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-   -   The Current Events, News, and Politics Thread (https://www.miataturbo.net/current-events-news-politics-77/current-events-news-politics-thread-60908/)

Braineack 03-10-2021 09:12 AM

boom, headshot.


Braineack 03-10-2021 09:14 AM




Braineack 03-10-2021 09:16 AM


xturner 03-10-2021 11:04 AM


Diamond Dave 03-10-2021 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1594594)
I need to put together a Godwin's Law BINGO chart.

Yes, the plight of right-leaning people in America today is definitely the same as that of Jewish people in Europe in the late 1930s / early 40s.

Hang on, I hear footsteps outside. Gotta go hide under the floorboards.

Agree that comparison is ludicrous. However, it's only the Left is so rabid to restrict your Right to Free Speech that they will track you down, DOX you, report you to your employer, try to get you fired, etc.

Only Left leaning sites are restricting any non-Leftist/Socialist commentary. Youtube is taking down any video that insinuates the election was tampered with, for instance. Never mind the improper ballot handling the statistical improbability of the Biden surges, etc.

Braineack 03-10-2021 05:22 PM




Zaphod 03-11-2021 05:17 AM

Well - usually I try to keep myself out of this thread-

but as a history-interested German- I think this really is such a horrible comparison.
Willingly killing millions of people due to race, meaning, health vs. trying not to let even more people die of this bloody virus seems really far fetched...

hector 03-11-2021 06:20 AM

Did you find any of the "Trump is a Nazi", "conservatives are Nazis", "white people are Nazis", comparisons horrible or did they seem acceptable?

Plenty of shitposting from Brain with those and you never spoke up before.

chiefmg 03-11-2021 07:29 AM


Joe Perez 03-11-2021 09:15 AM

Originally Posted by Zaphod (Post 1594899)
but as a history-interested German- I think this really is such a horrible comparison.
Willingly killing millions of people due to race, meaning, health vs. trying not to let even more people die of this bloody virus seems really far fetched...

People who have lived their entire lives without ever experiencing hardship or oppression will tend to perceive minor inconveniences as oppressive.

This is increasingly true of those at the far-left and far-right, who believe that there is something to be gained from politicizing the matter.

Zaphod 03-11-2021 12:58 PM

Originally Posted by hector (Post 1594901)
Did you find any of the "Trump is a Nazi", "conservatives are Nazis", "white people are Nazis", comparisons horrible or did they seem acceptable?

Plenty of shitposting from Brain with those and you never spoke up before.

If you could count the times that my finger were itching to write something.
But I register that my patience tends to decrease with shit like that.
Still I will try to mostly stay out of this thread, because it’s a lot about the U.S. and
I don’t want to judge your politics too much- we got plenty of problems over here
to begin with...

Joe Perez 03-11-2021 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Zaphod (Post 1594929)
Still I will try to mostly stay out of this thread, because it’s a lot about the U.S. and I don’t want to judge your politics too much- we got plenty of problems over here to begin with...

Oh, by all means, all are welcome to judge our politics. :likecat:

Seriously, I very much appreciate the perspective of people who are not actually so accustomed to politics in the US that they've become numb to it, or who can objectively view it as outsiders, not having a personal stake in the situation.

Personally, I wish I were less indifferent to US politics. I probably would be if I genuinely believed that the outcome of any US election was going to have a significant bearing on how much my own government limits my liberty, takes my money, and uses it to bomb and / or subsidize foreign countries.

z31maniac 03-11-2021 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1594930)
Personally, I wish I were less indifferent to US politics. I probably would be if I genuinely believed that the outcome of any US election was going to have a significant bearing on how much my own government limits my liberty, takes my money, and uses it to bomb and / or subsidize foreign countries.

R's and D's are two sides of the same coin, is why. Outside of a few social issues, they all want to continue war, increase the welfare state (whether it's individuals for D's or corporations for Rs), remove privacy, etc, etc.

Joe Perez 03-11-2021 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1594931)
R's and D's are two sides of the same coin, is why.

Well, yes. That was the point.

What I am really curious about is this:

Most people with very strong allegiance to the Republican or Democrat parties speak as though the representatives of "their" party genuinely have the best interests of the nation in mind, and that everything would be OK if only the "other" side would just go away and let them do their work.

I wonder how many of them genuinely believe this to be true, and how many of them say these things as part of a calculated strategy.

This curiosity doesn't apply to the unwashed masses, of course. The ones waving confederate flags while wearing red hats obviously believe in the holiness of their god-emperor, just as the ones wearing pussy-hats and waving BLM flags with rainbow / trans-colored backgrounds obviously believe in the benevolence and grace of their democratic-socialist overlords.

No, I'm not talking about the flag-wavers. I'm talking about the architects of outrage: The billionaires and celebrities who use their fame and fortune to purchase and control platforms, the authors who pose as journalists and write opinion essays, the campaign managers, and so on. Those people who, to be blunt, actually matter insofar as steering the course of public opinion.

Braineack 03-11-2021 04:54 PM

today in clown world news:


Gas prices are up 15%.

$1.9 trillion dollars further into debt.

Crisis at the border.

DC is militarized.

The President is forgetting the names of people he's nominated (well, actually, he's forgetting everything and everybody).

Syria is being bombed again.

Books, products, and people are being cancelled.

Schools are still not fully open.

But yes, a f***ing cat question is pressing and important...


I guess this gave Psaki a question where she didn't have to "circle back to".

Braineack 03-11-2021 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Zaphod (Post 1594899)
Well - usually I try to keep myself out of this thread-

but as a history-interested German- I think this really is such a horrible comparison.
Willingly killing millions of people due to race, meaning, health vs. trying not to let even more people die of this bloody virus seems really far fetched...

The virus is only a small tool in a vast arsenal for the end-goal. You have to be completely desensitized and conditioned before you can go straight into freely exterminating white straight men. again, ill repeat it again: the Jews were extremely prosperous in Germany until they weren't.

I find it highly offensive to the millions and millions who lost their lives at the hands of fascist dictators and evil regimes, when you completely ignore their lessons from the past.




Ironic. Stupid. Ridiculous.

Our very own JW WAS BANNED for 24 hours today by Facebook for calling out hate speech that @google (specifically @youtube) allows to exist on their site.

We were CALLING OUT hate - not promoting it. JW asked the Question - would this be tolerable to Google is the same as said toward Muslims?

FB’s lackluster algorithm blocked this as hate. When he rebutted, the issue was checked by (presumably a person with a brain) and it was blocked again leading to his ban.

Of course a rational person would read and see our point but FB isn’t run by rational people, just Left-winged NPCs no doubt.

So be careful with calling out hate speech. They’ll flag you for hate speech. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/e..._200d_2642.pnghttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/e..._200d_2642.png

JW isnt too worried about the 24 Hour ban but it does hurt our page’s hopes of getting out of the dog house as it likely resets our “threat” to be unpublished. Oh well... we’ll carry on!

- KG

We scrubbed and reposted this to make sure we dont get flagged again. See original images here: https://parler.com/post/1c3a545e-2603-4452-a46e-4094fdf2b787

Joe Perez 03-11-2021 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1594963)
(Where is the cat?)

Jesus shawarma-eating Christ. I assumed that post was satire when I saw it. A very quick web search reveals, nope, the Ginger actually gave a direct response to a question, and employed a near-Trumpian level of hyperbole in doing so.

She's also revealed the President's favorite flavor of ice-cream:

TL;DR: it's as boring and unremarkable as he is. Chocolate chip.

Wait a sec...

Chocolate is of Olmec / Mayan origin. CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!

hector 03-11-2021 08:31 PM

I will argue and say chocolate is definitely of European manufacture. Cocoa in it's mouth puckering bitter pill hard to swallow form is definitely from the Americas before they were known as the Americas.

hector 03-11-2021 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Zaphod (Post 1594929)
If you could count the times that my finger were itching to write something.
But I register that my patience tends to decrease with shit like that.
Still I will try to mostly stay out of this thread, because it’s a lot about the U.S. and
I don’t want to judge your politics too much- we got plenty of problems over here
to begin with...

I imagine you as a German hearing comparisons to Nazis from people who have only fourth hand information from something that their phone screen told them to say must be like that sound of chalk screeching across a blackboard.

Having been born in Cuba, I get this same sensation whenever I hear someone talk about how great the free medical system is over there. Yeah, it's fucking fantastic. So good, people risked their lives in shark infested waters trying to make it to the USA so they can pay for theirs instead.

But hey, we need our entertainment and our government is rather entertaining.

Joe Perez 03-11-2021 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by hector (Post 1594982)
I will argue and say chocolate is definitely of European manufacture. Cocoa in it's mouth puckering bitter pill hard to swallow form is definitely from the Americas before they were known as the Americas.

The Europeans appropriated it from the native central Americans.

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