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BGordon 06-11-2021 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1602133)

My brother who lives in California came to visit me in Oklahoma for a couple of weeks and had exactly the same reaction.
He was literally SCARED to eat out at a hamburger joint.
I did more or less get him squared away before he headed West in his car.

Diamond Dave 06-11-2021 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1602013)
I mean, the logging in in itself is worth investigating, but I honestly don't see how you can conclude that an election on the third of November should be decertified because someone logged in on the 5th.

For a bunch of self-proclaimed critical thinkers, you guys haven't really shown much critical thinking skills..

Let's say I claim to you that the election was 100% secure. The election runs and a winner is chosen. But during the dispute and before an audit, the secure system I claimed we have clearly shows an external log-in (that isn't supposed to exist) and it was actually connected to a public access network (which was claimed not to be possible), are your critical thinking skills so low that you don't see a problem with this election being a secure system?

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1602021)
Senate Democrats threaten to block 2026 World Cup funding unless US Women's soccer gets equal pay

Yes, that's a funny one. The Men's team negotiated a lower pay deal that had higher percentage payouts based on wins and performance. The Women's team freely negotiated their own pay deal with a larger salary and less bonus for wins. Apparently this qualifies as "not equitable" after the fact.

cordycord 06-11-2021 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by Diamond Dave (Post 1602166)
Let's say I claim to you that the election was 100% secure. The election runs and a winner is chosen. But during the dispute and before an audit, the secure system I claimed we have clearly shows an external log-in (that isn't supposed to exist) and it was actually connected to a public access network (which was claimed not to be possible), are your critical thinking skills so low that you don't see a problem with this election being a secure system?

Yes, that's a funny one. The Men's team negotiated a lower pay deal that had higher percentage payouts based on wins and performance. The Women's team freely negotiated their own pay deal with a larger salary and less bonus for wins. Apparently this qualifies as "not equitable" after the fact.

How much are we funding for the World Cup anyway? Seems like it would be self-supporting....the men's side, anyway.

Braineack 06-12-2021 09:20 AM

sometimes the truth is just funny.


Braineack 06-12-2021 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by Diamond Dave (Post 1602166)
Let's say I claim to you that the election was 100% secure. The election runs and a winner is chosen. But during the dispute and before an audit, the secure system I claimed we have clearly shows an external log-in (that isn't supposed to exist) and it was actually connected to a public access network (which was claimed not to be possible), are your critical thinking skills so low that you don't see a problem with this election being a secure system?

...And one of the candidates is quoted on video, Oct 24th, saying:

We put together, I think, the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of politics. - Joe Biden

even if it were a slip of the tongue, I dare you to find me details of this organization, like who runs it, who works for it, what exactly did they do, who funded it, etc. I think they used to call that doing research of investigative journalism, something like that. The closest thing I could ever determine is that he may have been referring to his legal team. But Biden usually likes to brag about his crimes on video and the press usually likes to ignore it completely and sweep it under the rug for him.

I mean, the logging in in itself is worth investigating, but I honestly don't see how you can conclude that an election on the third of November should be decertified because someone logged in on the 5th.
Artium Co certified their election results were legit and accurate. If part of that certification is the concept that no one remotely logged into their voting machines, and then come to find out their machines were logged into remotely, anonymously, and therefore they are uncertain if the results were actually legit and accurate, wouldn't the logical thing be decertify, then confirm what exactly happened and make sure the results are legit and accurate?

Joe Perez 06-12-2021 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1602203)
... wouldn't the logical thing be decertify, then confirm what exactly happened and make sure the results are legit and accurate?


Are we meant to infer that logic is supposed to play some role in defeating bad orange man?

Braineack 06-12-2021 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1602206)

Are we meant to infer that logic is supposed to play some role in defeating bad orange man?

Don't worry the DOJ will put a stop to it.



Braineack 06-12-2021 10:39 AM


With that in mind, I wonder why this democrat got kicked out of leadership roles in the republican party:




Braineack 06-12-2021 10:41 AM

The shit they don't teach you in your NPC programming:


Braineack 06-12-2021 10:42 AM




Braineack 06-12-2021 10:43 AM



Braineack 06-12-2021 10:44 AM


Braineack 06-12-2021 10:46 AM


Braineack 06-12-2021 10:48 AM

see no evil.


Braineack 06-12-2021 11:09 AM

4D chess.



she also refused the $100K+ the republicans gofundme collected...

Braineack 06-12-2021 11:17 AM


Braineack 06-12-2021 11:20 AM


Election Assessment in Pennsylvania County Uncovers Five ‘Issues of Note’


June 12, 2021
An election assessment conducted in a Pennsylvania county months ago and quietly released to the public in recent weeks uncovered five errors, including three linked to Dominion Voting Systems, whose election management system is used in the county, the assessing firm said.

Wake Technology Services Inc. (Wake TSI), a Pennsylvania-based firm, conducted the assessment in Fulton County. Workers visited the county’s offices late last year and about a month later, on Feb. 9.

The assessment was meant to review the mail-in ballots in the county and explore whether conduct relating to absentee ballot requests, distribution, receipt, and counting were in line with federal and commonwealth guidelines, Wake TSI said in the 93-page report that was quietly published on the county’s website, with no public fanfare, in May.

Wake TSI personnel did not conduct a technology forensic audit of the operating system or election management system (EMS) but did review some system file dates, log files, ballot images, and other files.

Wake TSI said in its report summary that it found that the election “was well run, was conducted in a diligent and effective manner and followed the directions of Pennsylvania.” No anomalies were reported during the election process and expectations were that the assessment would not show any indications of fraud, error, interference, or misconduct.

However, Wake TSI said it found five “issues of note,” including that Dominion failed to meet the commonwealth’s certification standards; that the election management system had Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools installed, despite the software not being part of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s certified configuration; and that changes were made to the management system just three weeks prior to the election.

Assessors said there is “no valid reason” for the software to be installed on the system and that the presence “allows any user with access to change and manipulate the EMS databases without logging [recording] to the Database, EMS, or [operating system] logfiles.

They also said that Dominion failed to fill out a document that attests that the installed software versions conformed with certified reasons, with Dominion apparently claiming filling out the form was “optional.”

Dominion Voting Systems disputed the report’s findings related to it.


Joe Perez 06-12-2021 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1602209)
The shit they don't teach you in your NPC programming:

(Meme which doesn't understand that the front of a document and the back of a document are two different things, and positively asserts that such mis-registration can cause a vote for orange man to be counted as a vote for confused man.)

That gets a gay, nonbinary squishee who teaches 4-6 year old children about gender identity.


cordycord 06-12-2021 06:53 PM


cordycord 06-12-2021 07:04 PM


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