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Braineack 07-16-2021 11:00 AM

meanwhile in the authoritative fascist left:


Braineack 07-16-2021 11:04 AM

no Agenda.


'The Talk' co-host Elaine Welteroth consoled Sharon Osbourne after live meltdown

Matt Miller - July 15, 2021"The Talk" co-host Elaine Welteroth reportedly consoled Sharon Osbourne after she was confronted live on air about her support of Piers Morgan.

Morgan walked off the set of his own show in March after receiving criticism for his comments on Meghan Markle, which some called racist.

Osbourne tweeted in support of Morgan, prompting criticism. She previously voiced her support for Morgan in March on "The View," where she said she disagreed with his opinion but supported his right to express it. Her statement initiated a heated argument between the cohosts on the show, resulting in her leaving the set.

Welteroth reportedly consoled Osbourne afterward, apologizing to her about the incident, new audio obtained by the Daily Mail reveals.

"They asked me to ask that question. I said, ‘No, I'm not going to ask that question,’" Welteroth said. "I said, ‘Wait, what’s the intention of this conversation? Because this can go left so fast. … I to them, ‘This is going to be a train wreck.’"

"Sharon I’m just so sorry that went the way that it went," she said.

The audio was picked up by a mic that was still unknowingly on. Osbourne said that being made to defend herself made her "look guilty."

"I just want you to know, Sharon, [co-host] Sheryl [Underwood] loves you and respects you so much and had your back behind the scenes," Welteroth added. "She was not trying to attack you, and I also understand when you have a night … of trolls f--king attack you online, that puts you in a position where you have to defend yourself."

"She doesn't think you're racist, I don't think you're racist, no one who knows you would ever say that or think that," Welteroth said.

Osbourne said that there was a "f--king night and day difference" between Underwood saying, "I don't think you're racist" and saying, "I know you're not racist... That pain – it was like somebody punched me in the face."

Welteroth said she assumed that a "pre-conversation" had occurred so that Osbourne could be given a chance to best answer the question, but that apparently did not happen.

Welteroth explained that she and Underwood are put in "such a f--ked up position" for being obligated to frequently discuss race topics just because they are black women. "I want to apologize, I don't know what I said, but maybe I didn't say, ‘I know you’re not [racist],' I might have said ‘I think,’ but I need you to know, I f--king know you're not [racist]," Welteroth told Osbourne.

"CBS set me up," Osbourne said. "And they don't care because they just want ratings. They don't care. They don't care that I will now have to go around with people thinking I'm racist. They don't give a s--t. They just want ratings, that's all."

Braineack 07-16-2021 12:42 PM

How to beat the zucc:


Braineack 07-16-2021 12:44 PM

Blind* Justice**.


Federal Prosecutor Deliberately Delayed Hunter Biden Probe To Shield 2020 Election

JULY 16, 2021 By Jordan Davidson

U.S. Department of Justice officials deliberately delayed an investigation into Hunter Biden’s potential tax law violations and sketchy overseas business dealings because of the effect it could have on the presidential election, according to a Politico report.

Delaware’s U.S. Attorney David Weiss allegedly postponed allowing prosecutors to obtain search warrants and issue grand jury subpoenas last summer, after facing pressure from other officials who feared the investigation’s influence on the 2020 presidential election and now-President Joe Biden’s campaign.

“They advised [him] to avoid taking any actions that could alert the public to the existence of the case in the middle of a presidential election,” reported Politico, one of the many corporate media outlets that brushed off the possibility of any wrongdoing by Hunter despite the discovery of his...
*not blind.
**justice will not be served.

The Propaganda Machine:

Braineack 07-16-2021 12:46 PM



Braineack 07-16-2021 12:47 PM

how long before instaban from instagram?


Braineack 07-16-2021 12:51 PM

she speakifth the truefh


Braineack 07-16-2021 12:53 PM

Ask a glow worm:


Braineack 07-16-2021 01:01 PM


Braineack 07-16-2021 03:07 PM

Joe, the Ministry of Truth is getting feisty today.

gotta love that plea for pity fallacy...

Braineack 07-16-2021 03:34 PM


Diamond Dave 07-16-2021 03:58 PM

My original timeline estimate, from February, was that we would see 2nd round lockdowns in August/Sept (in advance of the actual flu season that was apparently eradicated last year). Now NY and CA are beginning their slide back to restrictions.

Look at the propaganda coming from Biden Administration - unvaccinated people are killing other people OR the vaccine saves you from dying so you must take it.
Election audits in Arizona and Georgia absolutely confirm that votes are either added to Biden, Taken from Trump, or just purely fabricated.
Vaccine "hesitancy" is a bad thing - just do what the government wants. Also, FDA forced J&J to announce "increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare neurological disorder" - which makes sense because they skipped all clinical trials and the FDA hasn't approved the vaccine. But take it. It's totally safe.
A wild demonstration at the US capitol where unarmed idiots were let into the building by Capitol police is still being referred to as "Insurrection" and if you dispute that on any social media platform, your post will be removed and you could be banned.
On any social media platform if you question any of the vaccines, talk about how getting the vaccine is a personal choice, talk about how the vaccines haven't gone through clinical trials, or mention that mRNA is a questionable solution for a virus with a 98.5%+ survivability rate that seems to affect people already dying and very old people (likely dying of age) - you can be censored or banned.
In a twist of communism, a San Diego judge just ruled that Smith & Wesson, the gun manufacturer, can be sued for the role it's weapons played in the 2019 Synagogue shooting - mainly because of how they marketed their guns as real or fun or made them available to people.

Buckle up - bumpy road ahead.

Braineack 07-16-2021 04:28 PM

Remember, Trump was a fascist.

Braineack 07-16-2021 04:35 PM

Distract from AZ

xturner 07-16-2021 05:34 PM


Joe Perez 07-16-2021 06:56 PM

Speaking of distractions, anyone notice this?

The USPS' Semi-Secret Internet Surveillance Apparatus

The agency best known for delivering mail has a side hustle in online snooping.



Pop quiz: Which federal agency runs a social media surveillance unit known as the Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP)?

If you guessed the FBI, the CIA, or the Department of Homeland Security—sorry. This one belongs to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). And through it, postal inspectors have been monitoring social media platforms about U.S. protests, using tools that include a facial recognition database.

That the agency best known for delivering mail has a side hustle in online snooping took a lot of people by surprise when it was reported in April by Yahoo! News, which obtained a March 16 "Situational Awareness Bulletin" about iCOP operations. The bulletin mentioned that U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) agents monitoring Facebook, Parler, Twitter, and Telegram had noticed "significant activity regarding planned protests occurring internationally and domestically" as part of a rally for freedom and democracy.

"The iCOP program protects the Postal Service and the public by facilitating the identification, disruption, and dismantling of individuals and organizations that use the mail or USPS online tools to facilitate black market Internet trade or other illegal activities," the USPIS 2019 annual report explains. "Analysts in iCOP utilize USPS systems and tools to provide open source intelligence and cryptocurrency blockchain analysis in support of all Inspection Service investigations." Cases cover "narcotics, mail theft, revenue fraud, homicide, dangerous mail, and more."

As part of iCOP, USPIS agents "assume fake identities online, use sophisticated intelligence tools and employ facial recognition software," Yahoo!'s Jana Winter reported this year. These tools include Clearview AI's facial recognition database, which contains more than 3 billion images scraped from social media and other public websites, and Zignal Labs' real-time keyword search software.

Information from iCOP analysts was distributed through Homeland Security fusion centers to a wide array of law enforcement units and government authorities, as well as stored for future access. "The retention and dissemination of these reports could allow federal agencies to receive information they are not allowed by statute to collect themselves," Winter suggested.

Although the USPS has disclosed the program's existence in its annual reporting, this spring's revelations caused an uproar from some congressional Republicans, who expressed concern about iCOP's professed monitoring of "right-wing leaning Parler and Telegram accounts." The program "raises serious questions about the federal government's ongoing surveillance of, and encroachment upon, Americans' private lives and discourse," wrote 30 GOP members of Congress in an April 22 letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

"The type of amorphous, broad mandate under which iCOP is allegedly operating is particularly troubling because it is unclear why the USPS, of all government agencies and the only one devoted to the delivery of Americans' mail, is taking on the role of intelligence collection," the letter continued. "The United States is not lacking in its availability of intelligence agencies, and it should be left to those professionals to engage in this sort of behavior, if it is even necessary at all."

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R–Fla.) has introduced a bill—co-sponsored by nine Republicans—to prohibit USPIS funds from being used for the iCOP program.

On April 28, Chief Postal Inspector Gary R. Barksdale testified about the program before members of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. He said it launched in 2017 to help detect mailed opioids and firearms but had morphed in May or June 2020 to monitoring the internet for information about potential threats to USPS leaders, staff, or facilities. "No audits of iCOP have occurred to date, but USPS is looking at governance issues," said a committee press release about the briefing.

Not everyone was satisfied by the answers Barksdale offered. He "was unprepared to answer our questions to the point of incompetence," Rep. Nancy Mace (R–S.C.) wrote in the Washington Examiner after the briefing. "Barksdale couldn't tell us…how much taxpayers were paying to run it, or even what legal authority the post office had to spy on the public's social media activities."


cordycord 07-16-2021 11:19 PM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1604236)
Trump is obviously very popular with his base, but the main problem is that he is hugely unpopular outside of it. So much so, that people went out en masse to vote for fucking Biden of all people...

I wonder if anyone thinks the lies of the MSM, DNC, FBI, CIA, Google, Facebook, Twitter and the rest had anything to do with it.

Braineack 07-18-2021 09:23 AM

Trump killed the RNC.





Braineack 07-18-2021 09:26 AM

Learn from Cuba.


Braineack 07-18-2021 09:27 AM

Who pushed the video?*


*this was a Benghazi reference for those who aren't Pepperidge farms. The media (including social) are just a branch of the government's propaganda machine.

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