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z31maniac 04-03-2021 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by olderguy (Post 1596872)

Thought you would find this letter from Dave Ramsey interesting

This is America in a nutshell.
Thanks Dave Ramsey for being the one to state exactly what I feel.

*This morning, I realized that everything is about to change. No
matter how I vote, no matter what I say, lives are never going to be
the same.

I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at
people I have known all my life so hate-filled that they agree with
opinions they would never express as their own. I think that I may
well have entered the Twilight Zone.

You can't justify this insanity. We have become a nation that has lost
its collective mind.

We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems
like a great plan to us.

Somehow it*s un-American for the census to count how many Americans
are in America.

People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female

Universities that advocate equality, discriminate against
Asian-Americans in favor of African-Americans.

Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they
were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are
doing right now.

Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping
them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.

People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to
people who have never been slaves.

After legislating gender, if a dude pretends to be a woman, you are
required to pretend with him.

People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college
students who took out huge loans for their degrees.

Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you*d better
be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US
must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate
gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcomed.

$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for
*free* health care is not.

If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to
get into the country you go to college for free.

And, pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"!

Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility and
people are dying of a Chinese virus, but it is racist to refer to it
as Chinese even though it began in China.

We are clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong and
wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where
good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong, but
killing innocent babies is right.

Wake up America. The great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an
iceberg, is taking on water and sinking fast.

Lord help us!

This has been circulating since last year, Ramsey said in JANUARY he did not write this.

Why is it that people believe anything they agree with? False or not.

Skamba 04-04-2021 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by chiefmg (Post 1596894)


Braineack 04-05-2021 08:40 AM

And there it is...


The virus was a politicized tool. It's official [although we all already knew this, even Joe Perez].

Braineack 04-05-2021 08:44 AM

Marxist Journalism, 2021 (colorized vis capitalism)

Reporters deceptively editing people in news stories is nothing new. Usually, it's done with in-house footage that the public has no access to. This dingbat, or one of her producers, deceptively edited footage FROM A PRESS CONFERENCE THAT OTHER REPORTERS WERE AT. Here is the full exchange with some much-needed context:

Always trust the media. They use scholar.google.com and tell you the truth only. Anyone who suggests otherwise is crazy and believes the covid virus was politicized.

Joe Perez 04-05-2021 10:51 AM

"Nobody is coming to take your guns," they said.

Mow they're even taking the children's guns.

Won't somebody think of the children?


Bajingo 04-05-2021 10:56 AM

Fake news. I highly doubt it was a ak47. Probably some eastern block knock off. Also children have rights and his gun shouldn't have been taken.

Joe Perez 04-05-2021 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1596984)
Fake news. I highly doubt it was a ak47. Probably some eastern block knock off.

Yes, debating over whether it was actually a legitimate Kalashnikov or some other 7.62 chambered rifle is definitely the most important thing here.

Bajingo 04-05-2021 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1596987)
Yes, debating over whether it was actually a legitimate Kalashnikov or some other 7.62 chambered rifle is definitely the most important thing here.

lies are lies Joe.

Or is the important bit that kids 2ND amendment rights being trampled?

Joe Perez 04-05-2021 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1596990)
Or is the important bit that kids 2ND amendment rights being trampled?

There was no important bit.

As a broad generalization, it's understood that minors do not enjoy the full protections of the constitution. Their rights (to liberty, speech, property, etc) are curtailed in many ways, owing to the custodial nature of the parent / child relationship.

As such, no 2nd amendment right exists which to trample.

Bajingo 04-05-2021 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1596993)
There was no important bit.

As a broad generalization, it's understood that minors do not enjoy the full protections of the constitution. Their rights (to liberty, speech, property, etc) are curtailed in many ways, owing to the custodial nature of the parent / child relationship.

As such, no 2nd amendment right exists which to trample.

lol no remember tinker vs DES Moines? Feel free to read the Constitution yourself there isn't anywhere in there that says anything about minimum age for its protections. The inability of lawyers and judges to read is extremely troubling, and people blindly listening to them is even worse.

Joe Perez 04-05-2021 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1596994)
lol no remember tinker vs DES Moines? Feel free to read the Constitution yourself there isn't anywhere in there that says anything about minimum age for its protections. The inability of lawyers and judges to read is extremely troubling, and people blindly listening to them is even worse.

Being guaranteed one protection is not the same as being guaranteed "the full protections."

Except in cases involving emancipation, for instance, a minor may have their freedom of movement and of associated curtailed by their parent or guardian. If a child is grounded as punishment, the court does not view this as a violation of due process, or of extralegal confinement. It is understood that minors do not enjoy the same right to liberty as adults.

Or do you assert that this is untrue?

Bajingo 04-05-2021 12:55 PM

That isn't the state removing rights, so untrue indeed. If a parent wants to take the boys gun it's different than the police doing it.

Joe Perez 04-05-2021 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1596998)
That isn't the state removing rights, so untrue indeed.

The state delegates those rights from the child to the parent. So the state is most certainly removing those rights from the child.

Bajingo 04-05-2021 01:38 PM

It's not for the state to delegate rights, rights are inherent. We can definitely argue that parents are denying rights but the state has no real part in it except for ignoring those rights violations.

Joe Perez 04-05-2021 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1597002)
It's not for the state to delegate rights, rights are inherent.

Whether or not it is "for the state to do" is a matter of philosophy. In actual practice, as well as within the law, parents (or other designated legal guardians) are granted custody over their children, which involves the deprivation of certain right and liberties of the child which would be illegal were it not for the custodial relationship.

For instance, one person setting a curfew or bedtime for another, or otherwise restricting their movement, freedom of association, etc., would generally be considered false imprisonment were it not for the existence of a custodial relationship.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1597002)
We can definitely argue that parents are denying rights but the state has no real part in it except for ignoring those rights violations.

Nothing is being ignored. The Court upholds parental rights over their children all the time. Meyer v. Nebraska, Pierce v. Soc’y of Sisters, Wisconsin v. Yoder, Troxel v. Granville, Wilson v. Div. of Family Services., etc.

Moreover, many states have enacted statues specific to codifying the rights and responsibilities of parents or legal guardians. They are required to ensure the general welfare of the child (health, physical security, education, shelter, etc), and in order to meet this obligation, they are granted the right to have physical custody of the child and to direct their place of residence, to act on behalf of the child in legal and fiscal affairs, the right to discipline the child, etc. Title 5 of the Texas Family Code is one which springs to mind easily, but many states have similar legislation on the books. In states where no such codified law exists, the courts have generally affirmed such rights and responsibilities as a matter of common law. (Eg: it's so obvious that a parent's need to control the child outweighs the child's right to liberty that a lot of states simply haven't felt the need to write it down.)

Bajingo 04-05-2021 03:11 PM

Blahh blah blah, unconstitutional drivel. This is how our rights get stripped from us.

Joe Perez 04-05-2021 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1597008)
Blahh blah blah, unconstitutional drivel. This is how our rights get stripped from us.

Let me see if I've got this correct:

You believe that a child should have exactly the same liberties as an adult?

In such a hypothetical world, how would you deal with a 6 year old who refuses to eat their vegetables, or to obey their parents? The parents would not be able to discipline the child, as this would infringe on its liberty.

Would you propose that, in such a scenario, the parents be permitted to abandon the child? If not, what other recourse would they have?

Bajingo 04-05-2021 03:21 PM

You seem to missed the part where I don't care what the parents do, they have zero obligation to abide by the Constitution, The state does.

Hell we can argue that your bad hypothetical there should be the way it is. Children are included in the 13th and 14th amendments, or should be if it's applied as written.

Braineack 04-05-2021 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1597010)
You seem to missed the part where I don't care what the parents do, they have zero obligation to abide by the Constitution, The state does.

The constitution protects us, regardless of age, against the state; not our parents.

Joe Perez 04-05-2021 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1597010)
You seem to missed the part where I don't care what the parents do, they have zero obligation to abide by the Constitution, The state does.

I agree with the latter part.

I think you're missing something more fundamental.

If the state does not recognize the unique right of a parent to control their children, then a child can sue their parent in civil court, or demand that charges be filed against the parent in criminal court, for doing the things which are considered normal for a parent in relation to their child, but which would be criminal offenses for one person to do to another person absent a custodial relationship. Such as detaining the child against their will.

However, the states DO recognize that a unique relationship exists here. And they DO sanction such behaviors.

By your definition, this means that the states are violating the constitution by proxy, by recognizing and sanctioning the right of parents to control their children.

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