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Stock 09-12-2014 03:53 PM

What's in your sink?

eduTechnic 09-12-2014 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by Stock (Post 1166745)
What's in your sink?

Crocheted dish rag. Damn I know my way around the kitchen.

concealer404 09-12-2014 04:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Stock (Post 1166745)
What's in your sink?

Mom's spaghetti.


Jeffbucc 09-12-2014 04:37 PM

Yup, the grandma homemade crocheted dish rag. I don't like supporting corporate conglomerations to wash my dishes...:facepalm:;)

I just hope I don't miss registration Sunday. An I-15 bridge got washed out(like, completely gone) due to 5 inches of rain in an hour, and traffic is diverted way the hell out to US-93. Hear it adds anywhere from 2-4 hours to a 2 hour drive.

doward 09-12-2014 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by Jeffbucc (Post 1164563)
After answering a billion questions from different people I got tired of it pretty fast and even tried to get Vlad's friend to act like the owner and answer the question with generic Russian statements.

This was seriously a top 5 moment of the weekend.

Originally Posted by Jeffbucc (Post 1164563)
I'm just sad I had to bail on Dan, I hope he got access to another car for his morning heat.

Dont worry about me! Like we discussed, I already had another agreement to fill at least 2 sessions. I actually ended up on track for 6 in total. 4 driving, 2 riding with Ryan Passey(ThePass) and Moti(Blackbird Fabworx)

Glad youre ok, car, business, and all! :rofl:

EO2K 09-12-2014 04:50 PM

Ooo, bunny butchery. Not to "one up" you, but I did the same with a skunk in my Mustang back in the day. Top half ended up in the radiator/condenser and bottom half ended up spraying its contents all over the underside of the car. I've never experienced anything quite as rancid as skunk spray burning off an exhaust system.

concealer404 09-12-2014 05:00 PM

Human meat smells kindof fun burning on a hot exhaust pipe.

The resulting burn on my leg for the next couple weeks wasn't so fun, though.

Jeffbucc 09-12-2014 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by doward (Post 1166769)
Dont worry about me! Like we discussed, I already had another agreement to fill at least 2 sessions. I actually ended up on track for 6 in total. 4 driving, 2 riding with Ryan Passey(ThePass) and Moti(Blackbird Fabworx)

Glad youre ok, car, business, and all! :rofl:

Oh man, sounds like you had an absolute riot on the track! Good to hear man.

The last couple hours of the drive were a little scary. I had the windows rolled down, Rage Against the Machine playing at 11, and many slaps self inflicted so that I would get there without passing out.

Originally Posted by EO2K (Post 1166774)
I've never experienced anything quite as rancid as skunk spray burning off an exhaust system.

I'm gavomiting at the thought of that smell. That is the thing of nightmares...you win sir.

Originally Posted by concealer404 (Post 1166775)
Human meat smells kindof fun burning on a hot exhaust pipe.
The resulting burn on my leg for the next couple weeks wasn't so fun, though.

Same with human hair burning. Hard to get that smell out of your nose. When I was in highschool I was lighting our grille for some burgers, and the pilot wasn't sparking. So I decided to lean over the grille as I lit it manually like the dumb shit I was...burned off my eyebrows and half my hippy hair due to the nuclear mushroom cloud of fire and finished the second half of high school with a shaved head. I swear I smelled burnt hair for days.:bowrofl:

turbofan 09-12-2014 08:13 PM


revlimiter 09-12-2014 10:57 PM

Cold magnetic object stick like shit. Er... poorly. They stick very poorly. When they're warm and can conform to a door, they work great. But on a cold morning? No sir.

Definitely bring tape. Also, the turbo heat shield is great for warming numbers and breakfast burritos.

18psi 09-12-2014 11:05 PM

Very cool on the ID's and pump. :party:

Jeffbucc 09-12-2014 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by revlimiter (Post 1166860)
Cold magnetic object stick like shit. Er... poorly. They stick very poorly. When they're warm and can conform to a door, they work great. But on a cold morning? No sir.

Definitely bring tape. Also, the turbo heat shield is great for warming numbers and breakfast burritos.

Cold morning in Vegas?:rofl: I did not know that about cold affecting the magnets, makes sense though.

So glad I am not the only one that thinks the FM heatshield is the perfect size for a couple strips of bacon and eggs!:rofl:

Originally Posted by 18psi (Post 1166864)
Very cool on the ID's and pump. :party:

I am excited to have a non-lumpy idle and less than 70% duty cycle on the pump.

The RC750s idle for crap.

Jeffbucc 09-13-2014 10:22 PM

Question real quick.

What is the easiest way to run off wastegate rather than my EBC without messing with my tune substantially? Just set I & D to 0% and P to 100%?

Reason I ask is I think I am going to run off just wastegate tomorrow for a little more control, and a lot less burning my rubber. I know I know lrn2drive.:noob:

Will doing so affect other areas of my tune? mainly VEAL?

18psi 09-13-2014 11:14 PM

If the "other areas" were tuned when the car was tuned, it will be fine. If not, you might need to do some touch up tuning. Best way is to wire in a switch to the grounding wire off the ebc, and have the choice of switching between the two at the flick of a switch.

For now just disconnect the wire

Jeffbucc 09-13-2014 11:17 PM

I'm guessing the switch needs to be inline on the ground wire?

Gracias party member Vladimir.

18psi 09-13-2014 11:31 PM

Da, comrade

Jeffbucc 09-14-2014 09:23 PM

Well that was a painful day. 99º and no clouds and no wind. Everyones cars were overheating, half of the cars bailed after lunch, tire traction was laughable at best(no one was getting good results), and it didn't help it was a very fast setup with hard braking regions.

After futzing with my normal tune I yanked my ebc and ran off wastegate(10-12psi) I got my best result. Adjusted my VEAL to compensate for dropping 1k elevation and it helped a lot, but I was running pretty rich all day long and 10 miles from home I toasted my wideband sensor. I think it was already on the way out since it was the original sensor on the wrecked car.

Car ran like a top though. Didn't get past 210º coolant temps and ran strong all day long. Took a couple people for rides and had a little fun "sliding" through the track. We were laughing our asses off. Helps that I don't take the times to seriously so I wasn't bothered by the lack of traction, I just wanted to have fun.

My best time of the day was 54.7. Best overall time was around 49.5 by a guy in a Mazdaspeed(prepared category). Not bad, not great, but I am coming to hate these Rivals after driving a car with RS3s. So much more feedback and lateral grip! Huge Miata turn out. Think there was around 20 of us. Fun time with a bunch of great guys.

To be honest, if I want to do anything, I need to get 15x9 or 10s with 245 Hoosiers. I just can't get the traction I want, even just running wastegate.

I'll upload the rest tomorrow, but I am sunburned, and hideously dehydrated even after downing a couple gallons of water.

Excuse the clunking. The mic fell onto the floor behind the seat and a water kept tapping it.:crx:

Efini~FC3S 09-15-2014 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by Jeffbucc (Post 1167192)
I need to get 15x9 or 10s with 245 Hoosiers. I just can't get the traction I want, even just running wastegate.

That is literally the WORST thing you could do.

I mean, sure the 15x9s are a great idea but going with Hoosiers this early in your driver "development" is a huge, HUGE mistake.

Learn how to drive on shitty tires with no grip/traction and you will be way, way better off for it.

Honestly, you'll never be able to get the traction you want. There's NEVER enough grip. Trust me.

Are you taking tire temperatures? Hot air pressures? Checking your alignment throughout an event? etc. etc. I'd be willing to bet that there's grip left in your set up as is.

Ryan_G 09-15-2014 10:46 PM

I second that Hoosier's sounds like a terrible idea. From what I understand when they let go they just let go. There is no warning. You will be traveling very fast and then have no grip. You may end up putting that beautiful car into a wall. Stick with high performance street tires for a while.

Jeffbucc 09-15-2014 10:46 PM

I haven't bought a pyrometer yet but I have been playing with tire pressure after every single heat. Took 2 seconds off my time with 38 in the rear and 36 in the front after being around 30-32.

You do bring up a very valid point on going to them too early. I just wish I could utilize the cars potential more, but seem to be hitting a wall when it comes to applying said potential. I realize that 300hp @2300lbs is too much for autocross on Rivals but we'll see with some more seat time.

On the alignment note, this is the second time my steering wheel was knocked off center after an autocross. Is this a normal thing that happens to a lot of people or is the alignment shop just not torquing the alignment bolts enough?

Talking to most of the Miata guys at the event, almost every single one of them was running RS3s and were all giving me looks like, "why are you using Rivals?"

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