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Braineack 08-03-2021 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1605603)

now?!?!?!!!!! lol.

this is just him softening the the blow to Republicans before he breaks the news he is supporting mandated vaccinations booster shots for the "flu". He supports everything else about the Biden agenda (e.g., The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee today advanced the nomination of Christine P. O’Hearn to serve as a U.S. District Court Judge in New Jersey on Friday. U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) was the lone Republican to support her nomination.).

I can't wait for my next smallpox and/or polio booster so I too can be grateful my symptoms didnt send me to the ICU.

I can't wait for my rabies vaccine so I only foam at the mouth a little.

A vast majority of unvaccinated people with COVID were asymptomatic, and now we are applauding the vaccine booster shot for the virus's own behavior?!

The vast majority of people with COVID have a 99% chance at survival, and now we are applauding the vaccine booster shot for the virus's own behavior?!

We already had two extremely cheap and effective treatments on the market for COVID patients (but the MSM was told to vilify them), and now we are applauding the vaccine booster shot for still allowing you to: 1. contract the virus, 2. spread the virus, and 3. still have symptoms of the virus?!

Total unquestioning acceptance of propaganda...



Braineack 08-03-2021 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1605577)
the delta variant is just a name for the deaths caused by the fake vaccine.

Fully vaccinated people are spreading the Delta variant.

The Delta variant didn’t exist until people got vaccinated.

Extremism, anti-science, racist, conspiracy:

Traditional vaccinations use live attenuated virus or inactivated virus, so the body gets to "see" natural variation in the receptors the virus uses to gain entry to host tissues.

In the mRNA "vaccines", the spike proteins generated by the ribosomes following the injection will be more or less identical. With less natural variation, the body is less likely to recognize and produce antibodies that would be effective against mutations.

Meaning, of course, mutations in vaccinated people are much more likely to persist and enter into the general population.

This was by design.

Fauci wanted to create a continuous stream of vaccine-resistant variants so you have to get booster shots until the end of time, so the contact tracing, social control, lockdowns, and profits never end.

Braineack 08-03-2021 08:55 AM

we are from the gov't and here to make you dependent on us!


Braineack 08-03-2021 10:18 AM



Braineack 08-03-2021 10:21 AM

believe the numbers.


Braineack 08-03-2021 11:29 AM


referenced AP article: https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/...w-covid-cases/

news story about the "boost in infections" at this hospital:

the MSM is lying to you. It's all fake.

Braineack 08-03-2021 12:17 PM


Braineack 08-03-2021 12:19 PM

New York City will require people to show proof of vaccination at restaurants, gyms, and other indoor activities and events. Inspections and enforcement will be begin by the week of Sept. 13.

According to the CDC as of July 28, only 9% of the black population have received one dose, while 60% of whites have.

I didn't realize that NYC was so anti-black and pro-jim crow...

Braineack 08-03-2021 01:15 PM

to be fair, why would a news outlet waste time doing journalism?

Joe Perez 08-03-2021 07:07 PM

What the headline says:


"... marched past their home..."

What the content of the article contains:

"...said they felt threatened after protesters broke down an iron gate..."

Yeah, I think I'd also feel threatened if a mob broke down the gate to my property and started storming into it.

Frankly, I'm amazed that all of the "demonstrators" walked away. Missouri is a Castle Doctrine state.

Braineack 08-03-2021 07:53 PM

oh i love this game!!!!




my all time favorite:


Skamba 08-03-2021 11:01 PM


Joe Perez 08-03-2021 11:24 PM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1605672)

Careful- that story does not support the narrative that vaccines are ineffective and possibly harmful.

hector 08-04-2021 06:49 AM

Somehow living in Florida in the more populated part of the state and basically only talking to people who also live in Florida in the same area, I haven't even heard of this massive problem with hospitalizations from any of the people I know, or that they know. I was always weary of this virus bullshit but after almost two years of this shit I am convinced this is a load of crap. I wasn't ready to believe the conspiracy theorists but all the crap being fed as "fact" and "science" has done more harm to my belief in the establishment than ever before. Seriously, making people wear face coverings when said face coverings (and yeah N95 or whatever masks you want to wear) can't even stop large particles of dust is ridiculous. How do I know? Because I wear masks and other face coverings when grinding concrete and metal and I still get that shit in my nose. Fuck your "science" and your "studies", I live in the real world.

Also from that article:

"Doctors say rising COVID infections among fully vaccinated people shouldn't discourage others from getting the shot."

So let me not give a fuck that fully vaccinated people are still getting infected and infecting others. Fuck you and fuck your useless vaccine!


hector 08-04-2021 07:23 AM

Meanwhile, also in Florida:


The state EPA dumps fertilizer into bay as reservoir of said fertilizer could burst. So it's ok to destroy the bay but not the land. And of course this has nothing to do with the red tide bloom that's currently around. Nor did it have anything to do with it the first couple of times they've released fertilizer into the bay. That's right, this aint the first time.

So, the state EPA and obviously all of its government is fully aware of the danger but instead of creating a plan years ago decides to just dump into the bay to diffuse the situation for the land they hold valuable. It's ok to do this as they say that this is not causing the red tide as scientists say the red tide is naturally occurring. So dumping 400 million gallons of phosphorus and nitrogen rich fertilizer doesn't cause algae blooms because scientists say so. Got it.

I'm sure sixshooter is way more in tune with this than I am since he lives in the area. Maybe he can chime in with real world reporting on the situation. There is only so much you can gather from all of this "news".

Braineack 08-04-2021 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1605674)
Careful- that story does not support the narrative that vaccines are ineffective and possibly harmful.

What a convenient article...



The SC just ruled the CDC had no authority to make laws, so they doubled-down with penalties -- cause you know they are law makers now:


Braineack 08-04-2021 08:22 AM

Mar 1 is when vaccines in India started ramping up...

not ineffective or harmful. I probably don't have to mention they successfully combatted the affects of the safe and effective vaccine with Ivermectin.

If you really want to stop COVID and take it seriously, we should be doing what China did.


Braineack 08-04-2021 08:40 AM

The party of elite fat cats.


Braineack 08-04-2021 08:54 AM


Braineack 08-04-2021 08:56 AM



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