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Braineack 05-28-2021 09:14 AM


Braineack 05-28-2021 09:18 AM


Braineack 05-28-2021 09:18 AM


Joe Perez 05-28-2021 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1601159)
(Someone changed their opinion / viewpoint over time, as new information became available)


Bajingo 05-28-2021 10:16 AM

Joe's boss must have found his gay car Forum account.

Braineack 05-28-2021 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1601162)
[I hate that my peers are horrible humans]

You're smart enough to know it's not a changed opinion or viewpoint -- they were complicit in hiding the truth -- when their job is literally to expose the truth.

The lab-leak theory was INSTANTLY called baseless or a lie by journalists and thus accepted as fact. They bullied and censored decenters and forced the public to accept blatant lies as truth.

They did the same with HQC.

They do it today with "the big lie"


Braineack 05-28-2021 11:02 AM



Joe Perez 05-28-2021 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1601164)
You're smart enough to know it's not a changed opinion or viewpoint -- they were complicit in hiding the truth -- when their job is literally to expose the truth.

I feel as thought we've had this conversation before. And I'm not being sarcastic here.

Assuming that by "they" you are referring to journalists, their job is to attract an audience, so that we can sell their eyeballs to advertisers. Yes, there are some renegades out there who still abide by the philosophy of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite, but for the most part, those folks are relegated to the backwater country of print media. Have you seen the ratings for News Nation lately? They're terrible. We're managing to not operate at a loss, but just barely.

WGN 9, meanwhile, is #1 in the local ratings in nearly every hour. By a large margin. And, by large, think "Hustler's mom" here. Because that channel "reports" on fluff while riding a horse through the newsroom*.

The reality here in the 21st century is that the audience has changed. The folks who genuinely cared about Woodward & Bernstein uncovering the truth about the Watergate scandal have aged out of the core demographic, and been replaced by folks who are more interested in whether or not he is the father of her sister's baby.

Personally, I'm a little bit proud that my own station only carries "Who da babbydaddy" for a brief window each weekday from 1-3pm, but I also acknowledge that we are an anomaly.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1601164)
The lab-leak theory was INSTANTLY called baseless or a lie by journalists and thus accepted as fact. They bullied and censored decenters and forced the public to accept blatant lies as truth.

Well, yes. Do you not remember who was President at the time?

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1601164)
They do it today with "the big lie"

Ok, serious question: which big lie are we talking about here?

The "N" stands for Nalanie. Yes, that's actually her name in real life. Nalanie. Nah Lah Knee. Her parents, mercifully, are dead.

* = Yes, we have literally done that exact gag. It was a continuous follow-shot from the ENG garage, into the building, down two hallways, and into the newsroom, with two steadicams and a chicken. Live. And we had seamless wireless mic, IFB and intercom coverage the whole way. Who is the master of designing robust RF systems in a post-repack reality? This guy right here. In your face, Marconi. Also, the chicken attacked the horse, and if there's one thing you really do not want in a crowded newsroom, it's a spooked horse. Internally, we refer to that day as "The horse incident." People who were there understand. Also, there is now an actual, literal company policy which forbids bringing live poultry into the building. And yet I turn a blind eye when Tom, one of my IT guys, does it, because ratings.

Braineack 05-28-2021 11:04 AM

and just like that, the "trust the science" crowd is back to being anti-science.


Braineack 05-28-2021 11:05 AM




Joe Perez 05-28-2021 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1601169)
(literally just re-posting tweets from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R, FL) and former president Donald Trump (R, NY), one of which hinges on knowing who some random British girl who you'll probably have to Google is)


Braineack 05-28-2021 12:01 PM

these guys are so good.


Joe Perez 05-28-2021 12:05 PM

Testing this theory:



Man, I haven't used that account in... a long time. I'm honestly amazed that I remembered the password.

The profile photo brings back good memories.


That was the northeast corner of my little private lab at the PR&E office in Vista, CA. It was formerly a conference room, and I kind of annexed it during a particularly brutal period of software debugging (2008, maybe? Might have been later, as I don't recall when the cat-cheeseburger meme began, but it was relevant at the time. EDIT: No, it was 2010, because I grew the douchebeard while in Papenburg, Germany on a €1 bet, so that would have been just after I moved back to the US), because I needed a large enough space to set up 20 or so audio consoles and routers, and mash on them in really bizarre (and loggable and repeatable) ways.

At the time, the combined retail value of all of that hardware never even occurred to me. It was easily 2 million dollars. But it was also worthless unless the code worked.

There was a period of time, maybe 2011 or so, where I actually lived in that lab. Like, on paper I did have a home that I could have gone back to in order to sleep and bathe and whatnot, but I was so hyper-focused on the recruitment algorithm that I just sort of forgot about that.

Sonia, the office manager, reminded me after about a week that bathing and changing clothes were rudimentary social norms that we were all generally expected to conform to. So I made a point to do those things.

The mindset at the time, I suppose, was very similar to that of people who, today, insist that we all need to wear masks. It wasn't something that you questioned, you were just told by a 4'11" Mexican woman (who could easily kick your ass if she wanted to) that you needed to do these things. And so you did them.

Joe Perez 05-28-2021 06:40 PM

For Braineack, who seems to believe that all media, generally, are shills for the democrat party:


Surprise! It only seems that way when "your" candidate is in power and, thus, being critiqued.


Bajingo 05-28-2021 09:10 PM

That's weaksauce and you know it Joe.

Thats them putting out one negative story so that they can claim to be fair. Washington post is a rag not worthy of wiping my ass.

Joe Perez 05-28-2021 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1601199)
That's weaksauce and you know it Joe.

I have made weak sauce in the past.

And I have admitted it.

Fuck, not merely admitted it, I have DOCUMENTED it in the home-gourmet thread.

Sometimes, everybody makes weaksauce. What sets us apart is whether we try to bullshit our way around it, or we own up to it, treat it as a learning experience, and make BETTER GOODDAMNED SAUCE THE NEXT TIME.

Where's your sauce, bro? Mine's here: https://www.miataturbo.net/insert-bs...-thread-54319/


Braineack 05-29-2021 08:56 AM

the MSM spent a lot of time covering Biden's ice cream the other day. How much have they devoted to the fact he went off script during his Memorial Day speech and started sexualizing a 6yo girl on stage?

And I want to thank you for all you do to represent these service veterans, because they’re devoted to you, the family members, the caregivers, survivors, all call Virginia home. I’m especially honored to share the stage with Brittany and Jared and Nathan and Margaret Catherine. I love those barrettes in your hair, man. I tell you what, look at her. She looks like she’s 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed. Brittany, you’re doing triple duty as a veteran a military spouse and a teacher. And kids, thank you for being there for your mom.
pedophilia is okay when you identify the victim as an adult.

xturner 05-29-2021 12:35 PM

The week in pictures is up

xturner 05-29-2021 12:39 PM

Tomorrow’s news today from the Bee

Republicans Counter $6 Trillion Budget Proposal With Fiscally Responsible $5.9 Trillion Budget Proposal


Joe Perez 05-29-2021 01:28 PM


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