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Braineack 07-21-2021 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1604855)
the "Why get vaccinated if some people still get sick?"-logic is obviously flawed.

It's better logic than the MSM telling me covid misinformation on FB is the cause recent of the spike in cases, meanwhile, fully vaccinated democrats are infecting other fully vaccinated democrats with the virus the vaccine should prevent.

Braineack 07-21-2021 11:13 AM

when you decriminalize crime, guess what happens?

side note: you're racist if you think this is bad, those kids have to steal those jeans to fight the patriarchy and to feed their children.

Braineack 07-21-2021 12:17 PM

glow glowworm, glow.


Braineack 07-21-2021 12:17 PM

so long as men can compete in women's sports, we should boycott the entire thing.


cordycord 07-21-2021 02:55 PM

FYI, my 88 y/o father took TWO separate Covid tests three weeks apart, both of which were POSITIVE even though he showed no symptoms. This was in response to him going to my sister's house for Christmas--she's abundantly cautious / neurotic about the Wuhan flu.

He then received an antigen test which showed that he had never gotten Covid. I found out the manufacturer of the original test and scoured their website to see how my cycles they used for the test, to no avail. They had everything but that information on their website, and couldn't tell me after I called them.

BTW, my father had an adverse reaction to the shot and was lethergic and non-responsive to the point of us considering taking him to urgent care. My wife was in-bed-not-moving sick for four days after her first Moderna shot.

The testing has proven to be crappy at best, so ANY news or data regarding testing is crappy at best as well. Last, Alameda and Santa Clara counties have reviewed their Covid deaths, and both reduced the case count by 25%.

This is government-created panic porn.

cordycord 07-21-2021 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1604881)
so long as men can compete in women's sports, we should boycott the entire thing.


If this means no more Megan Rapinoe advertisements, GO SWEDEN!!!!

Diamond Dave 07-21-2021 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1604774)

He misspoke and actually meant the opposite. 😂

It's almost as if the machine (WHO, CDC, etc) are reporting that Unvaccinated people are the problem and the vaccine is safe and people with the vaccine are safe, while non-machine news is reporting deaths and side effects from vaccination, deaths of vaccinated, etc. Funny how Covid can kill an 88yr old person that was dying of Heart disease + obesity, but a person can't die from just the vaccine - they probably had other underlying co-morbidities.

A relative of mine passed in May. He had malignant cancer removed 2yrs ago and was "cancer free". he got the vaccine in late April and doctors think the cancer cells were re-activated from vaccine. Another friend had a tumor/cyst thing growing on her head. After vaccine, growth accelerated and when she went to have it lanced the docs were like "ok, wow, we need to biopsy. Found out it is a very rare cancer. We all have stories and one story doesn't mean others aren't true, but your stories don't mean some people's beliefs are wrong or they are stupid. Believe what you want and live how you want, but look in the mirror at yourself before you vilify me because I don't agree with you.

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1604791)
(Then, in the same breath)

(COVID Memes)

If only both the Election fraud AND the COVID distraction could be true at the same time...

Joe Perez 07-21-2021 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Diamond Dave (Post 1604896)
If only both the Election fraud AND the COVID distraction could be true at the same time...


Bajingo 07-21-2021 03:15 PM

I don't think I could get drunk enough to have sex with that woman, and I've always lived with the idea that you have to plow a few 4s to appreciate a 8.

cordycord 07-21-2021 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1604899)
I don't think I could get drunk enough to have sex with that woman, and I've always lived with the idea that you have to plow a few 4s to appreciate a 8.


Braineack 07-21-2021 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1604828)
That fact terrifies me more than any other three facts combined about this present farce.


cordycord 07-21-2021 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1604906)

Somehow I populate all portions of that graph...

poormxdad 07-21-2021 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1604855)
I'm not a fan of forcing people to get vaccinated but the "Why get vaccinated if some people still get sick?"-logic is obviously flawed.

I disagree--the vaccines are still experimental. Seat belts are a proven, effective technology. I like the MacDonald's sausage burrito.

Let me ask it this way... why isn't the government pushing for everyone to get the antibody test?

Braineack 07-22-2021 08:19 AM

I kept waiting for him to talk about butterscotch [or touching children].

“And the question is whether or not should be in a position where you are why can’t the experts say ‘we know that this virus is in fact is going to be we know all the drugs are temporarily approved but are permanently approved’.”

stratosteve 07-22-2021 04:52 PM


Braineack 07-23-2021 09:50 AM

speaking of liars:

dieselmiata 07-23-2021 09:52 AM

I can't wait to see how this thread progresses now that the Republican leadership and conservative media has flipped their vaccine stance.

Braineack 07-23-2021 09:59 AM

you misspelled uniparty.

FOX is not conservative media.

Regardless, FOX nor did Republicans “changed their tune” -- some individuals on FOX encouraged the vaccine and so do some/many Republicans/Conservatives. But what you are implying is that 1. FOX/Conservatives were 100% against vaccines (they were not) and 2. Now they support vaccines 100% like Biden and the Democrats did all along (they did not).

If the vaccine is so important, and the unvaccinated are such a risk, why is the admin using the military to place unvaccinated illegal aliens into your home towns?
Why aren't the unvaccinated dropping like flies?
Why did India only have a spike in deaths/cases once the vaccine was available to them?
If the vaccine works, why do we care about the unvaccinated few?

Joe Perez 07-23-2021 10:06 AM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1605027)
I can't wait to see how this thread progresses now that the Republican leadership and conservative media has flipped their vaccine stance.

As much as the far-right has now joined the far-left in adopting vaccination as part of their group identity-expression, I can't help but wonder about the following:


Joe Perez 07-23-2021 11:29 AM


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