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Bajingo 06-08-2021 08:17 AM

It was stated as fact because Biden said it as fact.

shuiend 06-08-2021 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1601828)
It was stated as fact because Biden said it as fact.

So just you spreading incorrect information.

Bajingo 06-08-2021 08:23 AM

“Not everybody in the community–in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts–know how to use–know-how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens or at the particular store,”

i literally posted the video.

shuiend 06-08-2021 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1601830)
“Not everybody in the community–in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts–know how to use–know-how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens or at the particular store,”

i literally posted the video.

You posted the video AFTER you stated something as fact. Maybe I live in a rural area and don't know how to use the internet. I have also been staying safe inside. So I had no idea what Biden said. What I do know is what you clearly stated, then tried to come back and explain away. If you meant to say Biden said something, you should have stated that up front. Not stating it as something you believe and is a fact

Bajingo 06-08-2021 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1601831)
You posted the video AFTER you stated something as fact. Maybe I live in a rural area and don't know how to use the internet. I have also been staying safe inside. So I had no idea what Biden said. What I do know is what you clearly stated, then tried to come back and explain away. If you meant to say Biden said something, you should have stated that up front. Not stating it as something you believe and is a fact

Ahh you're in the boonies with no Internet, I'm happy I could educate you onto his matter. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean it isn't a thing.

Braineack 06-08-2021 08:59 AM

Random Thought:

I'm old enough to remember when Trump was in office, liberals loved to make really poorly constructed Handmaid's Tale analogies about the "fascist right". But Trump never referred to [or reduced them] women as birthing people...

I'll now leave you with the Plot of Handmaid's Tale from Wiki:

In a world where fertility rates have collapsed as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution,[11] the totalitarian, theonomic government of Gilead establishes rule in the former United States in the aftermath of a civil war.[12][13][14] Society is organized by power-hungry leaders along with a new, militarized, hierarchical regime of religious fanaticism and newly created social classes, in which women are brutally subjugated. By law, women in Gilead are forced to work in very limited roles, including some as natal slaves, and they are not allowed to own property, have careers, handle money, or read.[14]

World infertility has led to the enslavement of fertile women in Gilead determined by the new regime to be "fallen women", citing an extremist interpretation of the Biblical account of Bilhah; these women often include those who have entered multiple marriages (termed "adulteresses"), single or unmarried mothers, lesbians (homosexuals being termed "gender traitors"), non-Christians, adherents of Christian denominations other than the "Sons of Jacob", political dissidents, and academics. These women called Handmaids, are assigned to the homes of the ruling elite, where they must submit to ritualized rape (referred to as "the ceremony") by their male masters ("Commanders") in the presence of their wives, to be impregnated and bear children for them.[14] Handmaids are given names created by the addition of the prefix Of- to the first name of the man who has them. When they are transferred, their names are changed.

Along with the Handmaids, much of society is now grouped into classes that dictate their freedoms and duties. Women are divided into a small range of social categories, each one signified by a plain dress in a specific color. Handmaids wear long red dresses, heavy brown boots and white coifs, with a larger white coif (known as "wings") to be worn outside, concealing them from public view and restricting their vision. Marthas (who are housekeepers and cooks, named after the biblical figure) wear long, loose-fitting muted green garments and cover their hair with headwraps. The Wives of Commanders (who are expected to run their households beautifully) wear elegant, tailored dresses in blue and various shades of teal, cut in styles evoking the 1950s. They wear high heels, their hair is carefully coiffed and they wear gloves and hats when outdoors.[15][16][17] The Widows of Commanders (or else, widowed women belonging to the ruling class) wear the fashions of the Wives albeit in a combination of Wives' blue and mourning black. Similarly, the mourning clothes of handmaids are their standard dress albeit in black or blackened red.

Braineack 06-08-2021 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1601817)
Seems pretty racist to me. Blacks and Hispanics don't know how to use the Internet to get a vaccine appointment.

Don't worry. I got the reference, and I loled.

Braineack 06-08-2021 02:26 PM

That punch couldn't be more French.

The Slapper can be heard saying “Down with Macronia” (“A Bas La Macronie”) and then he delivers a five-finger wake-up call straight to Macron’s face.

Prime Minister Jean Castex was outraged, saying the incident was an affront to democracy.

Democracy will be fine; Macron is just a little red in the face.
I love how liberals always say things are an affront on democracy. pot; kettle; black.

Braineack 06-08-2021 02:46 PM

rent free journalism.


wherestheboost 06-08-2021 03:31 PM

2 prong. He said a statement that would sound bad and racist. Turns out Biden said it... yet no one calls him bad and racist. Also tied to it - why still no voter ID? Because it's racist since those people allegedly don't know how to get IDs. blah blah blah.

Braineack 06-08-2021 03:42 PM

this is my new favorite meme format because it combines my love for star wars and dank ass memes.


Braineack 06-08-2021 03:42 PM

this is a funny comment because it insinuates that Mitt Romney is a woman.


Braineack 06-08-2021 03:45 PM



chiefmg 06-08-2021 04:39 PM


stratosteve 06-08-2021 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1601835)
Don't worry. I got the reference, and I loled.


poormxdad 06-08-2021 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1601816)
They simply ask you to see your vaccine card, if you don't produce it, then you don't drive and you are out your entry fees. Seems pretty easy to me. I mean should be easy to do during the cars tech check along with having proper safety gear.

Just like a baker should not have to make a gay couple a wedding cake, a race organization does not have to allow un-vaccinated people to drive on track. Just like they could require you to only wear yellow socks, or not allow any Schroth harnesses in cars.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here. The email I received from the club indicated they had changed registration. If there are only two types of people in question--sheeple and unvaccinated--then allowing unvaccinated people to register means everyone can register.
However, my point to posting was the BMW CCA couldn't get enough sheeple to register, so they opened the event up to anyone. If they'd filled the run groups, the policy would not have needed changing for this particular event. I'm deep down giddy it turned out this way. I was just at VIR for a different club's event and there was no requirement to disclose vaccination status.

stratosteve 06-08-2021 06:40 PM



Braineack 06-09-2021 08:23 AM


Imagine sending your ill gotten bitcoins to an online wallet where you don't control the private keys... You can't because it never happened, just glowies doing glowie things.

Braineack 06-09-2021 08:25 AM

the vaccine is worthless [if you're not old and fat] and cost thousands of lives so a few big companies/people could make a lot of money.


Braineack 06-09-2021 08:36 AM


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