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Braineack 05-10-2021 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1599657)
I am quite serious that, if the GOP wants to continue to exist, it's going to have to put aside the facade of "conservatism" (it stopped actually being conservative years ago), and climb on board the woke train.

Cringe, bro. So cringe.


You don't fight a culture war by standing by and embracing mental illness -- this is what the GOP has been doing for the last ten years [did you not read all my dank memes/tweets?].

Republicans need to grow a fucking spine and fight back. Republican leadership have failed republicans -- Trump sparked that fight back into republicans and they are railing against their weak leadership.

Joe Perez 05-10-2021 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1599660)
Cringe, bro. So cringe.


Republicans need to grow a fucking spine and fight back. Republican leadership have failed republicans -- Trump sparked that fight back into republicans and they are railing against their weak leadership.

A politician has two primary goals: To be elected, and to increase their power once in office.

True conservatism is incompatible with the second goal, as it tends to engender a reduction in power. And, of course, electability speaks for itself.

Trump's electoral base was mostly the "Vote Red no matter Who" crowd. And voter turnout in 2016 was at its lowest overall level in 20 years, reflecting a steadily decreasing trend since 2008.

So it's obvious that Trump's presence on the ballot, even against someone so reviled by the right as H.R. Clinton, did not enthuse voters, even highly conservative ones, to rush to the polls. In absolute numbers, fewer people turned out to vote for Trump in 2016 than for any president since G.W. Bush's first term in 2004.

In 2020, of course, the official statistic is that US experienced record-high voter participation, although as you've pointed out, those numbers are fraudulent, and therefore voter participation remained low, despite Trump's presence on the ballot once more, this time against an opponent who at times seemed unsure as to where he was or what day it was.

If the GOP were to swing back to a more conservative playbook, and also win elections, then that would be a net positive. Sadly, returning to more conservative roots will likely depress their chances of winning elections. The "Vote Red..." crowd will still turn out just as they always do, but proposals to decrease spending and limit the role of government in society, having been re-framed as "The GOP wants to starve the poor" and "The GOP says discrimination and environmental pollution are OK" will work against them.

Bajingo 05-10-2021 09:41 PM

Trump should run with Candace Owens and watch liberal minds explode. She's young, black and properly conservative. It would be beautiful watching them try to call her racist

Joe Perez 05-10-2021 11:13 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1599684)
Trump should run with Candace Owens and watch liberal minds explode. She's young, black and properly conservative.

This is the only way I can see for the GOP to remain viable.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1599684)
It would be beautiful watching them try to call her racist

It would absolutely happen, just as Caitlyn Jenner is presently being decried as an enemy of the LGBTQ+-/ community.

Vilifying their opponents, even falsely, is presently the #1 play in the liberal guidebook. And it's not ineffective.

Bajingo 05-10-2021 11:30 PM

The gop is basically dead already. All they have that's effective is Trump and Desantis all the rest of them are too pussy to be effective. The Democrats always capitalize on everything they can while the Republicans waffle and do nothing.

chiefmg 05-11-2021 12:38 AM


Braineack 05-11-2021 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1599677)
Trump's electoral base was mostly the "Vote Red no matter Who" crowd. And voter turnout in 2016 was at its lowest overall level in 20 years, reflecting a steadily decreasing trend since 2008.


2016 was an all-time high, at 60%, turn-out since about 1975.
2018 mid-terms were an all-time 100 year high.
Source: US Election Project.

Trump received the most votes in a primary for an incumbent president in history at 18 million.

So it's obvious that Trump's presence on the ballot, even against someone so reviled by the right as H.R. Clinton, did not enthuse voters, even highly conservative ones, to rush to the polls. In absolute numbers, fewer people turned out to vote for Trump in 2016 than for any president since G.W. Bush's first term in 2004.
Bush 2004: 62mm
McCain 2008: 60mm
Romney 2012: 61mm
Trump 2016: 63mm
Trump 2020: at least 74mm

So...wrong. Remember Trump had 0% chance to beat Hillary too. ::rollseyes:: Dominion software wasn't as fine-tuned back then.


In 2020, of course, the official statistic is that US experienced record-high voter participation, although as you've pointed out, those numbers are fraudulent, and therefore voter participation remained low, despite Trump's presence on the ballot once more, this time against an opponent who at times seemed unsure as to where he was or what day it was.
Based on the audits, so far, votes were switch from Trump to Biden. So applying some logic here...

Regardless, as discussed previously. There was a red-wave. Republicans did very well in 2020. Democrats currently only hold a 1-seat majority in the House.

Also, look at Trump's endorsements; he has an insanely high endorsement-to-win record, then compare it to Obama's.

Of the 149 U.S. House candidates Trump endorsed, in 2020, 116 won their general elections. ~78%
Seven of the 10 state executive candidates Trump endorsed, in 2020 won their general elections. ~70%
Of the 80 U.S. House candidates Obama endorsed in 2020, 39 won their general elections. ~48%
Two of the 9 state executive candidates Obama endorsed, in 2020 won their general elections. ~22%

If the GOP were to swing back to a more conservative playbook, and also win elections, then that would be a net positive. Sadly, returning to more conservative roots will likely depress their chances of winning elections. The "Vote Red..." crowd will still turn out just as they always do, but proposals to decrease spending and limit the role of government in society, having been re-framed as "The GOP wants to starve the poor" and "The GOP says discrimination and environmental pollution are OK" will work against them.
The GOP doesn't want to win elections. Look at 2016: they put (11) weak-ass barely-Republicans up against Trump in the primaries. They fought him tooth and nail, resorted to personal attacks, used #nevertrump hash tags, while he stayed on message and captured the party -- Trump IS the republican party now. Read Milo's [and other's] tweet(s) above: The GOP wants to lose elections, cry about it, and get donations to do nothing.

This is my actual photo and mail:


All they want is money. So much that Trump had to issue a Statement recently telling the GOP to stop using his name for donations, when the GOP did not support him one bit.

You have lost complete touch with the Republican party; you sound like Jeb Bush or Kasich. But I'm not surprised...

He is insanely popular. You've just been programmed to think otherwise...

Braineack 05-11-2021 08:58 AM

This is what you think will help the republican party win?????

Only an anti-cop, pro-BLM, anti-white, pro-Stalin, anti-family, pro-tranny, anti-American, pro-illegal-alien conservative can beat the Democrats!!!!!


Like do you understand what you are reading here?

The left went so woke they destroyed themselves, literally ate themselves from the inside. They virtue signaled to the point of self inflicted destruction. The golden globes should be a lesson to the rest of us about the cancer that this ideology is.

The republican party is full of women and people of color. We just choose not to focus our politics on the color of your skin, but by the content of your character.

Again, this low-IQ way of thinking is how we got here in the first place. Weak and soft is not the way.

Braineack 05-11-2021 09:21 AM

also, if you can hack a pipeline, you can hack an election. trust the science.

Braineack 05-11-2021 09:23 AM

Still lives Rent Free.


Braineack 05-11-2021 09:39 AM


Braineack 05-11-2021 10:12 AM

That time you turned your entire network into the I Hate Trump network, and then Trump went away:

Hardest hit was Brian Stelter, whose program ‘Reliable Sources’ actually had HIGHER viewership when he was on vacation.

Braineack 05-11-2021 11:00 AM


tell me more about plastic straws...

Braineack 05-11-2021 11:04 AM



Braineack 05-11-2021 11:19 AM

oh yeah, and this too:


too bad all the illegal votes were counted and we'll never know the true numbers.

Braineack 05-11-2021 11:42 AM


Braineack 05-11-2021 11:44 AM

That time even NY Times called out CDC.

Braineack 05-11-2021 11:50 AM


Braineack 05-11-2021 12:50 PM

who to believe?



Braineack 05-11-2021 12:59 PM

dat science doh.


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