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Bajingo 06-17-2021 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1602574)
I see you. When black people riot and destroy things, they're terrorists.

When Trump fanatics do the same to the U.S. Capitol, they're just exercising their first amendment rights.

theres a big difference between burning and looting random shit and taking selfies in the capital.

dieselmiata 06-17-2021 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1602577)
theres a big difference between burning and looting random shit and taking selfies in the capital.

You're completely brainwashed. There's more than enough footage to show they were doing a hell of a lot more than taking selfies, but I'm sure you think that it's all photoshopped.

Here's a searchable table that shows who is being charged, and what evidence they have.


EDIT: forgot to post link.

dieselmiata 06-17-2021 03:45 PM

https://nypost.com/2021/01/07/videos...capitol-siege/ Mostly peaceful.

cordycord 06-17-2021 03:51 PM


"Now that our National Establishment Media has falsely cried ‘wolf’, ‘Russian collusion’, ‘racism’, ‘insurrection’ and ‘deadly epidemic’ so many times over the last year and more … when and if the wolf really appears, who is going to believe them at all?"

Is this the goal?

dieselmiata 06-17-2021 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1602580)

"Now that our National Establishment Media has falsely cried ‘wolf’, ‘Russian collusion’, ‘racism’, ‘insurrection’ and ‘deadly epidemic’ so many times over the last year and more … when and if the wolf really appears, who is going to believe them at all?"

Is this the goal?

See also: Migrant Caravans, Jade Helm, ANTIFA!, War on Christians, Gay Agenda...

It's not like one side has monopoly on false fear.

Bajingo 06-17-2021 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1602579)

... You linked the government murdering citizens as your violence?

cordycord 06-17-2021 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1602582)
See also: Migrant Caravans, Jade Helm, ANTIFA!, War on Christians, Gay Agenda...

It's not like one side has monopoly on false fear.

I got news...

Migrant Caravans are real. In fact, new organsizations walk along with them and Trump worked with Mexico and other countries to discourage this.
Jade Helm? Never heard of it.....hmmmm.
ANTIFA! is definitely a thing. At last count their shenanigans cost over $1.5 billion last year, and put countless minority-owned businesses out of business. Oh, and lots of dead bodies, but I guess that's not a problem if you're from Chicago.
War on Christians--well that's been going on for a couple thousand years. You may especially want to check out the Middle East for the past two decades for that one, as the words "genocide" and "church bombing" keep popping up.
Gay Agenda--you mean they don't? The last birthing person I spoke with said they have a pretty powerful lobby.

dieselmiata 06-17-2021 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1602584)
... You linked the government murdering citizens as your violence?

You must have missed the part where the "peaceful protestors" were beating cops to death and spraying them with tear gas. An no one was murdered by the government. A seditionist tried to crawl through a smashed barricade into a restricted area and paid the price after multiple warnings.

dieselmiata 06-17-2021 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1602580)

"Now that our National Establishment Media has falsely cried ‘wolf’, ‘Russian collusion’, ‘racism’, ‘insurrection’ and ‘deadly epidemic’ so many times over the last year and more … when and if the wolf really appears, who is going to believe them at all?"

Is this the goal?

Russian Collusion: Happened. There are multiple people in jail for it.
Racism. Also real, but I don't expect the klan of MT.net to understand that.
Insurrection: Also happened. As shown above, lots of people in jail, several dead or injured, estimated to be over half a billion in damages so far.
Deadly Epidemic: You can play conspiracy theorist all day, but you can't deny that this virus has killed millions worldwide.

Bajingo 06-17-2021 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1602591)
Russian Collusion: Happened. There are multiple people in jail for it.
Racism. Also real, but I don't expect the klan of MT.net to understand that.
Insurrection: Also happened. As shown above, lots of people in jail, several dead or injured, estimated to be over half a billion in damages so far.
Deadly Epidemic: You can play conspiracy theorist all day, but you can't deny that this virus has killed millions worldwide.

you are more brainwashed than brain is

dieselmiata 06-17-2021 05:36 PM

Nah, it's just fuckin boring in here with no one but Brain posting random twitter posts. There's gotta be a token leftist around to get this place fired up.

stratosteve 06-17-2021 05:53 PM

I'll take the Russian collusion bit. I'm sure Scott will be along shortly to handle the others.

You can either believe me or not, makes no difference to me. This info is straight from a person with direct knowledge of the investigation. Meaning they work there. I'll let you decide where the where is.

I knew slightly beforehand that the OIG Horowitz report was being reviewed. Nothing of the contents just that it was in "their" hands. This is a direct quote from a person on the team responsible for reviewing. "There was definitely misfeasance and we will be investigating whether it was malfeasance." (Meaning criminal) This was in reference to "Crossfire Hurricane" among other things in that OIG report.

I was told to print the OIG report and skip the first third as it is boring and mostly policy/procedure etc. I have not read it myself as I trust this person's view. This was Dec of 2019 and something major was to come of the investigation. Fast forward to march of 2020 and EVERYTHING went to a snail's pace.

I spoke to him recently and asked about crossfire hurricane. He laughed. Consider that investigation properly filed under the rug as far as they go. Now Durham is still out there and NOTHING has leaked from their investigation. Whether they (durham team is more than one) are looking into this is anyone's guess.

cordycord 06-17-2021 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1602591)
Russian Collusion: Happened. There are multiple people in jail for it.
Racism. Also real, but I don't expect the klan of MT.net to understand that.
Insurrection: Also happened. As shown above, lots of people in jail, several dead or injured, estimated to be over half a billion in damages so far.
Deadly Epidemic: You can play conspiracy theorist all day, but you can't deny that this virus has killed millions worldwide.

Every group needs to be represented--even the far, far, wacky, loony left.

--Calling everyone on MT.net klan members....classy. BTW, also funny to see the "Proud Boys" called a racist group, especially when their president is Latino.
--Insurrection--bullshit of the highest level. Maybe higher than "Russian Collusion"
half a billion, $1.5 million...nearly the same
--Deadly Epidemic--3 million world wide....Xi and the other Communists must not be trying too hard, as they've done much better with mass death in the past.

Honestly diesel, keep up this stupidity and you're bound to be cancelled on this forum. In other words, people will just start ignoring everything you write, which is what I should have done from the start.

hector 06-18-2021 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1602590)
.... and paid the price after multiple warnings.

Isn't that what led to BLM and Defund the Police?

And the MT Klansmen are biased, hypocritical, and brainwashed.....

dieselmiata 06-18-2021 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1602607)
Every group needs to be represented--even the far, far, wacky, loony left.

also funny to see the "Proud Boys" called a racist group, especially when their president is Latino.


Try to keep up with current events, will ya?

--Insurrection--bullshit of the highest level. Maybe higher than "Russian Collusion"

a violent uprising against an authority or government.

What would you call the Jan 6th "event"?

Bajingo 06-18-2021 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1602640)
What would you call the Jan 6th "event"?

Mostly peaceful protest.

dieselmiata 06-18-2021 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1602642)
Mostly peaceful protest.


I really struggle with how you keep bringing up BLM riots as bad and violent, then say the Jan 6th Capitol raid was a "mostly peaceful protest."

Bajingo 06-18-2021 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1602644)

I really struggle with how you keep bringing up BLM riots as bad and violent, then say the Jan 6th Capitol raid was a "mostly peaceful protest."

if the BLM "protests" were mostly peaceful then same of the capital protest. https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/

Skamba 06-18-2021 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by cordycord (Post 1602607)
Every group needs to be represented--even the far, far, wacky, loony left.

I like how you consider the opinion of about half of all Americans to be "far, far, wacky, loony left" 😂

dieselmiata 06-18-2021 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1602645)
if the BLM "protests" were mostly peaceful then same of the capital protest. https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/

But you don't refer to the BLM riots as mostly peaceful. Wonder why that is...

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