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Braineack 03-21-2021 07:18 PM

too much journalism now.


rleete 03-21-2021 07:34 PM

I personally know 6 people that had covid china virus. Only one was even a little serious, and she just went to urgent care, not the hospital.

BTW, I am pushing 60, obese, diabetic and an occasional smoker. This whole covid thing is bullshit.

Edit: I just had my annual CT scan to provide data to the FDA clinical trial that repaired my aneurism. Aorta continues to shrink towards normal numbers.

Braineack 03-22-2021 08:38 AM



Braineack 03-22-2021 08:47 AM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1595744)
BTW, I am pushing 60, obese, diabetic and an occasional smoker. This whole covid thing is bullshit

Just wait until people find out how much the pharmaceutical companies are going to make year after year from vaccines on barely-lethal man-made viruses.


Remember, people were "dying in the streets" in China from covid:



Im kinda shocked he didnt blame his white privledge on it...

good2go 03-22-2021 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1595762)

You keep using that word . . .

You mean "NO" ??

Braineack 03-22-2021 12:24 PM

I await the mostly-peaceful protests blaming Biden personally:


good2go 03-22-2021 12:35 PM

^^ Nope, I just heard it (repeatedly) on the news yesterday that they've already determined this non-crisis is a direct result of Trump.
Yes sir, it's all his fault.
Seems his policies created a log jam of backed up minors seeking entry, so now that Biden has changed policies, they are all coming at once.
They said they expect the volume will decrease in 5-6 weeks.
Yeah, right. :cjerk:

Braineack 03-22-2021 12:44 PM


Braineack 03-22-2021 01:00 PM

been a while since Godwin showed up in the chatroom.


Joe Perez 03-22-2021 01:17 PM

Interestingly, Godwin himself has gone on record as saying that it's ok to compare someone to a Nazi if they are doing things like wearing a swastika and shouting "Sieg Heil!"

Godwin of Godwin's Law: 'By All Means, Compare These Shitheads to the Nazis'

Ryan F. Mandelbaum 8/13/17 9:37PM


Any masochist who has spent a second taking part in the eye gouge that is “internet discourse” has heard one of its core tenets, Mike Godwin’s law. That law, as recounted by Wired, goes as follows:

“As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.”

We’ve all been there. Maybe you were discussing Naruto, or Vince the Slap Chop guy, or comparing saxophone brands on a message board. But then an argument broke out and both sides dug their heels in, and someone got called a Nazi. Then someone else mentioned Godwin’s law, and the conversation was over.

In this case, however, the discussion concerns “alt righters” marching in Charlottesville who were, well, flying swastikas, Sieg Heil-ing, and wearing shirts with Hitler quotes. And Godwin himself took to the Internet to let everyone know that if it walks like a Nazi and talks like a Nazi, you better let people know what it really is.

Godwin said in a comment that the post didn’t come from nowhere, and was in response to a Facebook message from a concerned follower. As you may have personally experienced, people often invoke Godwin’s law to derail conversations where the opponent draws a Nazi comparison. We have reached out for comment.


So, you heard the man. If you see an actual Nazi, call them what they are.


Braineack 03-22-2021 03:58 PM

Liberal's underaged sex-slaves packaged up and ready for shipping via wayfair.com:


Braineack 03-22-2021 04:01 PM

Biden's economy is BOOMING!


Joe Perez 03-22-2021 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1595804)
Liberal sex-slaves packaged up and ready for shipping via wayfair.com:

I can order liberal sex slaves from Wayfair?

Do I get to pick the age / color?

Braineack 03-22-2021 04:09 PM

I edited for clarity. They are underaged child sex-slaves that, yes, you [liberals] can order through wayfair.com

you really need to cover the hard news on your channel...


Joe Perez 03-22-2021 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1595807)
I edited for clarity. They are underaged child sex-slaves that, yes, you [liberals] can order through wayfair.com

you really need to cover the hard news on your channel...


Huh, I hadn't heard that one yet.

So these two folks legitimately believe that a large catalog company is selling sex-slaves branded as furniture... And rather cheaply, relatively speaking.
"Justin Thompson explained in the video that he ordered a $17,000 Wayfair desk to prove the human trafficking theory by revealing that the company is not actually delivering these high-priced products to buyers. The Thompsons said in the video that they will dispute the transaction with their credit card company and do not intend to pay $17,337.98 to Wayfair.

After making the purchase, Thompson said in the video that he found the original listing for the desk and called Planika USA and MDD, the manufacturer, to ask why the name, product number and price were changed to be sold on Wayfair's website. The company agreed to conduct an internal investigation into its relationship with Wayfair, Thompson said. We reached out to MDD and will update this story if they respond."
(Emphasis mine.)

The fact that these folks don't understand how large retailers work is not proof of anything. Pretty much all of the big chains (Home Depot, Walmart, Target, etc) have their own unique SKUs and product names, even for "Brand Name" items sold by multiple retailers. It makes true comparison-shopping harder, and effectively nullifies a lot of price-matching claims. Even if it's literally the exact same physical product, a retailer can deny a price-match claim is the product name and the SKU are different between them.

This also happens with items specific to Black Friday and such. That cordless tool combo that's $100 below regular price this weekend only might contain the same drill, but the batteries in the box will be half the ah rating of the ones in the kit that normally sells for full price. Different SKU.

Is asking $17,000 for a desk... a bit much? Well, nice things do cost money, and there are certainly people in this world willing to pay for them. If I ordered the Buckingham Solid Wood Desk by Jonathan Charles Fine Furniture (p/n 493198-MAH) from Wayfair, well, I'd expect to receive a very large, very heavy desk. Not a child sex slave.

Anyone willing to mail-order sex slaves is going to want to see photos and a medical report, not just take the word of a catalog company. Examples:



Braineack 03-23-2021 08:24 AM



Braineack 03-23-2021 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1595809)
Huh, I hadn't heard that one yet.

So these two folks legitimately believe that a large catalog company is selling sex-slaves branded as furniture... And rather cheaply, relatively speaking

Yes, it was a big story last summer.

People started noticing very overpriced furniture on wayfair with unique boys/girls names. When the names/skus were googled, it would match missing person records of young children. The conspriacry was born.

Braineack 03-23-2021 08:31 AM

The disease has reached email:


Braineack 03-23-2021 08:33 AM

FB can no longer pay for hidden SSIDs in AZ. Cure the disease.


Braineack 03-23-2021 08:34 AM

Cure the disease.


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