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BGordon 03-18-2021 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1595199)
You think that's more likely to happen than VP Pelosi?

My honest opinion;
The person appointed to be the next VP when Harris becomes president will be non-male and non-white and not too elderly.
No Bernie, no Pelosi, no Bloomberg, no Elizabeth Warren, no current Senator because the majority in the Senate is razor thin.

Once Harris becomes president ............ the true power behind the Democratic party doesn't want to have the worry of potentially having to replace the VP in the next 6 or 7 years so no old farts (Pelosi, Bernie, etc.).
The democrats will need to suck up to the ultra-liberal left wing so no middle of the road or white male.
Since Harris is from California the will probably pick somebody from the North East to help shore up the re-election that is coming up in three years.

My thought is that AOC is seriously in the running for VP.

Joe Perez 03-18-2021 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1595428)
A tale of two puppets:

A: I moved this post from the GenWu thread to the politics thread. I don't know why this one specific vaccine has become so strongly politicized (as opposed to, say, the flu, polio, measles, tetanus, hepatitis, etc), but it clearly has.

ii: I honestly cannot figure out why Brainey has become so anti-vax all of a sudden. But not understanding why isn't the same as being surprised by it, given that fully 47% of people who claim to support Trump also say that they will not get vaccinated against Covid. (source)

Bajingo 03-18-2021 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1595432)
A: I moved this post from the GenWu thread to the politics thread. I don't know why this one specific vaccine has become so strongly politicized (as opposed to, say, the flu, polio, measles, tetanus, hepatitis, etc), but it clearly has.

This is leftist logic if there ever was any. People don't want it because it's being forced. The entire covid situation has been heavy handed forced from day one by Democrat political motivations.

Don't you remember them calling Trump racist and saying to enjoy Chinatown while Trump was trying to close the borders? Don't you remember "two weeks to flatten the curve", how's week 52 treating you? Don't you remember anti-lockdown protestors being horrible people and denied their right to assembly, then two weeks later you were a racist if you weren't in the streets "peacefully protesting" for BLM?

The Democrats lied too much about covid, Republicans are rejecting their ideas on principle at this point.

Braineack 03-18-2021 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1595432)
ii: I honestly cannot figure out why Brainey has become so anti-vax all of a sudden. But not understanding why isn't the same as being surprised by it, given that fully 47% of people who claim to support Trump also say that they will not get vaccinated against Covid. (source)

Because it's not a traditional vaccine, and it's still very experimental despite being around for the last 20yrs (in 2019 it was still being written about having "great potential," then suddenly boom we have this?), and we don't know the long-term affects of these mRNA treatments that came to market within a year of development...

And I don't see the point getting an experimental vaccine for something I have a 99.98% survivability rate for. I've had worse hangovers than what Covid would do to me.

I already have a 5G phone, I don't need to communicate to Bill Gate's servers when I'm sleeping too.

The virus was politicized the day China released fake videos of people "dying in the streets" from it in Feb of 2020. Then stopped reporting "deaths". Then went back to normal like nothing ever happened, but probably increased GDP selling shitty pointless masks by 1000%.

Not to mention everything we were told about the virus and forced to do was a joke, a lie, or didn't work. The only thing it did was transfer huge amounts of power to people with only a little. And it was essential in the election of Joe Biden.

Braineack 03-18-2021 01:30 PM

Here's some more right-wing extremism:


Braineack 03-18-2021 01:45 PM

this is good:


reminds me of this:


love a good staged event.

Joe Perez 03-18-2021 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1595435)
This is leftist logic if there ever was any. People don't want it because it's being forced.

So, two things:

A: Who is being forced to get the vaccine?

B: Are they the same people who are presently required to be vaccinated against Hepatitis, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Varicella as a condition of attending school or holding certain types of employment?

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1595435)
Don't you remember them calling Trump racist and saying to enjoy Chinatown while Trump was trying to close the borders?

Yes. In some people's minds, everything Trump does is, by definition, inherently racist. Just as in other people's minds, all democrats are pedophiles.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1595435)
Don't you remember "two weeks to flatten the curve", how's week 52 treating you?

Speaking from a personal regard, I'm quite pleased with it. The nearby schools being closed means that my morning commute is much quicker. Granted, that's a selfish perspective, but you did ask.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1595435)
Don't you remember anti-lockdown protestors being horrible people and denied their right to assembly, then two weeks later you were a racist if you weren't in the streets "peacefully protesting" for BLM?


Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1595435)
The Democrats lied too much about covid, Republicans are rejecting their ideas on principle at this point.

That seems like an irrational decision. But then, people in general are not known for always making rational decisions.

Braineack 03-18-2021 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1595448)
Yes. In some people's minds, everything Trump does is, by definition, inherently racist. Just as in other people's minds, all democrats are pedophiles.

two points:

1. Some people actually believe one statement at face values with no proof or factual basis; only bigotry.
2. Other's actually have proof that support's the validity of the position.

Braineack 03-18-2021 02:18 PM





EXCLUSIVE: Putin Humiliated Biden In Moscow Meeting, Reveals Obama-Era White House Stenographer.

Vladimir Putin and his staff sought the almost ritualistic humiliation of then-Vice President Joe Biden, who commanded very little respect on the world stage during his tenure as veep. If it can be believed, he commands even less, now. Ever since that moment I witnessed, Joe Biden and his staffers – with the help of Washington’s press corps – have been spinning the story 180 degrees away from how it actually happened.

After Biden lied about his prowess with Putin in a sickly sweet interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Putin pulled his ambassador out of Washington. It’s a pretty big move from Putin out of the blocks. Usually, if you fear a nation and its leader, you don’t start by pulling your ambassador. This is Putin’s telling the Biden regime: “We don’t need you, and we don’t fear you.”

It’s quite a stark difference from the Trump administration, which sanctioned Russia while engaging in diplomacy. The media chastised Trump for attempting to avoid a pointless conflict with Russia. That’s the same press that is now fawning over Joe Biden’s kowtowing to the Chinese Communist Party.

As an aside, Stephanopoulos never pressed Biden on how his son Hunter Biden was compromised by a Putin-friendly Moscow woman’s $3.5 million money transfer, as reported by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last September.

I documented what happened at Joe Biden’s one and only meeting with Vladimir Putin in my book Joe Biden Unauthorized. I can attest that the title of my chapter on the incident – Bitch Slapped in Moscow – is the actual truth.

Biden got bitch slapped, and he’s pretending he didn’t.

Putin knows what happened. He was there. He knows he compromised Joe Biden, who appeared unprepared to deal with the ruthless, former-KGB agent. Regardless, Joe continues to perpetuate his “I was the tough guy” lie.

As Joe Biden’s White House stenographer, I stood directly behind Putin at a distance of five feet. Biden, seated across from Putin at an elegant conference table, was about 12 feet from me.

About 10 minutes into the meeting, Vice President Biden attempted to start lecturing about his decades-old part in U.S.-Russian negotiations with the dreaded phrase, “I’ve been around a long time. The first time I was here…”

And… cut.


Biden gives ONE interview ever, as president, and royally fuck's up diplomatically with a nuclear country…

Bajingo 03-18-2021 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1595448)
So, two things:

A: Who is being forced to get the vaccine?

B: Are they the same people who are presently required to be vaccinated against Hepatitis, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Varicella as a condition of attending school or holding certain types of employment?

That seems like an irrational decision. But then, people in general are not known for always making rational decisions.

The Democrats and other fear mongers are calling anyone who has any questions/objections to the vaccine, assholes, anti-vax, anti-science and selfish. They are playing the moral card while ignoring the wants/needs of others, you remember the examples above.

There's nothing irrational about the decision, opposing people who constantly lie to you and disregard anything you say is pretty rational in my opinion.

You know you've been writing in a very "journalist/media personality" way lately, did your boss find your account?

Joe Perez 03-18-2021 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1595451)
The Democrats and other fear mongers are calling anyone who has any questions/objections to the vaccine, assholes, anti-vax, anti-science and selfish.

I wouldn't go so far as to use the term "Asshole." That, to me, implies a motivation based on malice. Eg: the desire to harm others.

A person who knows that they have HIV (or herpes, or whatever) and continues to have unprotected sex with other people, that person is an asshole.

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1595451)
There's nothing irrational about the decision, opposing people who constantly lie to you and disregard anything you say is pretty rational in my opinion.

This statement assumes that the vacciene (and, really, the disease itself) is naturally and inherently political in nature. Otherwise, refusing vaccination would not be characterized as a manifestation of "opposing people..."

Originally Posted by Bajingo (Post 1595451)
You know you've been writing in a very "journalist/media personality" way lately, did your boss find your account?

My tone of writing hasn't changed, it's still very centrist and objective. The rest of the sociopolitical landscape has simply become more polarized. People are more accustomed to being in echo-chambers today than in the past, so anything which does not conform to their beliefs, or assumes the role of the devil's advocate, seems more radical than it did previously.

Braineack 03-18-2021 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1595454)
A person who knows that they have HIV (or herpes, or whatever) and continues to have unprotected sex with other people, that person is an asshole.

Bro, you're in Chicago, how is your TV programming not inodiated with HIV/Herpes treatment commercials that glamorize and encourage unprotected sex; targeting black people and gay couples?

You've just aged yourself. HIV and Herpes is no concern to anyone anymore.

PrEP commercials blast here all day long on select channels (typical with black/gay programming)

Braineack 03-18-2021 02:58 PM


Braineack 03-18-2021 03:00 PM

The recall Gavin Newsom effort has collected 2,117,730 signatures.
1.5 million were needed to trigger the recall.
It’s typical to gather about 10-20% more signatures than are necessary because that’s about the average rate of invalid signatures.
They will now be scouring these signatures with a fine toothed comb to try and invalidate them, but it’s unlikely they’ll get enough tossed out to account for 600,000+.
Gavin has begun preparing for a campaign to try and win the recall election.
If this succeeds, it would be the second time in less than 20 years that California has recalled a democrat governor.
Some interesting details in the numerical breakdown of the signatories.
25% had no party preference.
Almost 50% were women.
And mailed were not sent to democrats, so the 9% of democrats that signed it, actually went out of their way to sign it.

Braineack 03-18-2021 03:52 PM

Everything is offensive.




Joe Perez 03-18-2021 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1595455)
Bro, you're in Chicago, how is your TV programming not inodiated with HIV/Herpes treatment commercials that glamorize and encourage unprotected sex; targeting black people and gay couples?

We do air the spots for the "suppress the symptoms of herpes so that you can continue to sleep around" ones. Especially during the mid-day syndicated block. (Maury, Daily Mail, etc.)

I wasn't aware of PrEP until you mentioned it. This area, surprisingly, isn't much of an AIDS hotspot. At least not compared to y'all in DC, where it's 39 per 100,000.

Here's a fun list, The top 20 US cities in terms of overall STD infection: https://www.insider.com/us-cities-wi...lamydia-2020-1

Oh, and this being the politics thread, I'd be remiss if I did not attempt to put a political spin on HIV. Here are the top ten US states in terms of HIV infections per 100,000 residents. I've color-coded it according to how that state voted in the 2020 election:


No big surprise seeing Florida at the top. Something about that state magnetically attracts the mentally ill.

The surprise is everything else on that. Straight 50/50 split. There appears to be zero correlation between HIV infection rate and the outcome of the various state-level 2020 Presidential elections.

Unless, as you continue to assert, the election results were fraudulently altered in order to favor Biden. In that case, Republican-voting states have a higher rate of HIV infection than Democrat-voting states.

Joe Perez 03-18-2021 06:43 PM

So, this is interesting.

Vladimir Putin has publicly challenged invited Biden to a live, online chat. In Putin's words:

“I want to propose to President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it basically live, as it’s called. Without any delays and directly in an open, direct discussion. It seems to me that would be interesting for the people of Russia and for the people of the United States. (...) I don’t want to put this off for long. I want to go the taiga this weekend to relax a little, so we could do it tomorrow or Monday. We are ready at any time convenient for the American side.”

Sadly, I doubt it will happen.

good2go 03-18-2021 06:54 PM

^^ Oh man, what I wouldn't pay to see that happen!

xturner 03-18-2021 09:33 PM

I suspect it would go something like a bare-knuckles fight between me and Mike Tyson - interesting for about 15 seconds, then they’d have to turn the cameras off.

Bajingo 03-18-2021 09:38 PM

Nahhhh, Putin would want to stretch it out. First round ko wouldn't be what he is after, he'd want the extra time to make Biden look as stupid as possible.

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