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Braineack 04-07-2021 10:47 AM

peaceful protestors are the result of negotiating with terrorists.

If only the FBI actually worked for the people and not the deep state...

Braineack 04-07-2021 10:47 AM


Braineack 04-07-2021 01:24 PM

Washington Post September: "Trump says, without evidence, every American will get coronavirus vaccine by April."
Washington Post April: "Biden to announce all adults will be eligible for vaccination April 19."

good2go 04-07-2021 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1597182)
Washington Post September: "Trump says, without evidence, every American will get coronavirus vaccine by April."
Washington Post April: "Biden to announce all adults will be eligible for vaccination April 19."

^^ And that is even with the delays the drug companies conveniently instituted right around election time.

dieselmiata 04-07-2021 01:59 PM

Difference is one of those guys was lying, and one made it happen.


Braineack 04-07-2021 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1597185)
Difference is one of those guys was lying, and one made it happen.


I believe you actually believe that.

I'll even quote your Messiah himself:

In a White House press briefing Thursday afternoon, Fauci rejected the suggestion that the Biden administration would have to build a distribution plan from "scratch."

"We're certainly not starting from scratch, because there is activity going on in the distribution," Fauci said, adding that the Biden administration is "amplifying" in significant ways existing vaccine distribution efforts.

"I mean we're coming in with fresh ideas, but also some ideas with ... the previous administration. You can't say it was absolutely not usable at all," Fauci said.
I'll even use a bias left-wing fact check:


Trump vaccine plan left logistics to states, but it did exist


  • The Trump administration planned to get the vaccines developed and then send them to locations chosen by states. States wrote their own plans, and they were responsible for setting up places to get vaccines into Americans’ arms.
  • The Trump administration’s approach was flawed, experts said, because it failed to adequately communicate about the anticipated number of doses and the rollout.
  • The Biden administration plans more federal involvement in getting vaccines into arms, including setting up 100 FEMA sites nationwide.

Remember, President Trump literally developed and killed thousands of people, so he put the burden on the states, and was continued to be blamed for their inadequacies.

16.5 million were vaccinated by the end of his term.

and lest not forget the day after the article you posted, Biden said "there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months."


Bajingo 04-07-2021 03:04 PM

I'm legitimately confused why anyone that votes Democrat would be a part of this forum, every single one of us has broken and ignore Democrat policy and ideals. Those same Democrat policys would be the end of places like this if they had their way.

Braineack 04-07-2021 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1597197)
I'm legitimately confused why anyone that votes Democrat.

Stopped reading here.

good2go 04-07-2021 03:18 PM



Sure, I mean, what could go wrong?

dieselmiata 04-07-2021 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1597197)
I'm legitimately confused why anyone that votes Democrat would be a part of this forum, every single one of us has broken and ignore Democrat policy and ideals. Those same Democrat policys would be the end of places like this if they had their way.

A: I've only voted Democrat twice in my life. It's not binary like so many of y'all believe.
B: Because it's fun.
C: Some of us have been around longer than since breakfast, and have seen this forum shift between dynamics as to what is "accepted ideals". For example, if you posted ANYTHING Pro-Police 4 or 5 years ago, Brain would eviscerate you.

Bajingo 04-07-2021 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1597201)
A: I've only voted Democrat twice in my life. It's not binary like so many of y'all believe.
B: Because it's fun.
C: Some of us have been around longer than since breakfast, and have seen this forum shift between dynamics as to what is "accepted ideals". For example, if you posted ANYTHING Pro-Police 4 or 5 years ago, Brain would eviscerate you.

A: binary or not, there's only one party that is actively trying to ban your car.

B: democrats don't like fun.

C: hating the police and "criminal justice" system doesn't mean you don't want to see BLM "peaceful protestors" curb stomped.

dieselmiata 04-07-2021 04:01 PM

A: Citation needed.
B: Citation needed.
C: Completely missed the point, and conveniently ignored the entire reason I used that example.

Bajingo 04-07-2021 04:20 PM

A: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_Air_Act_of_1963

B: https://www.urbandictionary.com/defi...can%27t%20Meme

c: don't know what to tell you man, a person can hate cops and "BLM protestors" at the same time.

dieselmiata 04-07-2021 04:36 PM

A: Led to advances in technology that made cars far more powerful and better for the environment, and I don't see the big scary Government out there taking my cars away.

B: Hard to get tone over the net, didn't understand it was a joke

C: Still ignoring the premise. The political tides around here change with the years. You're so hyperfocused on explaining the second part of the statement that you missed the entire principle. You asked why anyone who votes democrat posts on this forum, and I'm telling you it hasn't always been a right wing echochamber. There used to be actual political discussion, not just mudslinging and memes.

Bajingo 04-07-2021 04:44 PM

A: your car is in violation of the clean air act https://www.epa.gov/enforcement/epa-...nd-aftermarket as is any non purpose built race car

B: they kill fun anywhere they can


hector 04-07-2021 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1597207)
There used to be actual political discussion

If I may, unless you're a politician, you are not having political discussions. We're just here talking shit.

dleavitt 04-07-2021 07:55 PM


Joe Perez 04-07-2021 08:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by hector (Post 1597219)
If I may, unless you're a politician, you are not having political discussions. We're just here talking shit.


Braineack 04-08-2021 08:34 AM



I live in the Toronto area, which is in the province of Ontario. Premier Doug Ford announced a few hours ago that as of tonight, 12:01 am Thursday, the province of Ontario, including the Toronto area, will enter a third lockdown/ stay-at-home order.

Yes, you read that correctly. While the USA and most of the world are opening up, we here in Ontario, the most populated province in Canada, are entering another lockdown.

You may be wondering why another lockdown is set to begin?

Well, it’s because Ontario’s Conservative government are spineless cowards that bend to the will of egotistical and puffed up bureaucratic “doctors” and “experts.”

Several of these so-called “experts” have been pressuring the Ford government for weeks to authorize a harsh lockdown due to increased Covid-19 cases and ICU patients in Ontario hospitals.

Here are today’s numbers relating to Covid-19:
  • 3,215 new Covid cases reported today (1)
  • Nearly 50,000 tests were administered (1)
  • 17 deaths reported today (1)
  • 504 total patients currently in the ICU (1)
  • 27,359 active cases of Covid (1)
There are close to 15 million residents in the province of Ontario. The Ford government will lock Ontario down tonight because 0.0018% of the population currently has Covid-19 and that Ontario’s healthcare system has 504 ICU patients.

According to our health “experts,” 504 ICU patients in a province of 15 million people is a crisis. That’s 0.000034% of the population.

This is where I begin my rant.


Braineack 04-08-2021 11:01 AM

Imagine collecting so much in taxes, even after locking your state down and destroying the lives of Americans, you can just give it away to non-citizens...


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