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poormxdad 11-20-2020 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by dieselmiata (Post 1586581)
It's not like there are separate ballots.

Correct. So why is it most of the down ballot counts were completed on election day evening, but the presidential race was still counting for days afterwards in just certain democrat controlled states?

While I do believe there could be republicans that would not vote for Trump, I do not believe any of them would vote a republican down ballot and fill in the oval for Biden. Just not happening. Biden is a doddering old fool that doesn't stand for anything. He doesn't even know what his party stands for. Or probably where he actually is right now...

Braineack 11-20-2020 02:12 PM

I actually know 4 "republicans" personally who did that.

To be fair one works for NPR and two others worked on Romney's campaign and all four live in Arlington Co.


can you get impeached the day you get sworn in?

Braineack 11-20-2020 02:21 PM

nothing to see here [anymore]...

Braineack 11-20-2020 03:08 PM

please ignore these numbers like you do the holocaust.


Skamba 11-20-2020 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1586621)
please ignore these numbers like you do the holocaust.


Covid does create this status https://elections.wi.gov/node/6788

I'd post more responses, but I really can't be arsed due to the bullshit asymmetry. Oh well, at least this thread gives good insight into the psyche of someone who's stuck in a filter bubble.

Braineack 11-20-2020 03:49 PM

There was no reason to check that box for COVID-19, there was however, a reason to check that box to skirt ID verifications.

so do election fraud deniers remind you more of Holocaust deniers or flat earthers??

Joe Perez 11-20-2020 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1586624)
Covid does create this status https://elections.wi.gov/node/6788

Damn you and your factual, evidence-based refutations.

But, yeah, indefinite ≠ permanent.

Also, I was not previously familiar with Brandolini's law, so :likecat: for me learning that today. (My :likecat: countered Brainey's :hatecat: and brought that post back to 0.)

The related phrase, Gish gallop, describes a phenomenon in the legal system which is so old and established that it never even occurred to me that a separate word or phrase would be needed to describe it in a non-legal context.

Specifically, the tactic of burying one's opponent in motions. Motions for discovery, motions to produce, motions to dismiss, motions to enjoin, motions requiring rebuttals, etc. It's called a Discovery Trap. Motions for Discovery tend to require a lengthy and involved response. So if you can out-intern your opponent in terms of manpower to produce and respond to frivolous motions, you can drain them to the point of being unable to perform effectively when the actual core case comes before the court.

Same basic idea.

Fun fact: Having become involved in precisely this sort of thing, as a first-year law student, contributed to my decision to climb back into my former profession. The idea that any silicon-valley law firm would seek to employ me, someone who had at the time been a law student for only a few months, in any sort of serious litigation, freaked me out more than I can possibly describe.

By comparison, the broadcast business, which Hunter Thompson described as "a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs" seems downright altruistic by comparison.

Stock 11-21-2020 12:37 AM

How to news in 2020


good2go 11-21-2020 02:47 AM

Originally Posted by Stock (Post 1586674)
How to news in 2020

^^ You're 4 hours late

See: https://www.miataturbo.net/current-e...5/#post1586557

Skamba 11-21-2020 04:36 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1586616)

Where do you think the empty envelopes go after they've counted the votes?


Skamba 11-21-2020 04:46 AM

BBC's coverage is surprisingly good - e.g. https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-55016029.

Braineack 11-21-2020 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by Skamba (Post 1586681)
Where do you think the empty envelopes go after they've counted the votes?



In new twist, Georgia governor urges audit of ballot envelop signatures to look for fraud

Brian Kemp also rallies behind future voter ID enhancements after certifying election results for Biden.

Updated: November 21, 2020 - 9:12am

Braineack 11-21-2020 09:05 AM

In other fake news:


Skamba 11-21-2020 09:08 AM

You do realize that hot-linking to Facebook doesn't work.


Braineack 11-21-2020 09:12 AM

This place used to grab urls and store them...guess not anymore.

Skamba 11-21-2020 10:33 AM

There are some addons like this one that allow you to quickly re-upload it to another site that allows hot-linking :-)

Braineack 11-21-2020 11:00 AM

sounds dirty.

Joe Perez 11-22-2020 01:07 AM


Skamba 11-22-2020 02:53 AM

This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated. One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence.

Plaintiffs’ only remaining claim alleges a violation of equal protection. This claim, like Frankenstein’s Monster, has been haphazardly stitched together from two distinct theories in an attempt to avoid controlling precedent.

@Joe Perez with your interest in the law, you might also enjoy the memo. I sure did. It's filled with legal burns of the Trump campaign.

Godless Commie 11-22-2020 03:49 AM

This just in:
Recount requests granted, recounts underway in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta.
New count yields zero votes for Biden, and none for Trump.
Official apology statements to follow.

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