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olderguy 03-30-2021 10:07 AM

For those of us that care: The Office of Donald J. Trump (45office.com)

Braineack 03-30-2021 10:21 AM


Diamond Dave 03-30-2021 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1596065)
Trust the numbers. Recounts are racist.


related quotes:

"When I came to the Senate 120 years ago" [robots never die]
"not an expert in Parliamentary maneuvers" [he's been in Washington for [s]48 120 years]

So popular and justly voted into office that the population of a small Jr. College turned out to watch him.

Originally Posted by Spaceman Spiff (Post 1596087)
It is still very much so possible to pass on or contract SARS-CoV-2 after being vaccinated, but data suggests that this will almost always cause symptoms in the vaccinated individual, the main difference being the risk of hospitalization for that individual is reduced ~94%.

People have stopped using their brains but still make decisions that restrict the Rights of Free people. There are ZERO cases of asymptomatic spread. Ergo, wearing masks, taking temperatures, getting vaccinated and still wearing a mask - these are all just control techniques that identify the docile submissive that will happily hand over their Rights and their decision making to the greedy imbeciles in elected office.

Braineack 03-30-2021 12:58 PM

Notice the people watching vs. the votes.

ABC reuses old live streams for Biden to pump the Rookie Numbers.

Braineack 03-30-2021 01:12 PM

Irony: They canceled Gina for making a WWII comparison and this chick does the same thing.

Braineack 03-30-2021 01:39 PM


Facebook Post

Joe Perez 03-30-2021 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by Diamond Dave (Post 1596479)
There are ZERO cases of asymptomatic spread.

While I do completely agree that the various figures of authority did not fail to seize this opportunity to further desensitize the people to being controlled in every aspect of their lives, I would ask that you cite a reputable source for this claim.

Braineack 03-30-2021 01:44 PM



Miscarriages skyrocket 366% in six weeks due to Covid vaccines

Ethan Huff
March 30, 2021


hector 03-30-2021 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1596495)
While I do completely agree that the various figures of authority did not fail to seize this opportunity to further desensitize the people to being controlled in every aspect of their lives, I would ask that you cite a reputable source for this claim.

Does experience and common sense count as sources?

How about: it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.

Joe Perez 03-30-2021 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by hector (Post 1596500)
Does experience and common sense count as sources?

Not when it comes to biomedical science, no. Those things are kind of the problem.

Like when Karen on Facebook says "do your own research."

hector 03-30-2021 01:59 PM

Did not get the medical reference in your question. You asked one thing, and quoted another.

My reply was to the g men using the china flu as another way to pile on to their powah.

Joe Perez 03-30-2021 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by hector (Post 1596503)
Did not get the medical reference in your question. You asked one thing, and quoted another.

You may consider them to be separate. I see no difference between stating "There are ZERO cases of asymptomatic spread, because Common Sense" and Karen on Facebook telling people to "do their own research" about GMOs, vaccination, Azodicarbonamide, etc. "Research," in the context of biomedicine, is an occupation which requires training, experience, and access to a laboratory. Reading blog posts and articles online is not research.

Originally Posted by hector (Post 1596503)
My reply was to the g men using the china flu as another way to pile on to their powah.

I agree completely. I have no beef with that statement.

I'm simply asking Diamond Dave to explain to me how is is certain that "There are ZERO cases of asymptomatic spread."

Braineack 03-30-2021 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1596495)
While I do completely agree that the various figures of authority did not fail to seize this opportunity to further desensitize the people to being controlled in every aspect of their lives, I would ask that you cite a reputable source for this claim.

This is easy:

every grocery store employee.
every flight attendant.
every server at a restaurant.

Spaceman Spiff 03-30-2021 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by Diamond Dave (Post 1596479)

People have stopped using their brains but still make decisions that restrict the Rights of Free people.

lol tell that to my patents and engineering degrees, I'm pretty sure I remember using my brain for those.

Originally Posted by Diamond Dave (Post 1596479)

There are ZERO cases of asymptomatic spread. Ergo, wearing masks, taking temperatures, getting vaccinated and still wearing a mask - these are all just control techniques that identify the docile submissive that will happily hand over their Rights and their decision making to the greedy imbeciles in elected office.

There are ZERO cases of Diamond Dave showing signs of intelligent life. Ergo, I'm right and you're wrong because evidence.

In reality it's very difficult to differentiate between asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic spread in observational studies. Word-games aside, the science is clear that transmission amongst those who are not currently experiencing symptoms is one of, if not the, primary driver of the epidemic.


High-filtration PPE and cheap, rapid (typ. antigen based) tests are likely a much better option than a pure contact trace and containment strategy while vaccination campaigns are still underway. Temperature checks and Plexiglass have really never been recommended by the scientific community as effective solutions once it was more clear how SARS-CoV-2 spread (i.e. after late March/April 2020), it is businesses pursuing these avenues as a means to increase customer comfort -- pandemic theater -- not hospitals or research centers.


I'm vaccinated. When I'm with others who are vaccinated, or unvacinnated people my age, at my house or theirs, I don't wear a mask. If I go grocery shopping or to a car show, I wear a mask. If I visit someone at high risk (>65, heart/immune conditions, etc.) I wear a mask. It is demonstrably not rocket science.

P.S. this docile submissive imbecile is sending a big thanks your way for all those tax dollars funding my PhD!


Braineack 03-30-2021 03:50 PM

My favorite mask is the one I constantly touch, drop on the floor, and wear for over a week before washing.

Bajingo 03-30-2021 04:40 PM

One more month and the masks are gone, I'm super excited.


my stimmie is going towards one of these "Ghost guns" while the ability exists.

hector 03-30-2021 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by Spaceman Spiff (Post 1596514)
In reality it's very difficult to differentiate between asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic spread in observational studies. Word-games aside, the science is clear that transmission amongst those who are not currently experiencing symptoms is one of, if not the, primary driver of the epidemic.

So you are saying that the china flu has little affect on people* as there are so many asymptomatic positive cases. And according to https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019...iew/index.html new cases vs hospitalizations are around 8% so 92% of people who test positive (and I would assume they have symptoms as otherwise why would they get tested) need to go to the hospital for care. So for the 8% of those that needed to go to the hospital, the vaccine will keep 94% of those from needing hospitalization. Yet you got vaccinated so you can hang out with people you know but otherwise wear a mask.

I'm a high school drop out, not a patent holder or tax payer funded wannabe doctor, and even I can see how full of shit this whole thing is. That might have something to do with my profession since I, am a plumbing contractor.

*ala JoeP= no you didn't say this, I did, but if you can't figure out this statement as fact without a data feed then you do in fact have no brain.

Joe Perez 03-30-2021 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1596507)
This is easy:

every grocery store employee.
every flight attendant.
every server at a restaurant.

You lost me there. Grocery store employees and flight crews both have higher rates of Covid infection than average. Restaurant servers are a tad harder to get clear data on, since most of them lost their job when the various state governments massively over-reacted and decided which jobs were essential and which ones people were merely doing to amuse themselves.

Ironically, my own job is, on the surface, to amuse people (well, to manage people who build and maintain things that people use to amuse people), and yet not only have I worked many more hours since this present madness began than I did the year prior, I've also not gotten Covid.

But Abraham Lincoln did not kill himself.

Joe Perez 03-30-2021 08:46 PM

I love free-market capitalism.

Free weed for those who have chosen to be vaccinated: https://www.greenhousemi.com/pot-for-shots

Not my own cup of tea, but fantastic none the less.

Braineack 03-30-2021 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1596554)
You lost me there. Grocery store employees and flight crews both have higher rates of Covid infection than average.


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