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Braineack 04-26-2021 03:53 PM

people dont care when black people kill each other and/or others.

Braineack 04-26-2021 03:55 PM


by Kevin Ryan

The Census Bureau has announced the results of the 2020 population count, which determines the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives, as well as the Electoral College votes per state.
States that saw the highest population growth (from births and immigration) gain seats, while those that saw losses or low growth lose seats.

+2 Texas
+1 Florida
+1 Montana
+1 North Carolina
+1 Colorado
+1 Oregon
-1 California
-1 New York
-1 Illinois
-1 Michigan
-1 Pennsylvania
-1 Ohio
-1 West Virginia

California will lose a seat for the first time in the state’s history. And this after it did not gain any seats during the 2010 Census, also the first time ever that has happened. The state has been suffering an exodus of residents fleeing taxation, over-regulation, and a high cost of living over the past several years.

States like Texas, on the other hand, saw high population increases. Indeed Texas has been publicly appealing to California residents and businesses to come to the state, which boasts a friendlier business climate.
Overall, states that voted for Biden lost three net seats.

Many states will now begin the process of redrawing their congressional districts before the next midterm elections in 2022.

Braineack 04-26-2021 04:15 PM

The Democratic party is also the party of state-sponsored terrorism.

hector 04-26-2021 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Full_Tilt_Boogie (Post 1598665)
This is an old fallacy.... <snip>

John Lennon singing "Imagine"

Im not saying that raising income taxes will fix everything. But its not a bad idea at all. If income taxes were as high as they once were, and loopholes were sealed up, these people would just pay themselves the measly $4,999,999 salary every year, and the rest of the money would stay in their company. They wouldnt scale back production and lay off jobs, they would still make all that money in their company, they just couldn't put it directly in their pocket. Hopefully some of that extra cash would go to paying employees a little better or giving them some extra benefits.

A couple of years ago I worked on a project where the owner is a CEO who makes $90 million base salary. The gentleman went and purchased two condo units (a whole floor, roughly $12 million) and proceeded to gut them and have them rebuilt to his liking (about another $12 million). The project took over a year. Architects/designers were from Seattle and flew in all the time. Material came in from all over the world. Custom fittings, knobs, finishes, etc., at every turn. Many inspections from the building department. You get the point.

Comrade FTB, your solution of capping salaries at $5 million or 80% taxes just plain sucks and reeks of envy. I'll take Thomas Sowell's words over yours. I've been a recipient of of trickle-down economics (not the welfare state) my whole life and I don't trust the gov't with my money. I'd rather the rich keep more so they can keep on spending.

Dann0 04-26-2021 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1598673)
Or, perhaps the definition of self-preservation has changed in response to changes in perceived risk.

This is an interesting idea. I could see "voting on principle" as a potential response to social pressures. It might be seen as socially unacceptable in certain circles to have any but a few select views, and the party that trumpets those views the loudest gets the vote, taxes be damned. Maslow flipped on its head.

Also, I realized that I used "principal" instead of "principle" several times in my last post, to my undying shame. This is why one should not post at the end of a day, when one is tired.

Joe Perez 04-26-2021 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by Dann0 (Post 1598728)
This is an interesting idea. I could see "voting on principle" as a potential response to social pressures. It might be seen as socially unacceptable in certain circles to have any but a few select views, and the party that trumpets those views the loudest gets the vote, taxes be damned. Maslow flipped on its head.

The fact is that there is no way to be certain how any specific person voted. And "political affiliation" isn't one of the boxes on IRS form 1040.

At best, statistics such as the one presented earlier can be base only on polling data. Asking a person how they voted, and also about other demographic information.

It's not socially acceptable to be conservative. Hasn't been for a long time, except now there are starting to be actual real-world repercussions from the mob. McCarthyism is back, only this time it's woke Silicon Valley companies and We The People ourselves doing the blacklisting.

"Monied, middle-aged people" as you put it earlier tend, almost by definition, to be somewhat higher-profile, and therefore more susceptible to public outrage, than the average person. I mean, I personally wouldn't publicly admit that I voted for Trump in the last election if I had (public record: I voted for Jorgensen), and I'm not even a 1%er. But I'm just high-up enough that I occasionally butt heads with a couple of unions, and rely upon being in good standing with the Mayor's office and the Chicago Police Dept in order to make my job easier.

So, two real points here:

1: Question data which are presented as factual despite there being no actual way for said data to have been accurately collected, and

2: High-income people, as a broad generalization, tend to know how to control the narrative when it comes to their own image. With relatively few exceptions, that's basically a prerequisite to becoming (or, at least, remaining) a high-income person.

Braineack 04-27-2021 08:16 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1598695)
Source for this?


Joe Perez 04-27-2021 09:17 AM


rleete 04-27-2021 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1598686)

I am, and have been for some time, been a member of the Gallup poll. I can usually tell what results they are looking for based on the wording of the questions. That said, I also know they cherry pick respondents based on the results they want, because I have been excluded from the latest polls on sleepy Joe. I trust polls about as much as I do the current administration, which is to say not a bit.

Full_Tilt_Boogie 04-27-2021 09:37 AM


Full_Tilt_Boogie 04-27-2021 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by hector (Post 1598721)
A couple of years ago I worked on a project where the owner is a CEO who makes $90 million base salary. The gentleman went and purchased two condo units (a whole floor, roughly $12 million) and proceeded to gut them and have them rebuilt to his liking (about another $12 million). The project took over a year. Architects/designers were from Seattle and flew in all the time. Material came in from all over the world. Custom fittings, knobs, finishes, etc., at every turn. Many inspections from the building department. You get the point.

Comrade FTB, your solution of capping salaries at $5 million or 80% taxes just plain sucks and reeks of envy. I'll take Thomas Sowell's words over yours. I've been a recipient of of trickle-down economics (not the welfare state) my whole life and I don't trust the gov't with my money. I'd rather the rich keep more so they can keep on spending.

Thank you for the anecdotal story of one person. Your example is kind of amusing in that this CEO spent $24 million, 27% of 1 years base salary, to build a residence nicer than most people will ever even see in their life time. I guess they wouldnt have been able to do it if it cost 50% of their salary, or if they had to save up for a year or 2.

Also, I like how you skipped over my entire argument just to call me a jealous communist.

Im not offering a solution. Simply stating that higher marginal tax rates is not necessarily a bad idea, as the would be taxed would like you to think. We had much higher corporate and income tax rates during a time in which our GDP grew dramatically, and the middle class thrived. Its naive to believe in the rhetoric of the wealthiest people in the world.

As for your last comment, the rich are not spending. Theyre hoarding. On the short term it is a zero sum game, and by hoarding wealth for no reason, it is literally taking money away from everybody else.

The issue is that we, as a society, are not trying to optimize utility for society as a whole, but instead believing in this sort of deontological system in which it is alleged that utility is maximized by allowing everybody to act in their own self interest. If you can step back from the politics and just look at it as a utilitarian optimization problem, its clear that unregulated capitalism, in school of thought of Von Mises and the other Austrian economists, does not make sense. Trickle down economics is not real. The rational market is not real. The invisible hand is not real. What is real is the little part of every persons primordial brain that makes you want to hoard food for the winter. Without barriers to this behavior, people will act on this desire, even when it far exceeds what is logical for themselves or anybody.

To explain it in MTnet terminology. Do you want a PID controller, using PWM to control a wategate, to then regulate boost pressure? Or do you weld the wastegate closed and say "The turbo knows what is best for the connecting rods"?

Braineack 04-27-2021 10:21 AM


Bajingo 04-27-2021 10:22 AM

The same human desires that create failings in Capitalism do the same to every other form of economy.

Also taxation is theft.

Braineack 04-27-2021 10:25 AM

Back to India.


That image was part of a video used on the article -- looks like it's been updated and removed now.

but google remembers: https://www.google.com/search?q=covi...yoFTTkSjlIFI7M

also, related:

Braineack 04-27-2021 10:35 AM

CNN baffled at the secretive 24hr live-stream covering their DEBONKED narrative.


Braineack 04-27-2021 10:36 AM


Full_Tilt_Boogie 04-27-2021 10:46 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1598773)
The same human desires that create failings in Capitalism do the same to every other form of economy.

Agreed. So, how do we overcome this?

Not directing this at you in particular, but I notice a common thing among many conservatives is a fundamental belief that society cannot improve, and because of that they think its a waste of time/effort/resources to try.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1598773)
Also taxation is theft.

What about interest on a loan? Is that theft?

Or are they both a contractual agreement made between the workers and the ruling class?

Full_Tilt_Boogie 04-27-2021 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1598777)
American with good trigger discipline.jpg


Bajingo 04-27-2021 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Full_Tilt_Boogie (Post 1598778)
Agreed. So, how do we overcome this?

Not directing this at you in particular, but I notice a common thing among many conservatives is a fundamental belief that society cannot improve, and because of that they think its a waste of time/effort/resources to try.

What about interest on a loan? Is that theft?

Or are they both a contractual agreement made between the workers and the ruling class?

​​​​​​We need a Society without "want" notice there I said want and not need, the needs of everyone in the western world are basically covered.

I certainly didn't agree to pay taxes. Did you? They were forced on us little different than slavery.

Full_Tilt_Boogie 04-27-2021 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1598780)
​​​​​​We need a Society without "want" notice there I said want and not need, the needs of everyone in the western world are basically covered.

Kinda depends on where you want to draw the line. Id say that people need health care.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1598780)
I certainly didn't agree to pay taxes. Did you? They were forced on us little different than slavery.

Exactly. We are wage slaves.

The choices are be exploited as laborers, or choose to live in the woods.

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