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Joe Perez 05-14-2021 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1600004)
Everyone is entitled to their own perspective on any of these issues, of course. They are not entitled to their own facts. Things that are demonstrably false should not receive consideration in any real discussion.

I agree. But who is to be the arbiter of what is factual?

We live in a post-truth society. One in which the nature of "facts" is questioned as a matter of routine. I can drop a cat from a ladder ten times, and demonstrate that the cat lands on its feet each time, and yet some people will question whether I am deliberately imparting a spin to the cat, or posit that the cat has been specially trained, and some will even go so far as to ask who is paying me to deliberately falsify the cat demonstration, and what their ties to George Soros and Geoff Epstein are.

Take this present madness, the Covid-19 situation. Some people believe that the medical community is genuinely attempting to act in the best interest of society, and that their guidance is based on reasonable science. Others believe that the response to Covid, and perhaps the very existence of the virus itself, is entirely political in nature. Both groups are certain that the other is a bunch of fools. And any "factual evidence" they encounter which challenges their beliefs must itself be disinformation.

So which viewpoint is based on facts, and which is demonstrably false?

Well, both.

The trouble is that neither side is willing to consider that there might be some validity to the opposing position, and that their own beliefs, while perhaps not incorrect, may not be the whole story.

My opinion is that the majority of medical professionals probably are working in what they believe to be the best interest of society. And also that there is some degree of political bias in how their conclusions are translated into policy, because whether it's the CEO of a drug company or an appointed director of a public agency, everyone has a vested self-interest in pleasing certain parties.

Braineack 05-14-2021 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1600008)
It was pretty well flushed out that Sleepy Joe withheld the money to get the prosecutor fired. Never really understood why anyone had a problem with that other than just looking for something to make Joe look bad.

lol. Never ceases to amaze

stratosteve 05-14-2021 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1600013)
lol. Never ceases to amaze

Quid pro quo is perfectly fine. Wasn't that one of the reasons they used to impeach Trump?

xturner 05-14-2021 09:01 PM

Veering away from Sleepy Joe -


Skamba 05-15-2021 05:15 AM


Joe Perez 05-15-2021 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1600039)

^ This is true.

It occurs to me that Braineack might enjoy the Thief in the Night series of films, which is freely available on Youtube.

It's about a one-world government, formed via "temporary" emergency powers from the UN after a global catastrophe, led by a charismatic democrat who turns out to be the literal Antichrist.

Woke people, who refuse to be branded with the mark of the organization, are subjected to increasing levels of inconvenience (inability to travel, inability to shop, etc), ultimately culminating with execution by guillotine.

A small band of red-pilled Americans manage to elude capture, and work to undermine and subvert UNITE's power.

While not explicitly stated, it is strongly implied that pedophiles who do not repent and accept the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts will be condemned to spend eternity in Baltimore.

Kinda ticks all the boxes.

Diamond Dave 05-16-2021 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1599905)
He was the leader of the Republican party, and they absolutely had control of the House and Senate. We don't have Kings in this country, and we don't need them.

How do you feel about the King saying Free citizens don't have the same rights as (those foolish enough to be) Vaccinated? An excellent dictatorial move. Can't believe people are buying this Covid hoax.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1599897)

I still haven't gotten an answer from a Biden supporter about this. Who is Joe afraid of and why does he keep saying things like this?

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1599911)
Ah, yes. The "no true Scotsman" defense.

Last I checked, John McCain was the presidential nominee for the Republican Party in 2008. I'd say that's a pretty good indication he's a Republican, wouldn't you?

Or is this another one of those "everyone I don't agree with is a Leftist!" things?

You're just missing the obvious fact that McCain was the literal definition of Republican in Name Only. Has nothing to do with Cancel Culture. That hack Romney is no better with his support of the sham impeachment.

Joe Perez 05-16-2021 10:00 PM

Liberals, 2020: "Ignore the President, listen to the scientists!"

Liberals, 2021: "Ignore the scientists, listen to the President!"

Yup. This one comes from the "you just can't make this shit up" department: Washington Post: The CDC’s mask guidance is a mess. Biden needs to clean it up.

Excerpt: "Biden should own that it was a mistake to cede this level of responsibility to the CDC. After watching Trump repeatedly sideline the agency, seemingly for political reasons, the Biden administration understandably has wanted to elevate the CDC’s role. But there’s a big difference between listening to scientists and ceding policymaking to one scientific organization."

Huh? Making policy about public health is literally one of the primary responsibilities of the CDC. Last year, Bad Orange Man was bad because he questioned the guidance of the CDC.

Don't get me wrong here: I'm not arguing with the CDC right now, I'm just pointing out that there's some serious double-standardness going on.

Bajingo 05-16-2021 10:04 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1600132)
Don't get me wrong here: I'm not arguing with the CDC right now, I'm just pointing out that there's some serious double-standardness going on.

...Joe If you're just figuring this out I'm going to need a selfie to prove you aren't a ferret. Last 5 years have been non-stop double standard, if the left didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all.

Bajingo 05-16-2021 10:11 PM

Also I took great joy in using incognito to bypass Washington post's pay wall.

Joe Perez 05-16-2021 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1600133)
...Joe If you're just figuring this out I'm going to need a selfie to prove you aren't a ferret.

I identify as a stoat.


My fur really is astonishingly warm and soft. There is a bit of a musky odor, admittedly.

Bajingo 05-16-2021 10:25 PM

That makes more sense than gender queer

Braineack 05-17-2021 08:23 AM


My office:

Action for All Employees
April 10, 2020

Following the CDC's announcement, on April 5 the Secretary of Defense issued a memorandum requiring all individuals on U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) property, installations, and facilities, including contractors, to wear face coverings to the extent practical when they cannot maintain six feet of social distance from others. Some states and municipalities have also issued rules requiring people wear face coverings.
...We are supportive of this new guidance and in a continued effort to keep ALL of our employees safe we require that all employees and others who are entering or working in facilities, wear face coverings where six feet of social distance cannot be maintained, such as SCIFs, Ops Centers, Labs, elevators, conference rooms, break rooms, and other enclosed work spaces.

December 10, 2020

The COVID-19 coronavirus is continuing to have a large impact on employees and their families. In November, we experienced three times as many positive tests among our employees as we had in any prior month. While our experience is still running below overall infection rates, we need to take additional care to protect ourselves, our families, and others with whom we interact. To this end, we are taking some additional steps to reduce the risk of exposure for employees, as well as emphasizing some earlier guidance:
  • Face coverings are now required at all times when working in facilities. Previously, face coverings were required only when social distancing could not be maintained. Several states, such as Colorado and California, and the District of Columbia have implemented this rule locally, and we think it is prudent to apply this in all locations.*****
  • It is mandatory that you check your temperature before you enter your workspace.
  • Conduct virtual meetings whenever possible via Microsoft Teams or another available conference call service.
  • Avoid non-essential business travel.


News for Employees
May 14, 2021

Yesterday, the CDC provided guidance for what fully vaccinated people may do, with the summary being that “fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance” (refer to https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019...-guidance.html). However, despite the broad nature of yesterday’s announcement, the CDC has not yet updated their guidance for businesses and employers (refer to https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019...-response.html), nor has the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), whose rules enable safe and healthful working conditions in worksites.

While we expect updated workplace guidance to be provided from these organizations soon, until such time, our requirements for social distancing and wearing face coverings in offices remains unchanged. We will continue to closely monitor CDC and OSHA guidance, as well as state and local adoption of this guidance, and will keep you informed of updates to policies. We are optimistic that yesterday’s announcement by the CDC is a big step toward the loosening of restrictions and are hopeful that workplace guidance will be issued soon.

They first enacted a rule because of something the DoD did, not because of explicit CDC guidelines.
Then they enacted a stronger rule because other state's did something.
NOW they won't remove the rule on a technicality.

Braineack 05-17-2021 12:19 PM


Braineack 05-17-2021 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by Diamond Dave (Post 1600120)
I still haven't gotten an answer from a Biden supporter about this. Who is Joe afraid of and why does he keep saying things like this?

Ask diesel, and he'll just red herring about Hunter's laptop.

Braineack 05-17-2021 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1600132)
Liberals, 2020: "Ignore the President, listen to the scientists!"

Liberals, 2021: "Ignore the scientists, listen to the President!"

1980: "I bet the future will have flying cars."
2021: Politician suspended from Twitter for saying men can't get pregnant.

Braineack 05-17-2021 03:18 PM



Biden says unvaccinated ‘may end up paying the price’ as all 50 states report decline for first time

As rates decrease ahead of Fourth of July benchmark, president warns against ‘needless tragedy’ of climbing infections among unvaccinated Americans

Braineack 05-17-2021 03:24 PM



Braineack 05-17-2021 03:28 PM

The only people who like republicans, Joe, are democrats.


Joe Perez 05-17-2021 04:11 PM

Can we institute a rule in this thread that nobody is allowed to use the word "Joe" to refer to Biden?

Either "Sleepy Joe," or "Biden," or "The President," or "Kamala Harris' seat-warmer" would all be fine. But just plain ole "Joe" is creating some confusion. I was here first, and I lay claim to the name "Joe" in the context of gay car forums.

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