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chiefmg 02-03-2021 10:13 AM


Braineack 02-03-2021 01:17 PM

Imagine diving to recover a dead body, and finding the dude kicking it after 3 days underwater:


Harrison Odjegba Okene survived 3 days in air bubble under water

video in link.

Braineack 02-03-2021 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1592230)
No. It's just that self-hating white liberals can find something to be offended by literally anywhere.

If it wasn't for double standards...


Braineack 02-03-2021 02:52 PM

Just another funny meme about the hedge funds playing by a different set of rules and manipulating the markets:


Joe Perez 02-03-2021 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1592266)
(Ignores my rather amusing Klingon meme from earlier.)


Braineack 02-03-2021 03:19 PM

I stopped caring about anything Star Trek when AC/DC was used to disable computers.

Palpatine being alive and creating Snoook made more sense...

Joe Perez 02-03-2021 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1592269)
I stopped caring about anything Star Trek when AC/DC was used to disable computers.

? I missed that episode.


Braineack 02-04-2021 08:32 AM

My mistake, it was Beastie Boys. The movie Star Trek Beyond.

The disease is spreading and still running rampant, we should open indoor dining now like NYC while it's at the peak:


Michigan Election Officials are Ordered to Hand Over Records Of Communications with Tech Giants, Dominion Voting Systems

Michigan election officials are being ordered to hand over records of communications they had with tech giants such as Google and Facebook with regards to 2020 elections that were marred with credible fraud allegations.

Antrim County Circuit Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer is forcing Michigan election officials to produce all communications with Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple related to the 2020 elections.

Elsenheimer has also ordered Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and her Bureau of Elections to produce communications with Dominion Voting System and Election Source, the companies responsible for computerized voting systems in Antrim County and much of the state.


Democrat Lawyer Marc Elias Claims Faulty Voting Machines in New York Race

Marc Elias, the election lawyer who represented Democratic challenges to state rules throughout the 2020 election, alleged in a court filing this week that a close congressional race in upstate New York was marred by faulty voting machines.

Republicans have been vilified for making similar claims about the 2020 presidential race.

In the congressional race for New York’s 22nd district, Republican Claudia Tenney currently leads incumbent Democrat Anthony Brindisi by a razor-thin margin of 125 votes. Tenney declared victory on Tuesday, though challenges continue.

In a legal filing Monday requesting a manual audit of the election, Elias, whose Perkins Coie law firm is representing Brindisi, argued that there were “substantial errors and irregularities in the conduct of the election.”


Arizona Senate Resolution Threatens Arrest Of Maricopa County Board For Failure To Adhere To Subpoena For Election Equipment & Ballots.

The Arizona Senate is set to pass a contempt resolution finding that the Maricopa County Board has failed to comply with a subpoena demanding access to elections equipment and ballots cast in the November election, with the potential threat of arrest alluded to in the sure-to-pass resolution.

The Associated Press reported Wednesday:

The Senate introduced the resolution Wednesday afternoon. Timing on a full Senate vote is unclear, but all 16 Republican senators are listed as sponsors, meaning it is virtually certain to pass.

If the resolution is enacted, the five members of the county board could be arrested for failing to comply. It authorizes Senate President Karen Fann to take “all legal action” needed to enforce the subpoena.

The document (in full below) demands:

That the President of the Arizona Senate take all legal action pursuant to section 41-1153, Arizona Revised Statutes, to enforce the subpoena.
Section 41-1153 states:A. If a witness neglects or refuses to obey a legislative subpoena, or, appearing, neglects or refuses to testify, the senate or the house may, by resolution entered in the journal, commit him for contempt.

B. A witness neglecting or refusing to attend in obedience to a subpoena may be arrested by the sergeant-at-arms and brought before the senate or house upon authority of a copy of the resolution signed by the president or speaker, and countersigned by the secretary or chief clerk.

see also: Myanmar

Braineack 02-04-2021 08:35 AM

Gov's lawyer should be pre-disbarred:


Lawmakers override Beshear's vetoes, governor files suit to set up court battle

Lawmakers returned from their recess on Tuesday with the main action being an override of all six vetoes by Gov. Andy Beshear, which in turn prompted a lawsuit against three of the bills.

Of the seven bills passed by lawmakers during the first part of the 2021 session, the governor vetoed six, and allowed the seventh to become law without his signature.

Utilizing their super majority powers, they used the opening day of the second part of the short session to override the governor's actions.

--Senate Bill 1 limits a governor’s emergency executive orders to 30 days, unless an extension is approved by the General Assembly, meaning he would have to call them into a special session, for any emergency lasting longer than 30 days.

--SB 2 gives more legislative oversight of emergency administrative regulations enacted by executive branch agencies, including the governor’s office.

--HB 5 increases legislative oversight of executive branch agency reorganizations by the Governor.

jeez i wonder why the King vetoed the laws...

Braineack 02-04-2021 08:41 AM



Joe Perez 02-04-2021 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1592304)
(Everything is a giant conspiracy)


Joe Perez 02-04-2021 11:00 AM

Q Anon:


Braineack 02-04-2021 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1592315)

I've heard more about Q in the last 3-4 months from CNN than all of the internetz over the last 4 years.


Joe Perez 02-04-2021 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by DNMakinson (Post 1592082)
I find this interesting Rural votes worth worth more than Urban votes in State Elections. Imagine how that played out in the US Senate before the 17th Amendment.

I've never been able to fully form a solid opinion on the 17th Amendment.

Talking about direct-election vs. electoral college has been very popular over the past decade. And, prior to the 17th, the State Legislatures did function essentially as a de-facto electoral college, albeit one with a less-direct path to the electorate. But despite this, they did mostly tend to vote along party lines once the US settled into a mostly two-party system, which happened pretty much immediately approaching the end of President Washington's second term.

The concept of an electoral college sounds great, in principle. It's supposed to function as a check against the dim-wittedness of the average citizen. And it might have, had the US not devolved into partisanship so quickly in its history.

The concept of direct-election sounds great, in principle. It's supposed to function as a check against cronyism. Sadly, it fails to account for the fact that the loyalty of the electorate can be bought even more cheaply than that of the Legislatures. One of the greatest arguments here was made in 1893 by George Frisbie Hoar, who opined:

"I think that it is best to commit this great function of choosing the members of this body to the deliberate and careful judgment of men who are trusted with every other legislative function of sovereignty, and not to adopt a method which in practice will commit it to men whom the people trust with nothing else."

Averaged over time, both systems, in my opinion, will tend to produce similar outcomes.

EDIT: This is a lengthy, but good read on the subject: https://scholars.law.unlv.edu/cgi/vi...context=facpub

In the process of doing research for this post, I became aware of the fact that cooking salmon in the dishwasher is a real thing: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/...recipe-2013387

Joe Perez 02-04-2021 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1592316)
(Rep. Matt Gaetz is upset that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is being ousted from her position in the Committee on Education and Labor.)

So, wait...

This is a woman who has publicly claimed that:
1: The 2018 California wildfires were caused by a giant orbital space laser,
2: The 2012 Sandy Hook massacre was a staged hoax, and
3: 9/11 was an inside job, and / or the Pentagon was not actually struck by an airplane.

Not only does that kind of person not belong on the Committee on Education and Labor, they don't belong in Congress at all, and their presence is an example of the dangers of the electoral system as it exists in the US today. (Reference my previous post, regarding the 17th Amendment.)

Braineack 02-04-2021 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1592323)
So, wait...

This is a woman who has publicly claimed that:
1: The 2018 California wildfires were caused by a giant orbital space laser,
2: The 2012 Sandy Hook massacre was a staged hoax, and
3: 9/11 was an inside job, and / or the Pentagon was not actually struck by an airplane.

Not only does that kind of person not belong on the Committee on Education and Labor, they don't belong in Congress at all, and their presence is an example of the dangers of the electoral system as it exists in the US today. (Reference my previous post, regarding the 17th Amendment.)


Braineack 02-04-2021 02:29 PM

CNN is Q.


Joe Perez 02-04-2021 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1592327)

You do get the joke, right?

Q, from Star Trek (a franchise which you don't like anymore because a movie spin-off of it had music from The Beastie Boys in it), wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, which is commonly associated with Anonymous, a loose-knit and semi-anarchistic ideology which espouses creating chaos and discord among "establishment" institutions (governments, churches, etc), characteristics which are shared by the character of Q, who is played by actor John de Lance, who also voices a villain named Discord on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and that character (as its name implies), also possesses godlike powers which he used to create chaos and disharmony for his own amusement.

Anyway, I was going to go into a bit about Lauren Boebert who, while hot, and generally a person I agree with in terms of policy, is also a Qanon believer.

But then I considered the fact that, from your point of view, that would be a positive trait. So the meaning of my message would fail to land, and you'd be reading it and be like "WTF is Perez trying to say here?"

That being said, I'm just gonna default to this image of a comic book, which is a direct parody of the movie poster for Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), and THAT is how this all comes full circle, and wraps a nice little bow around the whole train of thought.


Braineack 02-04-2021 03:44 PM

I pretty sure the only people that believe in Q are CNN viewers. Q is psy-ops.

and no, im a star wars guy, not star trek.

Braineack 02-04-2021 03:51 PM



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