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Braineack 05-20-2021 09:46 PM

Pee is sterile. Please proceed to drink it.

Skamba 05-21-2021 01:48 AM


Bajingo 05-21-2021 07:39 AM


Braineack 05-21-2021 08:18 AM

Serious Question: What are we even arguing here?

Bajingo 05-21-2021 08:24 AM

He doesn't like that people aren't still scared of the rona I think.

Braineack 05-21-2021 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1600619)
He doesn't like that people aren't still scared of the rona I think.

I mean it is a fake virus and there's nothing to be scared of.

in other pointless things news:


It should be obvious to every thinking American by now that the Democrats are complete frauds. Among other things, they are frauds with their phony concern over COVID regulations, which they support for political reasons and not out of any concern for the so-called ‘science.”

The lastest example of this is the Madame Speaker herself fining four members of the House of Representatives, all Republicans, of course, and issuing warnings to seven others to comply ‘or else.’ As Fox News reported:

Four GOP members of Congress were fined $500 for failing to wear a mask on the House floor in protest of the congressional mandate they argue needs to be updated in light of new coronavirus guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

GOP Reps. Brian Mast of Florida, Beth Van Duyne of Texas, Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa and Ralph Norman of South Carolina were issued a $500 fine apiece. Future violations could reach $2,500.

Seven other fellow Republican members of Congress were issued warnings: Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Chip Roy of Texas, Bob Good of Virginia, Mary Miller of Illinois and Louie Gohmert of Texas.

Imagine everyone’s non-surprise when the chief hypocrite in Congress was seen traipsing around other Democrats on Thursday, none of them wearing masks. The video comes via the GOP War Room.


Braineack 05-21-2021 08:56 AM

To stop Asian violence, one has to be racist against blacks, but also a proponent of equality.

Braineack 05-21-2021 09:03 AM

below are losers who have nothing in their lives:



Braineack 05-21-2021 09:14 AM

Facebook Post

This video isn't from the Middle East.

This video isn't from Europe.

This video was taken in Manhattan.

Palestinian protestors threw an explosive device at Jewish Americans.

Where is the widespread condemnation?

The Palestinian protestors went down to Manhattan WITH the explosive device and intended to hurt or kill Jewish Americans.

Meanwhile, we have the group of misfit degenerates consisting of Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar and AOC denouncing Israel and supportibg Palestine.

Is their rhetoric to blame for this attack? I mean, according to Democrat logic, they should be held responsible, right?

This isn't the only video or instance of anti-Semitism in the West over the last week or so. A Jewish man was beaten, and another woman was sexually assaulted by Palestinian protestors in Toronto last week.

Several videos of Palestinian protestors in England showed anti-Semitic chants that called for violence and sexual assault against Jews.


Yes, President Biden and many notable Democrats have issued statements in support of Israel. HOWEVER, they refuse to condemn AOC and her merry band of clowns. If #StopAsianHate became trending and popular, why can't #StopJewishHate??

Anti-Semitism is real, and it disguises itself as progressive Leftists.
- JW

Braineack 05-21-2021 01:10 PM


Diamond Dave 05-21-2021 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1600489)
It's the onus of the person providing the information or claim to prove it's validity, not the other way around.

I'm not sure the onus is on them. It's your responsibility to be able to research your own material. I don't care if someone provides a source because I'm going to research it anyway. But I know that's not as popular with the "if it bleeds, it leads" crowd in MSM.

xturner 05-21-2021 06:24 PM

To very loosely paraphrase Dennis Miller -

If getting a COVID vaccine shot is your only positive contribution to society, maybe you should just kill yourself. You know, just kind of lean out over the plate and take one for the team.

Joe Perez 05-23-2021 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1600645)

I think you might enjoy the 2012 film Iron Sky. I'm watching it right now.

The premise thus far: In 1945, a small band of Nazi scientists, sensing that Germany's defeat was at hand, fled to the far side of the moon using captured alien technology, along with a number of aryan families. There, they established a Fourth Reich in exile, which eventually grew into a very large and substantial lunar fortress.

The backdrop of their world is very odd mix of technologies. Some of it is the futuristic alien stuff, and some of it is the 1945 earth knowledge which they brought along with them, and then inexplicably failed to develop further over the next half-century. Kind of a steampunk vibe. In particular, their computer technology is still rooted in the 1940s.

In 2018, under the Palin administration, the US returns to the Moon, using Apollo-esque spacecraft. The astronauts discover the Nazi moon base. One of them is killed, and the other is captured by the moon-Nazis. Upon removing his helmet, they discover him to be a black man. Which totally blows their minds. They assume that he's part of the scouting / spuy wave preceding an invasion, when in fact he's just a handsome moron. Literally, a model chosen to be part of the program based on his politically-correct skin color and good looks. (This reinforces your existing beliefs.)

Chaos and hilarity ensues, and you get to see svelte Austrian women half-naked, terrified of the dangerous savage among them.

Braineack 05-24-2021 11:41 AM

Remember when Rand Paul called out Fauci about Gain of Function, then the CDC/Biden admin suddenly lifted mask restrictions and now there's a "possibility" COVID-19 was man-made after all?

Those were the days...


Braineack 05-24-2021 11:44 AM

Remember when Trump was personally responsible for all COVID deaths?

By Kevin Ryan

A previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report concluded that three researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care.

One official who corroborated the report said it was potentially significant, while another said the intelligence was “of exquisite quality.”

The Biden administration now says that “We have serious questions about the earliest days of the pandemic, including its origins within the People’s Republic of China”.

The report supports a growing list of evidence that suggests a lab accident may have led to the pandemic. Previously characterized by some media outlets as a conspiracy theory, the hypothesis that the pandemic could have begun with a lab accident is now being taken more seriously, including by top scientists and Biden administration officials.

• Several analyses of the virus’s rate of mutation concluded that it likely began spreading around the same time as the newly reported hospitalization of lab scientists in November, 2019. Beijing has claimed that the first case was on Dec. 8, 2019, several weeks later.

• Many epidemiologists and virologists also agree with the November timing, and say the lab theory is credible. The Wuhan lab was experimenting with the same type of viruses that led to the pandemic, and is the only facility in China permitted to handle the most dangerous known pathogens. It is located just under nine miles from the “wet market” where China originally said the outbreak may have originated.

• 18 top world scientists wrote to the journal Science this month questioning China and the World Health Organization’s now highly criticized conclusion that the virus likely spread naturally from bats. They noted that there were no findings to support the theory that the virus jumped from bats, and said the theory of a lab leak was “not given balanced consideration” – with just 4 pages of the 313-page report devoted to it. They called for “a proper investigation.”

• Indeed on the same day that the “joint report” by Chinese experts and a WHO team said that a laboratory leak was “extremely unlikely,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the team hadn’t adequately examined the lab leak hypothesis, and called for a fuller probe of the idea.

• Former CDC Director Robert Redfield, a virologist, said this past March that in his opinion, the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab.

• Current CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is not discounting the lab leak theory, saying it remains one possible explanation for the origin of the outbreak.

• Dr. Anthony Fauci now acknowledges that the virus could have originated in a Wuhan lab and said the possibility should be investigated further.

• David Asher, who led the Pompeo State Department’s task force on the origins of the virus, said he believes that the report of lab researchers becoming sick is highly significant.

“I’m very doubtful that three people in highly protected circumstances in a level three laboratory working on viruses would all get sick with influenza that put them in the hospital or in severe conditions all in the same week,” saying instead that he believes it may represent “the first known cluster” of cases.

China continues to deny that the virus escaped from one of its labs. But the country has refused to release data that experts say would be necessary to verify their claims.

Members of the WHO-led team asked for access to a Wuhan blood bank to test samples from before December 2019 for antibodies, but Chinese authorities declined and have yet to provide them, team members say.

The Wuhan Institute has also refused to share raw data, safety logs, and lab records.
sources for the lazy assholes:

Braineack 05-24-2021 11:48 AM



China is asshole. Oh what a little propaganda and a man-made virus can do to fuel a massive GDP increase for China.

Braineack 05-24-2021 11:53 AM

Diversity is our strength!


A ruling by a federal district court in Texas this week was particularly jarring: Judge Reed O’Connor found that the Biden administration engaged in systemic gender and race discrimination to implement COVID-19 relief for American restaurants. Café owner Philip Greer had claimed in a lawsuit against the Small Business Administration (SBA) that, while white, he needs the same rescue as minority restaurateurs under the newly enacted American Rescue Plan Act.

Braineack 05-24-2021 12:05 PM

Coulter's Laws?


Black Lives Matter activist Sasha Johnson shot, in critical condition in London

Associated Press | May 24, 2021
What's weird is guns are illegal is London...

Braineack 05-24-2021 01:59 PM


Braineack 05-24-2021 02:06 PM

It feels good being a dictator and forcing your serfs to do stupid things for no reason.

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