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Braineack 02-16-2021 03:04 PM

The disease is spreading!


Braineack 02-16-2021 03:06 PM


is Maricopa County requesting an injunction to try to block the Senate from investigating claims of election fraud because the AZ Senate is diseased, or is it because they are hiding something?

Love, Braineack.

Joe Perez 02-16-2021 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1593121)

is Maricopa County requesting an injunction to try to block the Senate from investigating claims of election fraud because the AZ Senate is diseased, or is it because they are hiding something?

I don't have enough information to give a meaningful answer to that question.

I can say, having spent some time in Maricopa (built a few radio studios there), that there's got to be something a little wrong with a person to want to live there. So very little would surprise me in that regard.

Braineack 02-16-2021 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1593108)

Allure is a fashion magazine.

is this the type of publication one would expect to read about what mari kart character the president picked ?

Asking for a friend.

Cause you really proved my point here...

Joe Perez 02-16-2021 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1593126)
is this the type of publication one would expect to read about what mari kart character the president picked ?

No, that would be Newsweek: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world...id/ar-BB1dI0Z0

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1593126)
Cause you really proved my point here...

Assuming that your point was "Orange man treated unfairly" as it usually is, I don't see how Jackie O's hat collection is relevant to that.

Or this this a Maricopa thing?


Braineack 02-16-2021 05:10 PM

Its a definition of journalism thing.

Joe Perez 02-16-2021 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1593129)
Its a definition of journalism thing.

Stop trying to objectively analyze the state of the press in the 20th / 21st century, and pay attention to this distraction:


good2go 02-17-2021 02:55 AM



Braineack 02-17-2021 09:24 AM

Joe Perez's peers paid for the Capitol to be "sieged"


It's also a total coincidence that he happened one of the first people in the building, with a CNN reporter, and to be standing next to the girl that was shot and killed by a still unknown officer...

It's almost like it was planned:


Braineack 02-17-2021 09:30 AM


Hitler and Jews were just cultural differences...

Braineack 02-17-2021 09:30 AM


remember, orange man is the racist.

Braineack 02-17-2021 10:04 AM


I simply dont understand why Anderson Cooper isn't berating him for the ~3000 deaths a day from "covid" that have happened since he took office and implemented his "Covid plan."

Braineack 02-17-2021 10:09 AM



Braineack 02-17-2021 10:10 AM

For Joe Perez:


I dont understand why she's and others are not blaming Biden. Trump got blamed for every other natural disaster. Like remember that time a Hurricane hit PR and the governor hid/kept supplies from her citizens in order to make Trump look bad?

Braineack 02-17-2021 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1593131)
Stop trying to objectively analyze the state of the press in the 20th / 21st century, and pay attention to this distraction:



Braineack 02-17-2021 11:29 AM


Do not upset the President. BAD COP GOOD.

Braineack 02-17-2021 12:12 PM


rent free.

screenshots from today (2/17/2021 12:13pm) :



DNMakinson 02-17-2021 08:56 PM


@Joe Perez I understand that you don’t get into politics at work, but could you at least pass on the engineering facts that electrical energy is measured in MWh NOT MW/h?


EDIT: The math in the article sucks as well, but that could be viewed as politics.

Joe Perez 02-17-2021 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by DNMakinson (Post 1593214)
@Joe Perez I understand that you don’t get into politics at work, but could you at least pass on the engineering facts that electrical energy is measured in MWh NOT MW/h?

Nope. I stay outta the news dept's content. That's a hard rule.

The facts do seem to be correct, however, units of measure aside. (I'm not sure that saying MW/h is actually incorrect, it's just awkward and unusual.)

I've long been interested in the national power grids, mostly because I have a hard time wrapping my head around how they achieve phase-synchronization across such phenomenal distances. The velocity of propagation of electricity in wire is less than the speed of light, typically around 60-70% or so. Thus, the quarter-wave distance of north American electricity is about 500 miles. So how the hell do you connect New York, Cleveland and St. Louis to the same grid, without cancellation?

(Simplified version: capacitors and inductors. Less-simple version: heavy wizardry, bordering on magic.)

Anyway, Texas is an odd case, because they have their own electric grid, almost completely separated from the rest of the US (but with some ties to Mexico.) And, yeah, they are heavily dependent on natural gas for power generation, around 45-50% depending on which dataset you look at. (It was 47.4% in 2019.)

Problem is, that gas ain't moisture-free. So plunge Texas into sub-freezing temperatures for a while, and that moisture starts to precipitate and freeze, clogging valves and shutting down compressor plants.

So while it's true that some windmills have been affected, they didn't account for a very large percentages of Texas' actual energy-production to begin with. Coal & nuclear account for a bit over 30%, with wind and a few other renewables filling in the last little bit. And, of course, the output from wind generation, being intermittent, is compensated for by excess capacity at peak-load stations, which mostly tend to be nat-gas, given the relative ease of dynamically adjusting their output (coal plants take a very long time to ramp up and down) and the almost directly linear cost-savings in doing so (nuke plants cost the same to run no matter what their output.)

Thus, the power would have gone out regardless of what the windmills were doing, since the nat-gas plants whose output they displace (when working) suffered the same fate, due to the fragility of their supply chain.

It should be noted that here in Illinois, where nuclear accounts for more than half our actual generation, with coal bringing in another 30-32%, the power has been solid this winter, just like it is every winter when it's -20°.

It's not about politics or green new deals: it's about the fact that power systems in this part of the country are built to deal with this sort of things. Same as how our roads stay open when there's a foot and a half of snow overnight, whereas a quarter-inch shuts down everything in places in which snow accumulation is so uncommon that the cost of maintaining an infrastructure capable of dealing with it is unjustifiable.

Joe Perez 02-17-2021 09:46 PM

Fun-fact: at about this time last year, when it got down to -22°F, the air-conditioners in our equipment room all stopped working (it was so cold that the refrigerant just stopped evaporating), and it got up to about 120° inside. Many machines failed, and we went off the air, both locally and nationwide. That was something that none of us had ever considered.

Now, the refrigerant lines are wrapped in heat-tape. Yes, we actually have the ability to heat the refrigerant in the system, so that it can continue to do its thing.

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