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good2go 07-23-2021 12:43 PM

I love it when someone finds a way to use lib-speak right back at the lib establishment.


Diamond Dave 07-23-2021 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by poormxdad (Post 1604844)
Something is definitely wrong...

<snip> If healthy, vaccinated people can still get, and possibly give, C19, why in God's name would I want to take an experimental drug.

Careful now. This kind of misinformation (def: anything contrary to whatever the gov't overlords say) is cause enough to be banned on almost every social media platform.

You aren't wrong though. It's not even about personal choice or being the Liberal's favorite boogeyman, Anti-Vaxxer. It's a question of using your thinking powers to perform minor reasoning? The Survival rate remains at ~98.5% with basic hygiene (wash hands, don't touch face, don't stand face to face with people that cough in your face) only if you believe the fake numbers the CDC fabricates.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1604851)
also, the delta variant, is just the common cold*:


*except now it makes a lot of money for companies that were about the go bankrupt.

The CDC "guidance" released to the public through the media has regularly been at odds with the CDC guidance posted on their Website today and since before 2020.

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1604853)
Why wear seat belts when you can still die in a crash?

Why limit wearing seat belts to driving? Wear them all the time to keep you safe from other drivers that don't wear a seat belt.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1604860)
It's better logic than: I got vaccinated for a virus with a 99.99% survival rate, so I could potentially travel when all this is over.

EXACTLY! Also, the Survival rate is only 98.5% if you believe all of the data provided - using their OWN data it is 98.5% - but we know they are "presuming" many deaths without even doing a Covid test so the numbers are hugely inflated.

Most of the people I know got vaccinated for one of two reasons 1) The media and government told me to 2) They said I wouldn't have to wear a mask so I got vaccinated. But most of those people still wear their mask in some convoluted sense of obligation, confusion, fear and soon they'll be required.

Regarding latest VAERS numbers that show significant deaths from a vaccine (more deaths than all vaccines combined for the last 30yrs) - here is the statement from the CDC site:
On June 23, 2021, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices concluded that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination to individual persons and at the population level clearly outweighed the risks of myocarditis after vaccination.

But a 98.5% survival rate just isn't good enough, is it Karen?!

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1604871)
It's better logic than the MSM telling me covid misinformation on FB is the cause recent of the spike in cases, meanwhile, fully vaccinated democrats are infecting other fully vaccinated democrats with the virus the vaccine should prevent.

That's almost as ludicrous as implying that people in Cuba are rioting because they are afraid of Covid and don't have reasonable access to government supplied experimental vaccines.


Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1604894)
FYI, my 88 y/o father took TWO separate Covid tests three weeks apart, both of which were POSITIVE even though he showed no symptoms. This was in response to him going to my sister's house for Christmas--she's abundantly cautious / neurotic about the Wuhan flu.

He then received an antigen test which showed that he had never gotten Covid. I found out the manufacturer of the original test and scoured their website to see how my cycles they used for the test, to no avail. They had everything but that information on their website, and couldn't tell me after I called them.

BTW, my father had an adverse reaction to the shot and was lethergic and non-responsive to the point of us considering taking him to urgent care. My wife was in-bed-not-moving sick for four days after her first Moderna shot.

This is government-created panic porn.

Im' really sorry to hear that. I hope the tests he took weren't the nose swab ones. Those nose swabs are "sterilized and coated in ethylene oxide" which is a cancer causing agent. But don't search for that information on Google or you'll get 30 pages of "scopes, fact check, misinformation, misleading, not entirely true" warning pages.

cordycord 07-23-2021 02:25 PM


Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns

Sweden isn't in the news much these days. There's a reason for that. Seven day average....0.

rleete 07-23-2021 04:26 PM

The part I really don't get is why they're pushing the vaccine for people like me that have already had it. Sure, there are variants, but there are for every virus. They initially claimed that the antibodies would somehow "wear off" after 90 days. Uh, I'm no doctor, but I do know a bit of basic biology. So why are they trying to blow smoke up our collective asses?

Gov't overreach usually involves someone getting a payout. So, who is making the money off this whole fiasco?

deezums 07-23-2021 04:32 PM


wherestheboost 07-23-2021 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1605061)
The part I really don't get is why they're pushing the vaccine for people like me that have already had it. Sure, there are variants, but there are for every virus. They initially claimed that the antibodies would somehow "wear off" after 90 days. Uh, I'm no doctor, but I do know a bit of basic biology. So why are they trying to blow smoke up our collective asses?

Gov't overreach usually involves someone getting a payout. So, who is making the money off this whole fiasco?

***careful there*** You're trying to use logic these days? All you need to do is check out the stock charts for the various companies. Can't make any money off of hydroxy or ivermectin when those are already beyond patent and readily available all over the world except...here?

30 million people got the virus... 0.6M died "from the virus." So at the BARE minimum (not counting asymptomatic cases that never went to get tested in the first place) is 29.4M people that have recovered, with a few handful of "longhaulers" that keep on getting prime time headlines to make it look like they're 50% of the non-dead who haven't fully recovered. So many things to ask. For me it's asking... what isn't being shown, shared, recorded, etc?

Hospitalization rates?
Death rates?
Breakthrough cases (how many people who have gotten fully vaxxed still getting covid)?
How's Florida doing?
How's Texas doing? Those 2 states were THE NEXT ITALY a few months ago... but it's all quiet on the news front now...
How many kids <14 or <18 years of age have died from this virus - compared to the flu season of say 2017?
Why are doctors, scientists, or physicians that hold opposing views blocked off the main channels?
What is the absolute efficacy of the vaccine (<1%) in addition to the relative efficacy (95%)? Only share 1 vs the other...why is that?
What are the main symptoms of the Delta Variant (so far articles from the UK says it's different from the OG covid - and is now predominantly fever, runny nose, and headache......e.g. a cold?)?

And many more...

But to add to your question - I would agree... as of right now... we have the resources... why aren't we testing EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE USA for antibodies or viral loads and compare vaccinated AND unvaccinated with the SAME test protocol?

That would... undoubtedly shed lots of light on the situation, right? But we can't have that. Light = exposure = gone is the unknown. And you can't have people freaking out or relenting their freedoms without some gooood ol panic and fear.

Braineack 07-24-2021 07:37 AM

So long as the southern border to a country with a 20% vax rate is wide open; ignore everything your govt says about the virus.

Hell they just finally ruled the CDC restriction on evictions unconstitutional...

Braineack 07-24-2021 07:39 AM

Shedding light

Braineack 07-24-2021 09:24 AM

When cdc covid tests can't differentiate between covid and the flu, but then proceed to tell you Delta is on the rise...

stratosteve 07-24-2021 09:33 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1605097)
When cdc covid tests can't differentiate between covid and the flu, but then proceed to tell you Delta is on the rise...

^^^^this right here^^^^

A genetic test is required to determine if you indeed have the delta omega phi beta kappa variant. Would love to see the data on whom gets this more intense testing.

chiefmg 07-24-2021 01:39 PM


Another form of government stupidity (in case you were getting tired of the 'rona).

xturner 07-25-2021 04:10 PM


cordycord 07-25-2021 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by stratosteve (Post 1605098)
^^^^this right here^^^^

A genetic test is required to determine if you indeed have the delta omega phi beta kappa variant. Would love to see the data on whom gets this more intense testing.

Anyone here get this year's polio booster yet? Chicken pox? As viruses mutate, they generally become more virulent but also less deadly.

And last, was it here that I saw the comment that we can't take ANY of this seriously while our Southern border is WIDE OPEN with a country with a 20% vaccination rate. Otherwise this is all Kabuki theater.

wherestheboost 07-25-2021 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1605152)
Anyone here get this year's polio booster yet? Chicken pox? As viruses mutate, they generally become more virulent but also less deadly.

And last, was it here that I saw the comment that we can't take ANY of this seriously while our Southern border is WIDE OPEN with a country with a 20% vaccination rate. Otherwise this is all Kabuki theater.

Yeah just a few comments up

chiefmg 07-25-2021 07:33 PM


Not mine so excuse the spelling:


z31maniac 07-26-2021 11:19 AM

The same entities that can't balance a budget or keep the roads paved CAN ALSO coordinate hundreds of Federal, State, and Local Governements, insurance companies, health care groups, and multiple news media outlets for a conspiracy to depopulate the world that isn't working well at all.

chiefmg 07-26-2021 02:10 PM

Here's a little something from my part of the world:


And while this is skewed against the left, I know that similar accusations can be tossed against the right.


cordycord 07-26-2021 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by chiefmg (Post 1605195)
Here's a little something from my part of the world:


And while this is skewed against the left, I know that similar accusations can be tossed against the right.

I get shipments from Taiwan, and it is currently a NIGHTMARE scenario. Container costs have skyrocketed, and just booking space on a ship is extremely difficult. Container costs are so high that I'm shipping LCL (less than container load), inland freight costs have doubled from pre-pandemic. Try holding your prices under these circumstances....you can't.

Joe Perez 07-26-2021 03:06 PM


stratosteve 07-26-2021 05:43 PM


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