.S. citizens indiscriminately dying because Brazil is bombing Texas and U.S. Citizens indiscriminately dying because Al-Qaeda is bombing New York City? What is it?

Lets go back to Pakistan - Not only do Pakistanis see us as imperialists - We are also terrorists in the opinion of Pakistan. We have terrorized the FUCK out of Pakistan's sovereign territory on the Afg/Pak border in the last few years. Do you think the people living there aren't scared that they could be bombed any day? Do you think they aren't feeling terror when they hear hellfire impacts 10 miles away at 2 a.m.? Sure, some of them are combatants (though they're NOT terrorists if they're only fighting against troops - they're merely asymmetrical warfighters), but a LOT of them are non-combatants. People who do not wish to, or are incapable of fighting, and merely share the same interests as the people who are fighting. (Though don't discount combat support and service roles, which, though not combatant roles, are of offensive intent, and should be considered military targets)

I've typed long enough that I've lost my train of thought on warfighting.

Sure: lets tax the FUCK out of people that make a lot of money.
What the hell kind of sense does that make?
So in essence, if we tax entities making $1MM a year at 50%, we're PROVIDING A DISINCENTIVE FOR THE CREATION OF ECONOMIC VALUE. And we want to tax them even more now?
All this at a time when our economy is in the shitter.

Now lets take mommasue and her 8 illegitimate children. She can't go to work because she is taking care of her children, and her 8 babbydaddys have disappeared off into the sunset. Mommasue makes $0 of profit annually - she is of no economic value - in fact, the government has to GIVE her money to feed, clothe, and house her children. In this case, the government is giving mommasue AN INCENTIVE TO NOT CREATE ECONOMIC VALUE. Because the government is paying mommasue to not work, she is in fact CREATING NEGATIVE ECONOMIC VALUE.

If we stopped paying mommasue to not work, we would accomplish 3 things:

1. Since mommasue would not be receiving government money anymore, she no longer creates negative economic value.

2. That wealthy person whose 50% taxes is paying for mommasue's kids can now use those tax dollars to pay for something else - OR - his tax rate can be reduced which gives him less disincentive to create more economic value

3. Since Mommasue is no longer receiving money from government handouts, she has to go to work to make money. Because she is working to make money, she is now PART OF THE TAX BASE, and has no choice but to go from being an economic sinkhole to becoming a nugget in an economic goldmine.

This doesn't mean we just let mommasue's kids die, I suppose we can grandfather her children into the sinkhole until they're 16. But mommasue will get no more welfare money for her own subsistance/housing, and 9 months after my new law goes into effect, no child will receive government assistance because of "financially incapable" parents.

Have any of you heard about the government initiative to provide celllular telephones to "the poor"? In my opinion, if someone has a cell phone, cable TV, a car payment, more than 250 square feet of house per person, or any other "luxuries" not essential to support life, they should automatically be disqualified from ANY sort of government financial assistance. You've got a cell phone contract? You obviously can afford to feed and house your family.

jared8783 10-30-2011 12:27 PM

i am pleased to see a private militia practicing their right to bear arms in the way the founding fathers had intended

gearhead_318 10-30-2011 02:10 PM

Why the hell don't we understand why Pakistan is so fucking upset with us? Put yourself in their shoes. Here's an example:
Probably has something to do with being embarrassed that we killed the most wanted man in the world, on there soil, and didn't say a damn thing to them beforehand. Yeah, let them be pissed. We also give everybody aid whenever there is a natural disaster, cases in point: When Pakistan recently had a nasty earthquake and flood, we where there to aid there people (innocent civilians who will remember that the big bad Americans helped them when there one country hadn't). What do we get for this? A few months before we got Bin Laden there was an incident where the Pakistanis blocked an entrance (or possibly an exit, I admit I don't exactly remember which one) to there country. This "checkpoint" where our people where getting helled up for "diplomatic" reasons is in a very bad part of the country (somewhere along the Pakistan Afghan boarder), the troops that where waiting to cross into Pakistan (they where in a convoy) and had to abandon the convoy because where thy where waiting was venerable to attack due to higher ground on both sides of the road, and as they had anticipated, the convoy was attacked. The Pakistanis knew this would happen, so fuck what they think of us, we aren't going to change there minds.

jared8783 10-30-2011 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 789744)
When Pakistan recently had a nasty earthquake and flood, we where there to aid there people (innocent civilians who will remember that the big bad Americans helped them when there one country hadn't)

helping someone does not give you the right to hurt someone

this reminds me of hearing obama saying we need to win over hearts and minds.
why does he need to win over hearts and minds?
can he not get people to believe in him based on his accomplishments?
if you are doing good things you need not attempt to win over hearts and minds
people will follow you simply because you are headed in the right direction

gearhead_318 10-30-2011 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by jared8783 (Post 789752)
helping someone does not give you the right to hurt someone

this reminds me of hearing obama saying we need to win over hearts and minds.
why does he need to win over hearts and minds?
can he not get people to believe in him based on his accomplishments?
if you are doing good things you need not attempt to win over hearts and minds
people will follow you simply because you are headed in the right direction

Winning over hearts and minds referrers to winning over the Afghan people, it has nothing to do with the President's accomplishments. We need to win over hearts and minds because thats how you win a gorilla war (ie war in Afghanistan). By doing good things you win over hearts and minds of the people, duh.

people will follow you simply because you are headed in the right direction
This is kinda true. I would say the Afghan people will "beat on the winning horse", as I heard a special forces guy say in a documentary. If they are happy and think we are winning, they (the locals, tribal leaders, etc.) will be more likely to back us, give us intelligence, and most importantly, not attack us.

jared8783 10-30-2011 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 789760)
Winning over hearts and minds referrers to winning over the Afghan people, it has nothing to do with the President's accomplishments. We need to win over hearts and minds because thats how you win a gorilla war (ie war in Afghanistan). By doing good things you win over hearts and minds of the people, duh.

i understood that
my point is that it is a form of manipulation
as you so kindly clarified

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 789760)
This is kinda true. I would say the Afghan people will "beat on the winning horse", as I heard a special forces guy say in a documentary. If they are happy and think we are winning, they (the locals, tribal leaders, etc.) will be more likely to back us, give us intelligence, and most importantly, not attack us.

gearhead_318 10-30-2011 04:07 PM

Yes it's manipulation, but we aren't the only manipulators, the taliban does some manipulating to. The difference is, we try and get locals on our side by making there lives better in some way, the taliban does it by cutting peoples extremities off and stoning women for violating sharia law.

If you piss of your wife/girlfriend/whoever, and you buy her roses to get back on her good side, that is a form of manipulation. It causes happiness, but it is still a form of manipulation, albeit a fairly innocent form.

jared8783 10-30-2011 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 789783)
Yes it's manipulation, but we aren't the only manipulators, the taliban does some manipulating to. The difference is, we try and get locals on our side by making there lives better in some way, the taliban does it by cutting peoples extremities off and stoning women for violating sharia law.

so if joey plays dirty tricks to win the game it is ok for me too?
some people think so
i dont

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 789783)
If you piss of your wife/girlfriend/whoever, and you buy her roses to get back on her good side, that is a form of manipulation. It causes happiness, but it is still a form of manipulation, albeit a fairly innocent form.

ok i totally get what you are saying now
like a show of good faith
unfortunately i have no faith in our sell out politicians

sixshooter 10-30-2011 10:25 PM

Much of the world hates us because of jealousy over our prosperity granted to us by our freedom to pursue our own individual self interests. People living at the (whatafuckingjoke) poverty line in America live at a higher standard than 97% of the world's inhabitants. Jelly much?

Many people just hate anyone who isn't just like them and for any reason imaginable and will always find a reason. East Coast vs. West Coast rappers anyone?

Some people don't like gingers.

And I have lived in and visited many foreign countries and found that they don't often like arrogant people of any nationality, but are very warm and welcoming to similarly warm and welcoming Americans. And some people are just assholes over there and over here too. Hate is a human condition and not an anti-American condition. And we all know what haters are gonna do.

And some people use words like imperialist that don't apply to us in the last 100+ years. An imperialist country seeks to create an empire through conquering and annexing foreign lands. Last time I checked we were trying to get the fuck out of Crapstanastanastan and Icrap and give it back to the goat herders. If we were imperialist we would continue to own them completely like we did with Hawai'i and Puerto Rico, instead of giving them back like we did Germany, Japan, the Philippines, Panama, Grenada, et al. Puerto Rico showed us what a big fucking mistake keeping a shithole country can be. OVER 50% of the inhabitants of the island of Puerto Rico receive US Govt. welfare checks every month. And I'm certainly not happy about it.

gearhead_318 10-30-2011 10:30 PM

I agree.

Also, I think we should take over Canada. I hear they've got free health care and maple serape as far as the eye can see.

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