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Old 06-07-2009, 06:15 PM
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Default Ultimate "NOOBS Read This First STICKY!"


So, you decided to join the forum… WELCOME!

The Miata community is a pretty solid bunch overall. There are some really smart people around here…and by smart, I mean engineering, physics, mathematics, fabrication, innovation… very smart people with the lots of hands-on experience in many disciplines who just happen to have a car habit, and recognize the Miata as a singularly excellent place to spend their money.

Who am I…? I’m just some random guy who strolled in one afternoon and took an instant liking to the bunch. I started out like you probably… I just got a new car and my head was instantly filled with ways to spend money on it. I had questions, concerns, desires… but really had no clue where to start. I was sure I knew what I wanted, and of course I was completely wrong. I’m going to help you right now whether you think you need it or not… if you’ll just give me 10 minutes of your time and keep reading.

Are you some 16yr old kid who doesn’t take **** from anybody and so-help-you-God you’re gonna install Lambo doors on your $500 1990 no matter what your parents say?

Are you a 22yr old college student tired of getting spanked by your buddies ‘82 Cimarron?

Are you a 30yr old w/2kids and a mortgage and friend just let you autocross his prepped Mini and now you’re hooked, but can’t stand the idea of front wheel drive because you learned to drive on a 5.0 Mustang?

Are you 45, kids are gone to college, money isn’t tight, and you remember when growing up, Mr Jones down the street had a Nova SS and a 20yr old trophy-wife… but your wife says she gets to drive whatever you buy so a Viper is out and if you leave her, she’s taking everything?

If this is you, or you can kinda see yourself fitting in one of these types, then you’re in the right place… except if you mention Lambo doors I promise you’ll get banned. The most important part is that you’re here. So now that you’re here, what next? You need answers, right? Guess what… WE HAVE THEM! The probability that somebody on this forum has the answer to your questions approaches 100% by about 8pm PST. We want you here!!!. The more people we have in the community, spending money, contributing to the growth of the market, adding inventiveness and ingenuity with new approaches and ideas, the better it is for all of us. I personally hate it when a new guy shows up, says something dumb, and gets crapped on (even if I’m doing the crapping). We’ve just potentially run off the next wunderkind and he’ll head over to the Malibu forums where they’re all very sweet to each other but drive cars more gay than ours. Yes, it’s the new guys’ own damn fault, but veterans and regulars JUST GET TIRED OF THE NEVERENDING RIVER OF RETARDED NOOBS WHO THINK FORUMS WERE INVENTED THIS WEEK! Forums have been around for a decade or so… nothing is new. Fill out your info, make a good intro thread, search, read the sticky’s, post pics, punctuate… EASY!

Ooops, that last sentence let the cat outta the bag. Keep reading, I promise you’ll thank me!

Once you’ve registered and logged in for the first time, take a second and do a few things:

USER CP: on the left-hand side of the page… click it. Go through all the categories and fill out some of the basic information in there. We don’t need to know your hobbies or life story, but the important stuff is as follows:

LOCATION: writing SoCal or Midwest doesn’t help anybody… put the name of your city. People are much more likely to respond to your threads with locally relevant information if they know where you live. Trust me!

SIGNATURE: your signature appears at the bottom of every post you write. It doesn’t have to be your vehicle’s entire history. Year, trim, basic setup and mods, power output, etc… just the basics. When in doubt, look at what other people on the forum are putting in there and fill it in. If you don’t do this, EVERY TIME you start a thread you’ll need to remind people of what you drive… it gets old. It just takes 2 or 3 lines.

EDIT OPTIONS: look through the options. The one you’ll really like is NUMBER OF POSTS PER PAGE… bump it up to the maximum. More posts per page equals less reloads and backtracking. ENABLE PRIVATE MESSAGING is pretty much.

You can be as active as you like on the forum, or as invisible. But remember, IF YOU WANT ANSWERS, THE BEST ANSWERS, THE ANSWERS THAT PERTAIN MOST TO YOU, TIMELY ANSWERS, just fill in the quick & dirty stuff I’ve highlighted here. People will see that you care enough to do this stuff and it really makes a difference in the responses you get.

Last hint:
NEW POSTS: This function is on the main bar across the top of the forum. Every time you log in, just click this link… and only threads that have been started or posted in since the last time logged in will be returned. It beats the hell out of searching every single forum every time you log in. If you log in once-per-day, you’ll probably have about 3-5pages of threads to sift through if you’ve bumped up your NUMBER OF POSTS PER PAGE count to the forum maximum of 60. In EDIT OPTIONS at the bottom, you can also individually select which forums the NEW POSTS function will look in.
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:15 PM
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WOW… so you think you’re ready? OK, we’ll make this one easy. There’s a special forum specifically in place for first threads. It’s called the MEET & GREET FORUM! If you want to make a good impression, get your feet wet, and knock out a few initial posts to get a little closer to being able to PM people, then your “HI, NEW GUY HERE” thread is key. Just a casual introduction is fine… pictures of your car (linked through HTML from Photobucket/Flickr/etc…)… perhaps some of your initial goals… racing experience… job… other cars… etc…

If you want to know how to make a really good or bad intro thread, JUST READ A FEW OF THE OTHER INTRO THREADS IN THE M&G FORUM THAT HAVE A LOT OF REPLIES! They were either awesome, or sucked so bad that everybody jumped in there to ridicule the lame new guy.

Title: Hi
Message: “Hi, new guy here. My Miata is slow. I love lamp. 1st post complete.”

Title: Hey, NOOB from San Diego, My ’99 is way too stock!
Message: “Hello all, my name is Sam and I just bought a mint 50k mile base ’99. Pics are up for you to look at. I’ve owned a few Miatas before, but this is my first time on the forum. I’m gonna start out with some suspension basics and work my way up to a mid-size turbo. I’m in the Navy and the wife is a nurse. Let me know where all the locals hang out, I’d love to meet up!”

WOW, already for number 2 huh… wanna bet?
First, click these links and watch… better yet, watch each one twice for laughs:

If you’ve got a sense of humor, maybe you’re rethinking that second thread?

Since you were actually thinking about a second thread, I bet you’ve got a question on your mind:
1: You were reading a thread and didn’t understand a word/acronym/technical issue/etc…
2: Your buddy at work said his single-cam Honda makes 300whp on the stock fuel injectors and you want to know if it’s possible on a Miata.
3: Your Mom is worried since you bought a Miata that you might be gay.
4: Your boyfriend says Miata’s are for ****.
5: You’re wondering who makes turbo kits? Are ebay turbo kits any good? What tires are good? What’s a PCV? What’s the deal with Hustler?

If you watched those videos, you know where I’m going with this…
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:16 PM
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Why in the hell would you start a thread, ask a question, come back several times over the next couple hours or days, and learn the exact same information you could have learned by simply looking up the info for yourself in about 3 seconds. What is your time worth? When you go to the magazine store, do you walk straight up to the guy at the counter and ask him if they carry Asian Midgets Monthly? NO, you go over to the fetish rack and look for yourself. Why? Embarrassed? NO, because you want to get the hell out before anybody you know spots you. Do the same thing here, don’t waste your time or ours… SEARCH! I promise that in the 20year history of Miata’s, you’re not the only guy who has had the question you’re thinking about… it’s virtually impossible.

So, what’s a SEARCH? Vbulletin (the forum software) has a really good SEARCH engine built into it. It’s just like Google except it only works inside the forum. It’s also a little dumber in some ways than Google. SEARCHing is an art-form, just like people pride themselves on their Google’ing, you must master the SEARCH, or people will let you know in short order that your skillz are not up to par.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS do an ADVANCED SEARCH. If you were to type clutch into a regular SEARCH, every single time that word appeared in any thread, it would get returned. Even if the thread was about a guy talking about a 3 pointer with 2 seconds left… “a clutch jump-shot”. You want to do TITLE SEARCHES, and limit those searches to specific forums. Just look at the ADVANCED SEARCH menu, and tailor the software to return quality threads. Sometimes no matter what you do, there are 250 threads returned and none of them seem relevant…

So now you need to consider if you’re asking the right SEARCH keyword. Some people just don’t know how to title their threads, as follows:
My car is slow, what do I do?
I’m looking for more power?
It’s like there’s an anchor hooked to my bumper.
Cheap modifications for some extra oomph?
A little extra horsepower would be nice.
And I thought my daughters’ Power Wheels Barbie Jeep was slow off the line!

Those threads are all pretty much about making some more horsepower… not a huge amount of power, but just a few extra ponies. The point is, the threads ARE ALL ABOUT THE EXACT SAME SUBJECT, but none of them sound the same… take this lesson on-board when SEARCHING… AND DON’T GIVE UP AND START A NEW THREAD SIMPLY BECAUSE YOUR FIRST SEARCH RETURNED NOTHING… try a few different things and remember this when titling your own threads. Guys want to get “creative” with their thread titles… it never works.


The word Google has been entered into Websters: “to Google”. DEFINITION: when you want to know the answer to anything on earth about any subject of any age and in any language, no matter how technical, Google it. This applies directly in doing your homework on Miata stuff. Just like doing an Advanced SEARCH within a forum, Google has their own ADVANCED SEARCH. Are you tired of returning 490,000 hits for something? Just click on Advanced Search next to the big SEARCH button and fill in the blanks to return a more narrowed down set of links. I promise that if you Google anything related to Miata and turbo’s, about half the returns will be links to threads on this website… sometimes Google is better at searching than it’s internal search is.

Sticky’s are located as the first few threads at the top of each forum. They say “STICKY” next to them. Before you start a thread in a new forum, be sure to read the STICKY’s. If you ask a question that was answered in a STICKY, be prepared to look like a fool. STICKY’s are important for the singular purpose of educating the new guy (YOU, MAN). The most commonly asked questions by new guys are answered in STICKY’s so the regulars and veterans don’t have to repeat themselves 20 times per week answering the same questions… “How about just a little more power?” This also keeps the veterans interested in answering GOOD QUESTIONS by new guys.

Sticky’s have the secondary purpose of keeping the forum “uncluttered”. Nobody wants 10 threads on the front-page all about the same thing… that doesn’t do anybody any good. When a moderator sees that a particular topic keeps coming up repeatedly, and it’s information that will benefit the entire forum body, it usually gets STICKY’d.


Well, in addition to this thread on general forum etiquette, we’ve got a few more mega-important NOOB-centric help threads:

Additionally, we share a great relationship with… they have a few FANTASTIC technical collections that you should be familiar with. There is A LOT OF INFORMATION IN HERE: GARAGE: FAQ:

There’s also a Miataturbo WIKI with a crap-load of the basics:
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:16 PM
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“hi gize, dis ebay tubroz lookz sweet is anibuddy usin it I want to roxxs it b4 my bff getz NOZ for his cIvIc.”

If you write something like this, I PROMISE that you will not receive good answers to your questions. Any answers you do get will be given by people just like you, clueless children who never made it past the 3rd grade. If you insist upon text-typing and not using commas and periods, then you’re wasting your time here. Perhaps on some other forum that kind of crap is acceptable, but not here. Quality information, presented in an easy-to-understand format, organized by members who give a **** it what this place is all about. The members who you want to answer your questions… you know, the really smart ones… will not read crap like that. They simply won’t read it. THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH VERY WELL… some of our best members are ESL types… those guys usually apologize up-front for their bad grammer, and we typically respond with answers that are a little more precise and have less slang to make it easier on them. Our fellow Miata turbo brothers from around the world often know about **** we don’t, and we welcome them and their poor English (most Scandanavians speak better English than I do anyways). But if you speak English every day, and can’t manage to start your sentences with a capital letter, or put a period at the end… don’t expect anything but **** from the forum. It’s not that WE’RE being snobbish, it’s that YOU’RE AN ADULT, and adults should have standards in all arena’s, even the internet.

“Take it easy man, this is the internet, I don’t have to make sense or use periods and YOU must give me the information I need”… no, we don’t… and no, we won’t.

Here’s why. How many douchebag ******** do you think are riding the bus to their job at Applebee’s, look out the window, see a car they might like to buy someday if they didn’t have an IQ of 80, and feel the absolute overwhelming urge to join a forum and ASK A QUESTION RIGHT ******* NOW? There are many people like this. They start threads like the one above. They never get the information they’re looking for and they never come back. They’ll never spend a dime with any of the sponsors who support the forum, and they’ll never contribute anything to the forum except wasted bandwidth. These douche’s are easy to spot. They never fill out any of their profile information, they post in the wrong forum, they have “drift” somewhere in their username, and without fail, they ask something that is answered in a STICKY.

“You’re just a lame ******* Grammar ****!” Well… fine, maybe a little, but I also have the information you’re looking for and know how to save you $500 on the cost of that repair you don’t need… but I just passed up your little thread because my 9month-old had a little poopie leak past her diaper that’s more interesting than reading your lame-*** attempt at coolness by skipping all vowels and bypassing the shift key for 4 paragraphs.

To: Joe is going to the store. (to is a preposition, and begins a prepositional phrase).
Too: Joe is going to the store too. (Adverb: 1st use of TOO, to replace the word ALSO).
Too: Joe is going to the store too often. (Adverb: 2nd use of TOO, to indicate EXCESS).
Two: The number 2, as in 1+1=two.
All: Too often, Joe takes two friends to the store too.
Take the test:

There: There is a turbo under my hood. (used to indicate a place, either concrete or abstract)
Their: Their job is to read this thread. (used to indicate the possessive)
They’re: They’re going to win this race. (they’re is a contraction, short for they are)
All: At last, they’re going to install their turbo under the hood there.
Take the test:

If a NOOB refuses to follow the above advice, it’s probably because they’re simply not very smart… as in a dumb person… low IQ… little-man syndrome… E-thug… personality disorder… etc… If you ask them politely to make an attempt at better communication, they immediately start talking ****. Don’t worry, they won’t understand anything you tell them even remotely technical and have started yet another useless thread that will hinder future NOOBs by adding to the myriad of bullshit threads that cause NOOBs searching headaches in the first place. This forum prides itself on accurate technical information and is engineered to spoon-feed NOOBs everything they need to know to get started. We try to keep the forum free from bullshit repetitive threads by having good Sticky’s, and being a little tough on NOOBs from the get-go. Anybody with even the slightest sense of humor will get past the initial hazing and move on to be a productive member of the forum. The douchebags who were never going to last anyways get defensive, call us ********, and leave. Bye-Bye!
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:16 PM
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The short and simple answer is… NO. You can’t just be on your way. At some point after you make a post or thread, you’ve got to come back to see the responses. How long will you let your pot soak? (Deadliest Catch reference) A couple hours might be fine… a couple days… a week? How much is your time worth? Come on now, make an honest assessment of the value of your time. $10hr… $20hr…more? If you’re still reading, this has taken you about 20 minutes if you watched the videos. After you do all the **** I recommend and then read this thing again to make sure you didn’t miss anything… you’re probably in to me for about $5 bucks… thank you. BUT NOW, think about how much time reading this thread is gonna save you… you’re welcome

Learning to SEARCH pays for itself the very first time you use it.
Putting your location in your PROFILE lets Joe across town offer you his spare hardtop at half the price he’s gonna put it on Craigslist for.
Making a good intro thread sets the table for your reputation forever… people on this forum remember that stuff for a long time!
Having a sense of humor and knowing that if you act like a douchy NOOB you’re gonna get treated like one… priceless!
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:17 PM
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I’m going to quantify everything that follows by saying that I have very few technical thoughts that are my own. I do a lot of homework and pay attention (or try to) to the really smart guys around here. I DO KNOW WHAT I LIKE… and I like going fast for cheap. I like clean looks, but if it comes down to a choice, I will choose function over form every time. Somewhere you have to make a tradeoff between speed/looks/money. I think I’ve got a good handle on the balance between those 3, and when I see something I like, it’s because I’ve already done the math and know I can afford it and it doesn’t look like ***… or maybe it does but it works so well I’ll just paint it and try not to look at it. I won’t go out of my way to make or buy something ugly just because it works (maybe I will just to laugh at myself for the attempt and be stoked 10k miles later that it’s still working), but now you know where I come from.

How I go about “thinking” what to do with my car:
First, you’ve gotta have a baseline… what’s fast? What’s slow? To do this, YOU’VE GOTTA GET A RIDE/DRIVE IN A FEW MORE MIATAS!!! If you do not belong to a Miata Club, why not? When you’ve decided that your baseline isn’t fast enough, you need to decide how much faster you want to go. Most people equate this to a power gain… as in horsepower. OK, so how do I get more horsepower… WAIT! How much are we talking about… 10/20/30whp… or 150whp… or 300whp… how much? There’s an old saying that people throw around… “Speed is money, how fast do you want to go?” There’s some truth to that, but come on… just answer the question! Really… it’s not that easy. If you want to double (or triple) that power, you’re gonna need to upgrade some other parts in the process, or beforehand. Where do you start then? How about starting with whether it’s POWER that you want. If you’re talking about speed around a track, you can add 10whp or get some swaybars and lower your laptime by the same amount. Some guys want a better 0-60 time, ask yourself this (How often do you sit at a stoplight, rev the engine to 7k and dump the clutch… burning every gear to redline and no-lift shifting down the avenue? Is an extra 20whp going to make you start doing that? Why do you care about 0-60time?) Maybe it’s some extra freeway passing power that you want… the safe feeling that you WILL be able to get in front of that semi-truck you see in the slow lane when coming up an on-ramp? What exactly does your Miata NOT DO now that you want it TO DO when you’re done spending money. You have to answer this question… otherwise how the hell do you know what to buy? Be very specific as you lay down your plan! If you’re like me, every dollar gets examined. I won’t spend a damn penny unless I know the extra cent will make my car faster than if I just threw the penny out on the sidewalk and lost 6grams of weight.

Nothing is more important than this (except maybe one thing). You’ve gotta have something to anchor your build (money spending) on… something you base your decisions around… something that determines why you buy one part over another. Something that tells you when enough is enough and you’re fine with that. Lots of things will determine this number… what do you need the car to do? Remember that the Miata weighs around 2200lbs... 1100lbs less than a new Mustang, 650lbs less than an S2000.

Nothing is more important than this (except maybe one thing). You’ve gotta have something to anchor your build on… something you base your decisions around… something that determines why you buy one part over another. Something that tells you when enough is enough and you’re fine with that. Lots of things will determine this number… but mostly it’s how much your wife will let you have until she makes you sleep in the car. Remember, each dollar you spend needs to put you one step closer to achieving your end goal… why buy a header now when you intend to buy a turbo-kit in 6 months?

Somebody is gonna have to put all this stuff together… you? Labor charges for a mechanic/machinist/tuner is not cheap. You can pretty much plan on spending $1000 to have somebody install and tune on your average complete turbo kit. A decent garage, metric tools, torque wrenches, jackstands, and the ***** to dig in and start unbolting things can be a decent undertaking in itself. Hint: this is where having friends, AND JOINING THE LOCAL MIATA CLUB comes in handy. There is a very large DO-IT-YOURSELF (DIY) community within the larger Miata community who are not shy about diving right in themselves and building/designing/fabricating/engineering every single last part that’s going on their car themselves. How good are you? Your amount of good directly translates into money saved… and since Miatas are so cheap to begin with, go ahead and screw something up if you like, replacement stock parts practically fall off trees.

So, how long is this gonna take? It depends on what you’re doing and how much money you have. Some guys (I have a big box in the garage right now) buy parts in anticipation of installing them when the time is right. Some guys want to get boosted this weekend. Some guys are going to Iraq and have 12 months to ponder their decisions and save money. Whatever you decide to do, START DOING IT! Then, be persistent-but-patient as the days or months go by. If you want 300whp and have 6 months until the start of summer, but also need suspension/brakes/tires/rollbar, you’ve gotta plan that stuff in. You could always blow $8k on the Visa in the next 20minutes (I wish), but that never seems to make somebody as happy as sitting down with Excel and coming up with a total plan of attack and sticking to it.

When you have a POWER GOAL, have SET A BUDGET, decided WHO IS DOING THE WORK, and decided HOW SOON DO I WANT THIS DONE… then do your homework on parts and ****, and start buying.
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:17 PM
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Wow, very nice work, Sam. Thread stickied.
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:28 PM
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Can this be linked somehow to the first time you activate your account? This really is brilliant.
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Old 10-13-2009, 09:36 PM
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Last edited by 3B'dB3; 10-14-2009 at 11:40 AM.
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:55 PM
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Thanks for this thread! As a n00b, I can honestly tell you that this makes this whole forum thing much more clear! So I just wanted to thank you and let you know that it works.
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Old 06-26-2011, 09:13 AM
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Nice information, it will be helpful to me as a new member.
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Old 11-19-2011, 08:12 PM
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Thanks for a great thread for us n00bs. Very informative and witty! Got to love learning while at the same time laughing.
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Old 11-30-2011, 10:34 PM
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Thank you great info on setting priorities on your build!.
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Old 12-06-2011, 03:29 AM
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Wow & thanks! One of the best Noob FAQ's of all the forums I frequent!
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Old 12-13-2011, 02:34 PM
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I finally took the time to read all of this, it really cleared up a lot of the basic questions i had! Just thought I would say thanks!
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Old 01-11-2012, 07:17 PM
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I think I'm starting to like this sam fellow. Well done.
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Old 02-01-2012, 05:05 PM
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Default nOOb from Alabama (ROLL TIDE!)

This is my first try at this forum/thread stuff, so be GENTILE! I've got a 95 bone stock NA. Black on black, 5 speed, M edition? ( ps, pb, cc, air, pw, ect...). The car has 193k+ on it and the engine is kinda tired. I have not made up my mind yet if to rebuild and add turbo or look for a salvage used turbo engine. Right now I'm just stalking y'all to see what is happen out in Miata land.
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Old 07-17-2012, 09:26 PM
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Wow! Thank you for the info. The first forum ive been in with someone who took the time to explain exerything.
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Old 07-22-2012, 02:47 PM
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i agree to these terms by submitting this reply....
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Old 04-14-2013, 10:09 AM
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With MT's reputation of raping ignorant NOOBS, I'm glad I read this and will do my best to avoid Hustler's wrath.
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